At Infinity Jade Tower...

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John was busy perusing important business papers in his table. He needs to finish all the work for the day so that he can proceed to Cavite City to fetch Catherine on time. There's a lot of things going on in his mind and one project that occupies his thoughts nowadays was his latest project, the new warehouse, all the details of the warehouse's room construction should be smooth, he can't afford any mistakes or flaws.

By 4:00 PM, he was already done with everything in his office, there is nothing left to be done except to go to Cavite City and fetch Catherine.

One hour and thirty minutes later they were now entering the vicinity of Cavite City.

Inside the hotel's lobby...

Catherine was sitting on the sofa waiting for John. She didn't notice Mike approaching her from behind and sat silently beside her.

"Are you going home now, Catherine?" he asked.

Catherine stared at Mike for a moment, a bit speechless because she wasn't expecting that he will appear beside her.

"Yes, Sir. My shift ended a while ago, time for me to go home," she answered.

"I can drop you in your home if you want. In fact, I'm offering to take you home today. How about that?" he said, excitement flashing in his eyes.

Catherine shook her head. "No need Sir. I'm waiting for someone, they are coming to fetch me any moment from now. Thank you for the offer," she refused politely.

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Mike finds it hard to accept that she refused again. "Can you please tell me who is the person who will fetch you today?" he asked even though he already knew who will fetch her.

"My boyfriend," she smiled at him.

"Okay. Perhaps I can offer you a ride some other day. Hope next time you won't decline my offer," he said in a hopeful tone.

She didn't reply, she has no plans to be seen with Mike ever again. John is getting jealous of Mike and it's not a good idea to be seen with him outside the hotel. She will try to make her interaction with Mike~job related only~ as much as possible.

Mike knew that she was no longer interested in chatting with him. He rose to his feet...

"I'm now going back to my suite, Catherine. See you tomorrow!"

"Take care Sir!" she responded.

Her eyes followed him walking towards the elevators area, she released a deep sigh then took out her mobile device from her shoulder bag.

Ten minutes later she got a message from John informing her that they are already on their way to fetch her. She was getting excited to see the new warehouse he rented for his new business and the enchanted lake he was raving about yesterday.

The moment she received a text from John informing her that the car was already at the front she exited the building's entrance in high spirit. She slid beside him in the backseat. He showed her a pleasant smile when she entered the car.


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The drive towards the warehouse took nearly one hour. There still daylight when they arrived at the place. Ramon didn't stop the vehicle at the warehouse parking area, instead, he was instructed by John to proceed to the lake while there's still daylight. Hoping they can still catch up with the beauty of the river before the night will descend entirely upon the area.

The entire drive was relaxing and Catherine loves the natures display outside the car. The road was dotted with an abundance of green towering trees, it looks like a dense forest in all sides of the road. Only a few vehicles were passing along the highway, it's a peaceful and breathtaking scenery to behold.

They finally arrived in the riverside...

Ramon parked the car near the mahogany tree, he immediately took two small monoblock chairs from the car's trunk and presented them to the couple for them to sit down.

John took the chairs and placed them side by side near the riverbank. The couple sat down on the chair facing the calm river.

"Wow, fantastic green scenery all around us and the water is superbly Inviting! This river is just the way you describe it, John. Simply breathtaking and beautiful! Thanks for bringing me here!" she kissed him on the cheek, truly delighted and grateful for the opportunity to see the river.

John smiled at her beaming face. "Yes. This place is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Good thing we discovered it first before anybody does. I'm planning to make small cottages for rental around the warehouse and the guest can make picnics here in the river. Then I will turn the warehouse into a restaurant of sort and make a vacationer's lounge inside it as well. The whole area starting from here and leading to the warehouse simply offers outstanding green scenery, a lot of city dwellers would like to have a breath of fresh air once in a while. I'm still thinking about pursuing this business idea...or not at all."

"I think you got an excellent business idea, John!" she said.

John pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead, then released her again.

"Would you mind if I took some pictures? This place is simply awesome!" she smiled radiantly at him.

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"Okay, take your time," he replied amused.

He watched Ramon who is also busy taking selfies nearby.

Catherine took many photos of herself beside the lake, behind the mahogany tree and then she also includes John in the photos. She went near the edge of the riverbank to have the water as her background.

John was looking at her closely. "Catherine, watch out on your steps! Don't come near the edge of the riverbank you might fall in the water!" he warned her.

She might not hear his warning because she was now dangerously closer to the edge and was about to fall backward, thankfully John's is quick enough to come to her rescue before she loses her footing...he manages to catch her flailing arms and pulled her to safety in just a matter of seconds...

"Oops!" she yelped.

"My goodness, Catherine! You nearly fall into the water!" he said reprimanding her like a child.

"Sorry, love!" she mumbled.

He pulled her back towards the chairs, once they were seated, she showed John her shots.

He examined the photos one by one admiring how she masterfully make every shot a masterpiece. The camera adored her beautiful face, she looks strikingly beautiful in all angles, whether she smiles or not.

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She is beautiful and he is super ugly, they can be likened to a Beauty and the Beast!

What a big contrast! He released a deep sigh. He was longing for his previous handsome look before the incident with Dahlia happens! All he has now is a huge insecurity complex as high as the mountain looming in front of them, his constant fear was that of Catherine leaving him for a good looking equally loaded guy. Jerome and Mike had one thing in common when it comes to the looks department, his ugly face cannot even come close to them.

"Hey, why are you turning silent all of a sudden? Is something bothering you?" she asked worriedly.

"Nah. While looking at your beautiful photos, I realized how ugly I am, and I'm so lucky to be loved by you! I love you so much, Cath!"

Her eyes widen and she smiled at him, John and his insecurities again!

"Don't say that John! I love you for what you are, your look doesn't matter to me."

His gloomy expression didn't change a bit...

"I love you so much, too!" she said and kissed his cheeks tenderly.

John got misty-eyed and pulled her in a tight embrace. "Hope you will love me forever. Hope you won't change no matter what happens in the future," he whispered in her hears.

Catherine smiled at him. "I won't promise!"

They stayed in the river for the next thirty minutes and when the darkness starts creeping around them they finally left the place and boarded the car to go back to the warehouse. They only lingered around for fifteen minutes inside the warehouse and departed hastily back to the city.

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