At exactly 1:00 PM, John arrived in The Marigold Hotel. He had checked with Reba and learned that Mike was still occupying the suite#3. From the look of things, he needs to visit the hotel more often just to watch over Catherine and let that Mike know that he shouldn't mess around with his woman.

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Catherine was finished with her daily routine on the fourth floor. She was excited because John texted her that he was already inside the presidential suite waiting for her presence. She opted to climb the stairs instead of using the elevator to reached the 5th floor.

Before she reached the 5th floor, Mike was already waiting for her at the top of the stairs.

"Hello Sir Mike," she greeted him with a cheerful smile.

"What a beautiful smile you had, Catherine!" he exclaimed. "I see, your boyfriend visited you again? I noticed that he was now frequently visiting this hotel because of you?"

"Because he is jealous of you Sir Mike," she replied.

Mike's brows furrowed. "So---he already knows about me?"

"Yes. That is why when he is around it's better that he won't see us talking to each other. Please stay away from me if he is around, Sir," she said.

"Why? We are just talking, we didn't do anything wrong, right?" he was trying to understand why her boyfriend is stingy.

Catherine sighed in frustration. "I have to go now. Bye Sir Mike!"

She resumed her walking in the hallway towards suite #1.

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Mike was left alone standing still at the top of the stairway. This is not good if her boyfriend is always around he won't have the chance to talk to Catherine for a much longer time. He sauntered back to his suite wearing a somber look on his face. It doesn't help that he just discovered recently that John is the owner of the hotel, that frustrates him even more, with a heavy heart he entered his suite and sulked inside.


Inside the Presidential Suite #1...

John looked up from the laptop he was working at to see Catherine entering the door. She beamed at him and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

She sat down on the sofa beside him. "What are you doing? Working?" she asked peering at his laptop.

She saw the design of a room on the screen.

"This will be the design of the room I have constructed inside the warehouse. What color you like to be painted on the wall?"

"How about a pink color?" she said smiling. It was meant to be a joke.

"Hmmm, you like pink?" he asked.

"I'm just kidding. Any color will do, it's up to you because you will be the one using it," she said.

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"I won't be the only one using it in the future, we will be using it together at some point in time," he winked at her in a naughty manner.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. We will make love in that room in the future," he smiled at her.

"Oh. So, pink color is okay with you?" she asked.

"Yeah, why not? Let's paint it pink then," he clicked the color pink and the wall of the room changes into color pink. Then he enlarges the entire design, there are several cottages surrounding the warehouse and some pretty landscape dotted the pathways around the area.

A few moments later John finally turned off his laptop and faced Catherine.

"Let's go inside the bedroom, I wanted to hug you," he said smirking.

Once inside the bedroom, John climbs into the bed followed by Catherine. He pulled her to his body and embraces her from behind. He just holds her but didn't touch any of her private parts, normally they would be touching each others body at this point in time.

A moment later, they watched some documentary about indigenous people's living in Amazon Rainforest.

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They just hugged each other throughout the one-hour documentary.

"I have to leave now, Cath. I will visit the warehouse to see the update of the construction. I have to be sure it's done flawlessly."

"Ahh, okay," she replied, a little bit disappointed.

He saw the disappointed look in her eyes.

"What is that look in your eyes? I see disappointment," he smiled, pinching her arms.

"We didn't...we didn't...," she wasn't able to finish her words because she was already blushing.

He laughed. "Why we didn't make love-? Is that what you mean-?

She nodded her head. "Yes...that is what I mean," she mumbled blushing.

John saw the shame in her eyes. "Lol, you're now turning into a sex maniac just like me, huh?" he said jokingly.

He cupped her face. "Don't be ashamed to admit that you also craved me. I felt deeply honored that you feel the same way I do. I feel elated knowing that you wanted me and that I can make you feel happy and satisfied in bed. But as you can see, there are times we can't do it, like now, am a bit busy. So, we just have to cuddle a bit, for now, okay?"

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"Okay," she replied.

John embraces her, her head lay down in his right arm, while he wrapped his other arm around her. He makes sure to avoid touching any of her erogenous parts of her body or else they will escalate into sex easily. Right now, he was holding his utmost control not to pounce on her. It turns out to be so hard going celibate around her. Every inch of his body was screaming for sex right now!

This won't do! The longer he stays around inside the room with his body pressed to hers the more it will be hard for him to let go of his extreme desire to make love to her.

"I'm going now, Cath," he said while gently untangling himself from her. He rose to his feet and began changing his clothes.

He already finishes dressing yet she still remained sprawled on the bed.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yes," her quick reply.

He kissed her forehead. "I love you!"

"I love you too! Go now. I will get out later. I will just lay here for a while," she said.

"Okay. I will call you later," he said softly.

John exited the door leaving Catherine behind still lying in bed drowning in puzzlement, she was wondering what happened to John and his sexual appetite?

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