On the fourth day of the warehouse construction...

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John visited Catherine again in the hotel. As usual, everything is the same between the two of them except he was not touchy freely anymore towards her and it kind of makes Catherine felt a little bit dejected.

They were sitting side by side in the living room's sofa watching TV. John didn't hug or attempt to embrace her. He just focuses his attention on the show they were watching.

Catherine was observing him under her eyes. She edges closer to him and put his hands on her breast. But he was not making any effort to stroke her breast. She sighed in frustration. She closed the gap between their body and rubbed her breast on his chest. Still, he was ignoring all her efforts. Hmmp!

John was aware of what she's been doing~trying to seduce him to take action, but he is the unwilling participant this time. He was trying to stay celibate for as long as he can and she's not cooperating at all.

"Sorry, not today Catherine, I'm not in the mood for some hot loving," he declined politely trying not to make her feel upset and unwanted.

She pouted. "Why? You don't love me anymore? You don't desire me anymore?" there was a little bit of sadness and hurt in her voice.

"No. It's not that! I'm just not into it nowadays. Please understand, Cath," he said in a pleading voice.

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"I want you to make love to me pleaseee...," she murmured silkily in his ears. She missed his expertise in making her body writhing in ecstasy. She really missed that! John can make her feel so alive in bed and denying her of that pleasure is making her miserable right now.

"I miss you a lot!" she added. There is a pulsating desire and need for him that wanted to be sated in her belly. She wants him now inside her! She was really getting aroused because he keeps denying her the sexual intimacy she needs. Her feelings right now can liken to that of walking in the desert so thirsty of water and yet you can't find any.

John was amused to witness her desperation for sex. She was now craving sex every time they see each other but he would deny her a little bit.

Catherine's hand move and went directly into his pants, cupping his manhood, stroking it bringing it to life. The hardening of John's manhood under her grasp is the living evidence that he was also craving her but she can't understand why he was denying himself to pleasure her at this point---?

John groaned. Dang! he was now getting aroused under her stroking! Before things can escalate between them into full-blown sex, he slowly pried her fingers away from his erection.

Her mouth pouted in displeasure not liking his action...

"Let's snu...snu...snu...pleaseeeee...," she begged.

John was amused by the way she begged for his touch. Still, he refused to indulge her. He arises and walked towards the bedroom.

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Catherine followed him from behind.

When John lay down in the bed, she climbs on top of him with every intention to seduce him.

"Cath, pleaseeee, I'm really not into the mood right now. Besides, am leaving in an hour. I need to get ready," he said.

She pretended not to hear him. She sat on his erection and starts grinding.

He stopped her and pulled her body beside him. He hugged her tight. "What are you doing?" he asked grinning.

"Grinding on you!" she blurted out to the point of exasperation.

"Hey, take it slow, Cath. You must learn how to control your urges," he said softly. He pinched her nose playfully 'coz he was truly amused by her desperation for sex. She was now turning into a female version of himself.

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"Huh? Control your urges?" she laughed a bit annoyed with his choice of words. "Why is it that when you wanted sex you won't take no for an answer, now that I wanted it you will give me a hard time? That's unfair!" she cried.

She's getting frustrated about not having her way with him when she was so aroused and she needed it the most, today! right now! she wanted to cry hard because of frustration. Fresh tears began forming in her eyes.

John was alarmed upon seeing Catherine on the verge of crying.

"Shhh, don't cry. Okay, have it your way. Do everything you want with my body," he smirked, his hands move forward to stroke her lips lovingly.

Upon hearing his words...her eyes flew to his looking for confirmation. Suddenly her mood brightens up, she bit her lower lip while staring seductively at him, then she smiled sweetly and began lowering his short, once his pelvis was freed of the piece of the garment, she gets rid of her pants as well. Now they were left with just their undergarments.

Catherine didn't waste her precious time, she immediately shifted on top of him and positioned her pelvis on his groin grinding to her heart's content.

John was staring at her face completely enamored by the desire mounting on her face. When she was about to insert her fingers inside his underwear to seize his stiff rod, he caught her hands just in time.

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"Here, let me finish it for you love," he said. They shifted position, she was now below him and him on top of her. He parted her legs and positioned his pelvis into her center, then he wrapped her legs around his hips and starts making smooth missionary movement on her core, ramming his bulge right into her mound and pressing it harder each time, she moaned in pleasure and closed her eyes, avalanche of pleasure and desire intensifies in her belly and in her center...

John was also loving it, although it's not the real thing nonetheless it's still pleasurable for them both without going all the way. Hope he can satisfy her cravings for sex this way. He was still holding himself back...

He hammered his rod harder into her softness and this time with more urgency...the harder and faster he pummeled her softness her moaning increases and getting louder, they became so aroused that he can feel their orgasm was just about to happen and he didn't wait long enough, with a few final hard thrusts into her core, she climaxes followed by him.

A smile of satisfaction lingers in her pretty face.

"Are you satisfied now love?" he asked her softly.

"Yessss...I love you, John!"

"I love you too, Cath!"

They exchange words of endearment to each other and rested for a while entangled on each other's arms. John departed one hour after.

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