John arrived at the Marigold Hotel just to drop by and surprised Catherine. He came inside the Presidential Suite#1, unannounced. He was sitting on the sofa, examining several photos of the warehouse that Allan had sent him on his mobile phone.

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The warehouse is just one hour drive from Cavite City. It was situated in a sleepy village, used to be a rice warehouse 'coz the last businessman who rented it was a rice and corn dealer. The whole place was bare inside, it's a 3000 square foot steel warehouse building. Just perfect for his next project. The owner wants a total of 3 months advance and nonrefundable. He told Allan to take it and ask for the lease contract of the building. This afternoon he will visit the site and pay the one month advance and two months deposit rental. The thing he likes the most about the place was that it was situated far from the neighboring houses and was surrounded by trees, a little bit far away from the highway. Just the way he envisioned it to be!

Done perusing the photos, he rose to his feet and went to the bedroom. He lay down on the bed, took hold of the remote control and browse on a different channel to find a good TV show to watch.

He chose the sports channel to kill time.

Feeling bored still, he stood up and exited the bedroom. He will find Catherine outside to surprise her! He donned his black sweatshirt with hood on his body and attach the mask to his face. He moved to head for the door...

He was about to exit the door, out of the corner of his eyes he saw Catherine walking along the hallway...she's not alone though! She was walking along with a guy! They were talking a bit, they didn't notice him, as they were coming closer, he finally had a clearer view of the guy's face.

The guy was good looking, he has a medium built body, has the same height as him. The one thing that hit him hard is how they look good on each other, their looks complemented each other well. He felt a sudden pang of jealousy hitting him hard. He can't bear watching the two of them together!

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"Catherine!" he called out her name a little bit too loud.

Both Catherine and the guy turned their heads towards him...

Catherine saw John! Her smile was broad upon seeing the man she loves dearly...

"Sir Mike, I have to go. That is my boyfriend calling me!" her voice got this sing-song quality of an excited woman about to see her beloved.

"Wait---!" said Mike.

She left Mike's side abruptly almost running towards John's location.

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Catherine showed John her sweetest smile while she was approaching him.

As soon as Catherine was within reach John enveloped her in a tight hug and kissed her forehead, right in front of the other guy's watchful eyes. This is John's way of showing to the other guy...' fuck off 'coz this woman is mine!'

Mike got the message loud and clear!

He was rooted on the spot staring at the lovers under his eye, clearly dumbfounded! He felt jealousy ripping his heart out just watching them locked on each other's arms in a lovers embrace, especially when he saw Catherine's arms wrapped around his boyfriend's waist returning his hug enthusiastically.

The lovers closed the door behind them and vanished from his sight.

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Mike released a troubled sigh, he was affected deeply by the sight he just witnesses! If Catherine's treatment of him was purely professional and cold, the way she reacted when she saw her lover showed him the deep of her love for her boyfriend. He'd never seen how committed she was to her boyfriend until now.

Their actions speak louder than words, that's what hurt him the most, but he can't give up yet! He would still try to win her over to his side. He was already waiting this far on finding a woman to become his wife. Catherine is a perfect candidate to be his wife!

Mike drag his heavy feet towards his suite, he pushed the door wide open, entered and closed it behind him.


Inside suite#1...

"Who's that guy you're talking to?" asked John, jealousy was simmering in his voice.

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"His name is Mike, the occupants of suite#3. He is a regular patron here in this hotel, one of the most valued VIP clients we had on this hotel."

"...and me? Am I not one of the most valued VIP in this hotel?" he asked, his mouth was dangerously close hovering at the side of her breast area. She was comfortably sitting on his lap on the sofa. His hands were busy caressing the entire length of her thighs sending tiny tingles across her body.

Catherine's fingers were buried into his hair.

"Did the management of this hotel assigned you to cater to that guy's needs?" he asked because if they do he will fire anyone who told her so.

"No. I am not assigned to him. I am only assigned to this suite and served whoever uses this suite. It's weird 'coz this suite is rarely used and too damn expensive! The only person who can afford it is you!" she said.

"Yes, because this is one of my family's business, we owned the entire hotel. And I can make that Mike not to set foot on this hotel ever again," he said in a cold hard threatening voice.

"What---?" her eyes widen with his revelation.

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