The Next Day...

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John arrived at the warehouse, it was surrounded by big trees planted strategically around the area. It's partially hidden and far from the highway. He and Ramon surveyed the whole place, it was indeed the perfect setting for his new project.

"George, have you already contacted the people who will construct the room?" asked John.

"Yes Sir, I also told them that the room needs to be finished within one week. As long we will be willing to pay them with an overtime fee then they will be able to finish it on time," said George.

"Good. Tell them I have no problem paying them extra as long they can finish the room on time. They can start construction tomorrow. I already paid the owner the advance rental so that we can start the construction right away. I want you to supervise the construction and make sure they will follow my room design up to the last detail," said John.

"Okay Sir, copy," answered George.

"Sir, this warehouse is huge. Are you going to start a rice dealership business as a supplier to all the small stores around Cavite City?" asked Ramon.

"Later Ramon...I will answer all your question," John didn't elaborate much about his new project, he walked towards the entrance. "Based on the conversation I have with the owner of this warehouse, he mentioned a river, did you find a river nearby, George?"

George nodded his head in confirmation. "Yes. There is indeed a river nearby, a half kilometer ahead..."

"Was the water current of the river strong or it's just one of those sleepy rivers where the water doesn't move at all?" asked John further, he was very much interested with the river.

George scratched his head. "I have no idea, Sir. I can go there right now to see if the water current is strong then I will report back to you."

John shook his head. "No need. I will go there myself together with Ramon. Just stay here because the construction materials that we had ordered will arrive today. You will be the one to receive it."

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George nodded his head. "Copy Sir."

Ramon and John boarded the car to check out the river. They passed rows of trees and more trees lining up on both sides of the highway. The sun was shining brightly, it's still early afternoon.

The half kilometer travel zoomed quickly...

Ramon parked the car under the shade of a big mahogany tree which is towering proudly beside the riverbank.

John and Ramon exited the vehicle and walked towards the riverbank inspecting the water.

Right now, the river's water current is steady and calm but forever flowing, John observed. The river is surprisingly clean. On the opposite side of the river a few meters from where they were standing, John saw some villagers washing their clothes on the river.

The river is majestic and tranquil looking. The wind around the area is gentle and soothing to the skin. The water is clean and sparkling, it looks tempting for a cool swim. The beautiful scenic riverbank is good for a family picnic.

"What a beautiful river!" John murmured to himself with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"Yes indeed, it's a picturesque river good for swimming and a good backdrop for some awesome selfie!" replied Ramon. He took his mobile phone from his backpack and took some selfie beside the river bank. "I will upload it on my facebook, Sir!" said Ramon laughing.

John watched Ramon making some quirky poses beside the riverbank with amusement glinting in his eyes. He would like to bring Catherine here one of these days, he's pretty much sure she will like this peaceful place especially the enchanted river.

He let Ramon have his fun with his selfie.

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Fifteen minutes later, they were back on the road heading to the warehouse. When they arrived at their destination they saw the construction materials already piled neatly inside the warehouse.

"The materials for the room and office construction already arrived, Sir. I already contacted the men who will construct the room, they will arrive tomorrow morning to start the construction," said George.

"Good. Were done here. George, you can go now and find Allan," said John.

"Yes Sir!" replied George.

"Let's go, Ramon. We will fetch Catherine at the Marigold Hotel." John entered the car.

George shut down the warehouse's entrance and he made sure the padlock was in place to secure the whole place. The lights of the warehouse were already brightly illuminating the entire area for the incoming night's darkness.

John and Ramon were boarding the armored range rover car while George was following them from behind aboard his motorcycle bike.

One hour later, they arrived at the entrance of Marigold Hotel, Catherine was already waiting for them at the hotel's lobby.

Catherine exited the entrance of the hotel and boarded the car, she sat beside John in the backseat.

"I just came from inspecting the warehouse am renting around here in Cavite City. Would you like to see it, Cath? It has a nice enchanted river nearby," said John.

"Yes. I would like to see it. Take me there, please! I want to see the river!" she said excitedly.

"Not tonight, Cath. It's already dark in there, you won't see the beauty of that place during night time. We can go there tomorrow after your shift while there's still some daylight left, how about that?"

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"Yes, am looking forward to it!" she replied.

"Okay, now that's settled." John placed his arm protectively on the back of the seat behind her neck.

A comfortable silence enveloped around them.

"We have enough time to spare, is there any nice spot here in this town where we can have a pleasant dinner?" asked John.

Catherine was thinking of the lovely seaside restaurant where Jerome previously had taken her.

"I know of a place, it's a seaside restaurant facing the beautiful ocean. The whole place is not always crowded...would you like to go there?"

"Yes. I wanna see that place. Ramon, please take us there," John ordered his driver.

"Where's is that place?" inquired Ramon.

"Just keep going ahead, on the corner of Montano St. turned left, then you will see a vulcanizing shop, turned right and then just keep driving ahead and you will start seeing the endless sea along the highway, just drive straight ahead, you will see several diners restaurants lining up along the road. The last restaurant is the most lovely of them all. It's called Restaurant By The Sea," explained Catherine.

"Thanks for the direction, Catherine," said Ramon.

After a few minutes of driving, they finally arrived at their destination. Ramon parked the vehicle in the parking area. They exited the car and went inside the restaurant, it's not a busy day today because several tables were not yet occupied or maybe they have come early ahead of the crowd.

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Ramon seated himself on one of the empty tables to order his own foods.

"You have a vacant hut directly facing the ocean?" John asked one of the waiters near him.

"Yes, Sir. Please follow me I will take you there."

The waiter walked towards the entrance of the restaurant followed by John and Catherine.

Out of several huts lining up beside the waterfront, only 3 huts were vacant. John chose the last one. The couple settled comfortably on the chairs. John let Catherine ordered their foods from the menu, while the waiter was on standby mode waiting for their order.

Catherine ordered: cheesy prawns lumpia, sweet and sour pork, chicken cordon blu, and buko pandan. Then she also added frizzy drinks on their order.

The waiter took the order and left.

While waiting for their order, the couple stared at the oceans in silence, they were holding hands. John's eyes were glued to the sea. The only noise they can hear around them is the gentle lapping of the waves in the seashore.

Catherine noticed that John was in deep thought and she doesn't want to disturb him so she keeps to herself.

When the foods arrived they start eating heartily.

After their dinner, they stayed for a few minutes admiring the ocean.

Then they departed the area and dropped Catherine near her home.

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