Allan took out his mobile device from his backpack and called his boss. What he was about to report today might cause a headache and heartache on John. But he was just doing his job and part of that job is to report everything he saw or know about Catherine's daily activities. Once his Boss and Catherine will finally get married, his daily surveillance of the girl's life will finally come to end.

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"Allan, what's up?" asked John.

"Sir, I have something to report..."

"What is it this time, does it concern Jerome again?"

"No, not him. It's about the other guy, that Mike guy!" said Allan on the other end.

" Wait, hold on...," John stood up and left his office. He went to the swimming pool area and sat down on the lounge chair. "Okay, continue Allan, start from the very beginning."

"As I'm watching Catherine getting out of her home to report to work. This car suddenly came out of nowhere and the driver gets out of the car and offered her a ride. I'm a few meters away from her, she seemed to refuse at first but get in the car eventually. Then the car drop Catherine in front of the hotel and she goes inside, while the car continues its way. That's all, Sir."

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John suffered a headache instantly. "So this guy is Mike?"

"Yes, Sir. I have seen him a few times inside the hotel."

"While the car was moving, have you seen Catherine's face? How she reacted?"

"No, Sir. I'm at the back of the car following them from behind so it's impossible for me to see their faces," replied Allan.

"Okay. Keep monitoring Catherine and that guy," said John.

"Copy Sir," answered Allan.

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John ended the call.

He released a deep sigh. Jerome and this Mike are constantly causing him worries and jealousy. He has to devise a plan to get rid of them. He will focus on Jerome first then Mike later. Of course, the only way to stop these two rival of his from pursuing his woman is to have the wedding take place soon, but that is still two months! He will try to convince Catherine to have the wedding set an earlier date on the next month. Once Catherine will become his legal wife, the two guys will stop pursuing her for sure. Their obsession with Catherine will end the moment she will become a married woman.

He went to the cupboard and took a bottle of wine and glass. He poured the wine into the glass and starts drinking.

John stripped his clothes and jumped into the swimming pool, naked. After performing several strokes in the water his head somehow cooled down. He went back to the chair and wrapped the bathrobe around his body. He continues drinking the wine while Catherine's alluring smile was swimming in his head. He suddenly missed her so bad!

He swipes at his phone...calling her.

"John my love...," she greeted him with a cheerful voice.

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"Miss me?" he asked.

"Yes. I always miss you!" she replied tenderly.

"Good. I will have Ramon fetch you at the hotel...later at 5:00 PM, okay?"

"Okay, John. I'm looking forward to seeing you later! See yeah!"

She ended their call at her end.

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John put the phone back into the table. His mind wanders back to the night he first leads eyes on Catherine in their ancestral house in the village. The first time he tasted her lips, licked every inch of her skin, the first time he claimed her body, heard her first moan, from that moment on he knew she will become a big part in his life.

The day he realizes that she and her family migrated to the city without informing him, that was the first time he felt hurt and abandoned by the woman he was falling in love so fast. The intense feeling of love and sexual desire he felt for her during those early days was only getting stronger day by day.

He yearned for her womanly scent every waking hour and when she is around within a few meters away from him all the testosterone in his body will go nuts. His addiction and obsession with Catherine go crazier and deeper every day.

If he can change anything between what happened then and now, the one thing he might want to change is the circumstances of their first meeting. It wasn't horrific to him but to Catherine, their first meeting and their first night might have been extremely horrifying to her. He just hopes that he was able to minimize the bitter taste of their first meeting in her mind through the memorable times he spent with her. He can't wait to wake up every morning surrounded by the beauty of her face and her lovely presence in his bed.

A dreamy smile appeared on his lips. Just thinking of Catherine gives him a warm feeling of joy inside.

He will try not to entertain negative thoughts, he pushes his rivals' faces in the deepest recesses of his mind. In the end, he will be the only guy who can have Catherine's love, he was sure of that. He had already branded her and imprinted her as his woman. She won't be able to love another guy only him.

He stood up then dives again into the pool and enjoyed his time thinking and dreaming of his lady love.

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