Now everything dawned on her on why this suite is the most expensive suite in the entire hotel and was rarely used by other clients, it's for John's personal use only, Catherine thought to herself. The hotel where she's working right now was owned by no other than her future husband that is why all this time Ma'am Reba was treating her nicely and differently from other employees.

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"John, please don't be jealous of Sir Mike, he has no ill intention towards me."

"Really? He is the same Mike who brought you to his new house and offered you a marriage proposal, is he the one?" he growled.


"He is a good looking guy Catherine, you could easily fall for him. I am afraid that you would leave me one day for him. I can't shake off that feeling inside my head knowing my rival is just around the corner waiting to pounce on my woman any chance he's got."

There he is again, John and his insecurities! She caresses his cheeks wanting to assure him that she will never do the things he was afraid of.

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"I love you so much, John, as long as I live no one can take your place. Please remember that always."

But John was not settled with just her mere words. "The only thing that can ease my worries is for you to stop working here and then just live with me in my place. Or if you are not ready yet to live with me under one roof outside marriage then I can find you a place to stay, I would pay everything for your needs. I will sustain your family's financial needs. I can give you everything just stop working here!" the urgency of his voice was heartbreaking.

Catherine looked into his turbulent eyes trying to find a way to sooth him. "We will re-schedule the wedding in two months time, then I will stop working here for good and become your wife. How about that? But for the moment, let me continue working here because I truly enjoyed my job in this hotel. Pleaseee?"

John stared in her eyes trying to read between the lines. "Okay, let's re-schedule the wedding then...," he said with a satisfied smile on his face.

John deepens his caresses on her thighs, running his fingers up and down on the surface of her pants. He rubbed his mouth on her side breast teasing her...he inserted his hand inside her hotel uniform and caresses her breast under her bra...she gasped. While his other hand unzip the zipper of her jeans and cupping her mound hidden behind her underwear coverings.

A soft moan escapes Catherine's mouth. She parted her legs giving John wide access to her crotch...she was loving his stroking on her erogenous private parts. The hot pleasure of desire was drowning her senses.

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John get rid of her upper uniform, he also get rid of her bra. Catherine was now naked from waist up. He's also aroused himself down there, his boner was getting stiffer and heavier. It doesn't help that her soft bottom was pressed deliciously on his erection that wanting to get out.

"Ahhh...Cath!" he groaned. He sucked at her exposed skin on her back, while his left hand continues stroking her left breast. His right hand sneaked inside her flimsy underwear, he inserted two of his fingers inside her moist core rubbing her center deliciously sending her body into full arousal.

Catherine's eyes were half closed, her moaning keeps coming out of her mouth...ahhh...ahhh...ahhhh...ahhhh...ahhhh...each slow delicious stroking of her core by his fingers brought an extreme sensation to her body so pleasurable was his stroking that her saliva was now almost dripping from her mouth. John was having a hard time containing his hard arousal as well..."ahhh're so ready love...," he said groaning. He wants to explode inside her! He immediately opened the zipper of his pants and freed his stiff manhood with his right hand while at the same time not breaking the contact with her core, he then lowered down her flimsy panties down her legs with her help. Soon enough, she felt his stiff erection ramming into her buttocks, the mere contact of her butt and his erection send their bodies to a fever pitch of desire. John can't prolong the torment anymore...he placed her opening at the center of his erection...and slowly entered her crotch...loving the way her core enveloped the entire length of his manhood.

"ahhh...Cath...your so delicious...! so fucking hottttt..." he groaned.

"ohhh...ahhh..." moaning is the only response Catherine can utter at this moment. Hot lava of desire assaulted her senses the moment John's stiff rod entered her core.

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"Grind for me loveee," he murmured nibbling at her earlobes.

Catherine moved according to his wishes...she grinds on his shaft with just the right rhythm not so fast not so slow either and John was loving every moment of her grinding, with just the right movements their bodies were giving pleasure to each other, they were riding high with their unstoppable carnal desire. John's hands were steadily fondling at her breast, while she continues grinding on his shaft. Then her grinding becomesfasterrr...harderrrr...fasterrr...harderrrr....

"...Ahhh...." her moan comes in short interval.

"...ohhhhhh..." then escalates into much longer moaning.

"...Ahhhhhhhhh..." as their climax was nearing, Catherine's moaning become longer...

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"...ohhhhhhhhhhhhh...." a longer groaned of pleasure escapes John's mouth. Their bodies both shuddered, a mind shattering orgasm wracked their bodies to higher heavens, making them speechless, their breathing labored, as their breathing speeds up they locked lips and time stand still...and then gradually their breathing comeback to normal.

They were astounded, their lovemaking was always like a fresh episode each and every time. Their union brought them into a higher new level of experiences... and each time they had sex it always feels like it's all brand new. They never get tired of each others body, it left them feeling amazed!

"Let's go inside the bedroom and have a rest love," he whispered into her ears. "Then let's perform the doggy position later after we rested a bit...," he grinned from ear to ear slapping her buttocks playfully.

Her eyes widen..."Huh? We just finished romping and you want more? You really are a sex maniac John!" she burst out giggling and run all the way to the bedroom, John was following her from behind grasping their clothes in his hands.

"Well my love, I will show you how maniac I am...," he chuckled and jumped right into the bed on top of her, pinning her to the bed.

He claimed her mouth for a searing kiss...and they start all over again exploring each other's body. Their romancing lasted until early noon, just petting and kissing each other, no more deep penetration.

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