"Mother, I will have an overtime tomorrow in the hotel," said Catherine while munching on her breakfast. Tomorrow is Sunday supposed to be her off day, but John wants her to spend time with him the whole day in Infinity Jade Tower.

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"Okay," replied Thelma while washing the frying fan she just used in frying the egg and hot dog.

Catherine was looking intently at her mother's face. She was about to tell her that she will re-schedule her civil wedding with John within 2 months time, but she was hesitating, afraid how her mother will react. She was contemplating to just go ahead with the wedding without her mother's consent and blessing, then after the wedding, she and John will just appear in their house to let her know they were legally wedded husband and wife so that there will be no more drama and interruption.

Done eating, she took her toothbrush to put some toothpaste on it then brush her teeth.

Fifteen minutes later she was already out of the door to go to work. As she was walking towards the corner to board a jeep, a car stopped ahead of her and Mike emerges from the driver's seat.

She groaned.

"Beauty!" he greeted her using his megawatt charming smile.

"Sir Mike---? How did you come here?" she asked bewildered.

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"I'm just driving around the neighborhood, then I happened to see you I stopped the car. I already check out from the hotel last night," he explained.

He opened the door to his car. "Get inside Beauty, I will offer you a ride! I will take you to the hotel. I will be passing there on my way to my destination. So, I will just drop you by on the way," he offered.

Catherine took a deep breath.

"Please don't embarrass me, beauty! People are watching us now," he said.

Catherine looked around her and indeed few people were already staring at them. With a sigh, she gets into the front seat.

Mike was grinning when he sits down into the driver's seat and revives the engine. The car was now running smoothly into the highway. She was silent throughout the ride while Mike dominated their one-sided conversation.

"Sorry Sir Mike, I'm a boring companion," she apologized when she heard him sighed deeply.

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"No. I'm not sighing because you are a boring companion, am just wishing that the hotel is a five hours drive so that we can spend longer time in each other's company."

She laughed a little.

He smiled at her. "Love the way you laugh, Beauty!" he said.

She was now shaking her head.

"Why don't you go on a date with me without your boyfriend's knowledge?" he suggested mischievously.

Her eyes widen. "Seriously-Sir Mike!? You want me to be unfaithful with my boyfriend behind his back?"

"Well...why not?" he challenged her. "It would be fun for sure. It's not like we will indulge in sex right away, we're just going out for a date to know each other better. For women, it's important to have many options when it comes to men. A woman would likely marry their first husband and then have divorced later because they were hurrying in getting married to the one they think they love, you know regrets always come in the end. Why made a mistake falling in love too soon, you still have an option to choose the right and perfect guy for you and enjoy your time. Why not try to explore other option? Have fun with other guys while you are still single, have fun with me!" he said, smiling at her.

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She squeezed her eyes shut and tried hard not to say anything that can offend him.

"You're evil in disguise, Sir Mike!" she blurted furiously, unable to hold back her temper.

Mike chuckled. "Catherine my dear, you're too good and too devoted towards your boyfriend. I can see that he is very lucky indeed! I still have to remind you that there are many options just look around you, I included! Honestly, I wonder what you see in that guy? The way he always wore a face mask~tells me that he doesn't have a nice face to make you proud. With your beauty dear, you can hunt for men who not only have wealth and power also have good looks like me! You must be very blind not to see how good looking I am." He displayed an arrogance like no other, but if it's the only way to capture a little bit of Catherine's attention towards him and cast doubt in her mind about her boyfriend, then so be it. He is willing to try this way...

She finds Mike irritating the way he was trying to inflate his ego and brag his good looks every chance he got. She humored him by studying his face closely. Mike is indeed handsome, got a nice personality, got a muscled body, good height and what women might find extremely attractive about him is the size of his wallet. In short, Mike is a complete package!

She turned her face away when he caught her looking at him.

"Like what you see?" Mike eyed her with a smirk on his lips. "Why don't you give me a chance, Catherine? Go on a few dates with me behind your boyfriends back and find out if we have chemistry. Do it before you married your boyfriend for good."

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Catherine rolled her eyes. "Betraying my boyfriend behind my back is not my cup of tea, Sir Mike. Please stop putting ideas in my head, you won't succeed!" she almost glared at him, instead she turned her head away.

Mike fixed his eyes to the road in front of him, a smile tugging at his lips.

Catherine sighed, thankful that she can already see the Hotel's building a few meters ahead.

"Time is up! We're here!" he said, although a little bit disappointed, but thankful at least that he somehow was able to make a long conversation with Catherine, still it's better than nothing.

Before he unlocks the door. "Please think about everything I said today, Catherine! If in the future you start doubting his love or doubting your own feelings towards him...I'm just a phone call away, okay?"

She didn't pay attention to his chattering. "Thank you for the ride, Sir!" she said while getting out of the car.

"Bye Beauty! See you soon!" he bid goodbye to her.


Allan watched Catherine entering the hotel's entrance, shaking his head. First Jerome....then second...Mike? These guys must be eliminated at once, that's the only way his boss can have peace of mind.

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