John picked up Catherine at Venus Cafe then they proceed on their way to the warehouse. John displayed his usual loving character towards Catherine. When she entered the vehicle, he smiled at her tenderly and planted a kissed on her cheek. She buried her head on his chest loving his manly scent while he wrapped his arms securely around her in returned.

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It was such a lovely tender moment for the couple while Ramon who was driving the car happened to glance at the couple's tender moments in the dash cam mirror. So sweet!

Ramon cough a little..."Hmm...hmm...Sir, can I have a day off next Sunday?" he suddenly asked.

John raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

"I suddenly missed my wife!" Ramon smirked.

John laughed and smacked the back of Ramon's head, Catherine laughed along with him. They erupted in a burst of merry laughter that lasted for a few minutes, they all feel good.

"Concentrate on driving Ramon!" said John in an amused tone. "I will give you guys two days off along with Allan and George, but not on the same day. So, you guys have to schedule your two days off in a timely manner, only during weekends, it will only take effect after the warehouse's construction ended," he added.

"Thank you Sir!" said Ramon in an excited and grateful manner.

One hour later...

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They finally arrived at their destination. They didn't linger in the warehouse, they proceed into the river.

Ramon parked the car on the same spot near the mahogany tree.

John and Ramon set up the portable outdoor barbecue grill on the east side under the shade of the mahogany tree. Ramon started putting charcoal inside the grill and make a fire using his lighter. They took out the marinated pork and chicken barbecue they have purchased in the supermarket.

Catherine was about to offer her help but the guys refused her offer and told her that the Queen's job is to just sit and relax and let her subjects served her. She giggled in delight. Today, she is the Queen of the world! Amused, she just sat on the monoblock chair watching the guys doing their thing. John would occasionally wink at her and she would blow him a kiss and smiled at him sweetly.

Ramon took out the cooler from the car's trunk and placed it in the area beside Catherine. A moment later, John finally sat beside his Queen. They were facing the river and on the right side Ramon was busy fanning the barbecue grill. The delicious aroma of grilled chicken and pork starts floating in the air.

Suddenly they heard a grumbling stomach...

John and Catherine looked at each other.

"Who's stomach is that-?" asked John.

Catherine laughed. "It's yours!"

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John tickled her side. "No. It's yours!"

They started a tickling war and Catherine was on the losing end. Her screaming and laughter echoing in the riverbanks.

"Stop, John Please!" she exclaimed, tears of happiness were forming in her eyes.

John finally stopped tickling his lady love and open the cooler beside them to get a drink. He opened two cans of orange-flavored soda and give one to Catherine. They drank straight from the can, the orange flavored soda tastes really good!

They were silent for a moment...watching the villagers taking a bath more or less 30 meters away from them, among them were women, seniors and children's swimming in the riverbanks.

It was such a lovely sight to behold, human beings and mother nature enjoying each other's company.

Simply a breathtaking and fantastic sight worth a million likes!

Fifteen minutes later...

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The pork and chicken barbecue were already grilled to perfection. Ramon took the disposable plates, fork, and spoons and filled each plate with rice, a slice of pork and chicken and served the foods to his royal highness.

"Wow, looks yummy! Thank you, Ramon! You're the best!" said Catherine, holding her plates salivating at the food.

"Enjoy your meals, my King and Queen," said Ramon enthusiastically.

John holds his plate and sinks his teeth into the tender barbecue pork. "Wow, delicious!" he gave his bodyguard a thumbs up sign for a good job well done.

Ramon took out the rest of the cooked pork and chicken barbecue and put it on the paper plate and placed it above the cooler within the lovers reach. He then went back to the portable barbecue grill and began cooking the remaining meat at the same time eating his portion of food in his plate.

While he was eating he was watching the love birds, thinking when they will re-schedule the wedding?

Two hours later...the foods were all eaten and Ramon wanted to dive into the water.

"Sir, can I take a swim in the river?" he asked permission.

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John nodded his head. "Go ahead!"

Ramon went inside the car and changed into his extra clothes for swimming. He emerges outside the vehicle just wearing a short and dive excitedly into the water.

John and Catherine watched Ramon swimming near the river banks.

"How's the water, Ramon?" asked John.

"It's clean and a bit shallow, just below my chest," answered Ramon. He then swam a few meters away from the riverbanks.

John looked at Catherine, he asked her. "You want to take a swim in the river?"

"Not really, but If you want to swim then I'll go with you," she said. "But I don't have extra clothes with me..."

"No worries. I brought extra clothes with me, you can wear them. Let's swim after Ramon is done with his swimming. While waiting we can now change our clothes inside the car," said John.

He and Catherine walked towards the car, John retrieves his backpack and took out his shorts, briefs, and t-shirts. Catherine went inside the car and he closed the door so that she can change into his clothes. After Catherine finished changing her clothes she went back to her chair leaving John inside the car changing his clothes.

Twenty minutes later, Ramon was done with his swimming and now it's the couples turn to swim. They splash into the sparkling water near the riverbanks, laughing and chasing each other like two rumbustious teenagers.

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