John was waiting for Catherine to arrived in his flat any moment from now. He was already trembling with excitement like a teenage boy wanting to see his crush again. He propped his head on the pillow of the sofa counting the minutes and the seconds that pass by. Dragging the time won't do so he stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower so that he will feel fresh and smell good when she arrives.

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As he was soaping his body inside the shower, he hummed to himself, feeling great and excited. He took his time enjoying the bubbles covering his body.

While outside...

Catherine already arrived in the building and was currently inside the elevator that would take her to John's flat.

Ten minutes later, she successfully entered his flat and notice that he was not in the living room. She dropped her shoulder bag in the sofa and walked slowly towards his bedroom. When she took a peek inside he was not around, then she heard the water running inside the shower, he must be taking a bath inside.

She climbs into the bed and lay down into the soft comfy bed. Then she closed her eyes, she was not planning to sleep but as minutes pass by her breathing deepens...she was now sleeping. She was in that state when John emerges from the shower.

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His smile widens when he saw her sleeping soundly in his bed like a child. He went to the side of the bed and wrapped her sleeping form with a blanket.

He walked towards his closet and took out a shirt, briefs, and shorts. He dropped the bathrobe into the chair and donned the clothes to his body.

John exited his bedroom quietly so as to not wake her up. He went back into the living room, he swipes at his phone and ordered some foods for their dinner. Done ordering foods, he went back to his bedroom and sat quietly in the corner watching Catherine sleeping, her face was like that of an angel, so sweet and so radiantly beautiful.

He felt immensely proud of himself that he was able to capture the love and devotion of such a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul like her. He fought the urge to get into the bed and start ravaging her sexy young body oozing with sex appeal. She's not only beautiful but her body is to die for. He scanned his eyes on the surface of her body, starting from her face, down to her kissable lips, to her D-cup breast, down to her navel and eventually to the 'V' of her legs. He had claimed her body countless times yet he never gets tired of her. He suddenly grows a boner down his legs. He inserted his fingers down his briefs and stroke his erection, he pleasures himself in front of her sleeping form again and again while watching her beautiful face, he keeps masturbating then finally ejaculated on his underwear a few moments later.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face. He arises from the chair and walked towards the bathroom to cleaned himself up.

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When he emerges a few minutes later he changes into a fresh set of shorts and briefs. He then climbs unto the bed then lay down beside her spooning her body in the process. She moaned a little then opens her eyes, slowly her vision come in contact directly with his face looking adorably at her. He runs his fingers through her hair and planted a kiss on her forehead.

Then he went back to the chair...

She smiled and closed her eyes again to continue her sleep, her deep breathing resumed. John smiled at her sleeping form. While she was sleeping, he starts unbuttoning her polo shirt, then he discarded her upper garments altogether. Then next, he unzips her jeans and discarded it as well. He derived much pleasure undressing her while she was sleeping. The only garments left that covers her modesty was her black bra and black flimsy panties. John took his time examining her lovely nakedness. Drooling at her naked body, he was unable to stop his fingers from skimming at her private parts, touching, caressing, kneading and pinching alternately each of those erogenous zones, she must have been awake by now because he starts hearing her moan, he smiled at her half-open sleepy eyes.

"Awake now love," he whispered and starts nibbling at her earlobes.

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"Yesss, ohhhh, you awaken me from my sleep John. I thought I'd just dream of you," she mumbled in a velvety voice of hers filled with raw desire.

He discarded all his clothes except his underwear and then he quickly shifted on top of her, pinning her body to the bed. He runs his fingers up and down on her shapely legs, creating raw friction of sexual arousal torching their body with the intense fire of desire. His mouth descended on her lips, they shared a passionate kiss that took their breath away.

Catherine wrapped her arms around his back as he starts rubbing his stiff manhood in her core, creating exquisite molten lava of desire running in her belly and spreads throughout her body. She wrapped her legs around his pelvis and closed her eyes to enjoy his body warmth and masculine scent.

After a few moments, Catherine can feel his manhood getting so stiff and hard like a steel rod. Her fingers went down to grasp at his arousal...

"Wow, you're so hard down there, John," she giggled.

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"Yes, am so hard and ready for you my love...," he groaned.

Catherine inserted her fingers inside his underwear and freed his erect manhood and stroke it's tip several times sending John to a frenzy of mind-shattering burning need to enter her, then she lowered her panties and guide his erection into her core, that's what he's been waiting for, the moment his arousal and her moist core come in contact he immediately plunged his stiff rod deeper into her, he heard her gasp a little...then she starts moaning a lot after he pummeled her center many times.

A few minutes later...

When she opened her eyes wide, she saw him sitting on the corner watching her...fully clothe, huh? They just made love earlier, right---? Or that was just a dream? She checked her body she was still in her clothes...? That was weird!

It's a dream definitely! she confirmed to herself.

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