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Early morning, Catherine woke up in her tiny room still thinking what happened last night in the Infinity Jade Tower.

She woke up in his room and saw him staring at her, he was just sitting quietly on the chair in the corner, just like that. She finds it weird that he didn't lay down beside her in the bed and the night just went through like a blur. They cuddled each other on the sofa, in his bed. Then they go swimming, watch some Sci-fi movies in his mini theater and spend some time stargazing at the bright city lights in his bedroom.

The whole time she spent with him, he didn't attempt to touch her body. He does hug and kissed her cheeks or forehead. He runs his fingers through her hair and whispers 'I love you' to her several times.

His sex drive is fading it a good or bad thing? she asked herself. She was just puzzled at the slight change she noticed in him. Or maybe he was just slowing down...just re-charging...maybe? she smiled to herself.


Doesn't matter as long he still loves her then sex will come last on the list.

She stretched her body and was about to get out of her room when she was interrupted by her phone's ringing, the caller is John.

She answered the call.

"Hi, good morning John...," she whispers.

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"Good morning...Cath. I'm going to the warehouse today to check the progress. I will fetch you near the hotel to bring you to the warehouse, we will spend our whole day there. We'll have a picnic beside the river. How about that?"

"That's sound exciting!" she beamed.

"So, you like the idea of having a picnic beside the river or we go in the flat instead?" he asked again.

"Picnic is fun, let's go to the river! I will be waiting for you at Venus Cafe near the hotel. You can fetch me there."

"Okay. See you later! I love you!" said John.

"I love you too!" she replied.

Their conversation ended.

She put her phone back in the cabinet and exited her room.

"Mother, good morning!" she greeted her mother and kissed her cheek.

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She went inside the toilet and do her thing. Afterward, she sits down in the table to eat her breakfast. Her mother had prepared a salted fish, rice, and fried eggplant for their breakfast.

Thelma sat on the empty chair opposite her daughter.

"Catherine, when are you planning to allow your sister to come back here? Are you still mad at her?" she asked.

Catherine sighed. It's early morning and to be honest she's not in the mood to talk about her twin sister. But her mother was waiting for her answer. "I will think about it, Mother," she said.

"Come on. You should have forgiven your sister by now," there was pleading in the older woman's voice.

She looked at her mothers face. "I can forgive my sister and have Caroline stays with us again here in our home, but will you allow me to marry John this time?"

Thelma was taken aback by her daughter's question. "So, you are still seeing John?"

"Yes Mother, we are planning to marry next month, am still hoping you will be there to witness our wedding in the Court Of Justice," she said nonchalantly.

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The older woman took a deep breath. "I will think about it..."

Catherine was examining her mother's face. She was expecting she will get angry again with the mere mention of the wedding but to her surprised her mother just keep a calm face, which gives her a renewed hope that her mother will eventually grant her and John her blessing.

"Thank you Mother!" she exclaimed in happiness.

Thelma saw the joy in her daughter's face. "I'm not saying yes, yet! I still have to think about it. Don't keep your hopes high," she said.

She just smiled at her mother. "It's okay, Mother. Take your time. Just let me know so that I can inform John with your sudden change of heart."

Thelma's poker face was now back in full force but the good thing is she was calm this time. Catherine was now hoping for the best.

Done eating breakfast, she rose to her feet and took a luxurious bath in the toilet. She's not in a hurry because she won't be going to work today, she just takes her time enjoying her bath.

Fifteen minutes later she was done with her bathing, she went to her room and changed into a pink polo shirt and skinny jeans, she combed her brown hair cascading below her shoulder, she will have it pony tailed later if already dry.

Done dressing up...she exited her room.

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She opened her wallet and picked up a two thousand peso bill and gave it to her mother.

"Mother here's some money. Bring my siblings into the mall including Caroline. Have fun in the mall guys!"

She turned around heading for the door.

"Thank's daughter!" said Thelma teary-eyed.

Thelma was still holding the money in her hand. Then she starts crying, her daughter has been very good to her and to her siblings, then she remembered all the bad things she had done behind her daughter's back, she truly felt guilty for every bad thing she had done. She wants to make amends by finally giving her blessing to her daughter and John's marriage.

She will inform her daughter of the good news at a perfect time as a surprise for her.

For the first time in a long time, Thelma suddenly finds peace within herself. The tormenting feeling of being guilty that she felt since last two months suddenly evaporated into thin air. She was now looking forward to her daughter's wedding to John. She just wants to make her daughter happy this time.

With all the positive thoughts flowing in her mind she finished all the household chores in a breeze. She told the kids to take a bath after eating breakfast because they were going to the mall. While the kids were eating their breakfast, she went to Grace's house and inform Caroline that they will be going to the mall for some bonding time and window shopping.

Two hours later...

Grace accompanied them to the mall, she treated them all to a Disney movie with popcorn and one gallon of ice cream after.

It was such a fun day for everyone.

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