While the love birds were enjoying each other's company in the river. Ramon started picking up all the trash and put it all inside the grocery bags, then put the bag inside the car's trunk to be thrown later in the garbage can when they will arrive back in the Jade Tower. He doesn't want to litter the ground with trash, mother nature will be angry.

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Done folding the portable outdoor barbecue grill, he put it in the trunk as well. He left the cooler just in case the lovebirds still need to drink soda later after they came out from swimming. He checked the time on his phone, it's already late afternoon at 4:00 PM. There's still enough daylight for the love birds to continue swimming in the river.

Thirty minutes later...

The couple gets out of the water and Ramon handed them two towels. Catherine changes inside the car first followed by John. They put their wet clothes in the remaining grocery bags and put it at the car's trunk.

They lingered in the riverbanks for fifteen minutes more then eventually left the place heading towards the warehouse.

Once inside the warehouse, John and Catherine surveyed the room and the office space adjacent to the room. The construction was nearly finished...

"George, when will they attached the mirror?" John asked.

"Tomorrow Sir," answered George.

"When will the bed and the bedside table arrives---as well the two ceiling fan?" he asked again.

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"Everything will arrive tomorrow, Sir. The workers told me they will finish installing everything tomorrow and have overtime if needed until evening just to finish everything."

"Good!" said John smiling.

The couple turned around and walked towards the entrance...

John held Catherine's hand, once outside the warehouse's entrance, they strolled towards the trees surrounding the building. They stopped in the middle of the trees, a few meters away from the warehouse and saw a large hammock suspended above the ground, both ends were tied securely to the big branches of the trees.

"Wow, lovely!" exclaimed Catherine.

John smiled at her. "I'm glad you like the surprised I prepared for you, my love!"

They excitedly get inside the hammock, there's a blanket as well. Every time Catherine moves, she will end up sandwiched in John's body, the more they moved the more their bodies touched and rubbed in all the right places, John was already turn on! feeling aroused.

"Wow, this is cool, simply awesome!" blurted Catherine. She can't get over her excitement yet and she pressed her body closer to his.

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John hugged Catherine and starts nibbling at her kissable lips.

"This is so romantic!" she murmured.

"Yes, romantic indeed!" he pulsating desire already clouded his senses. His hand was now busy running back and forth above her body, groping her erogenous zones, tiny moans escape her lips.

The lights around the warehouse were already lighted and the warm glow of the lights barely reach their location. But John like it, he doesn't want much light in the area where he and Catherine were located hanging above the ground inside the hammock.

John wrapped the blanket around their body.

He plunged his hungry mouth inside hers, they shared a torrid kissing duel. He inserted his hand inside her blouse and stroked her breast gently, then a little bit rough, she moaned, she likes the erotic sensation of his fingers kneading her breast.

So erotic that her fingers automatically reached for the inside of his shorts, wanting to grasp his manhood. John let her wandering hands works its magic on his growing erection. He will let her have her way this time. The moment her warm fingers clutched around his hardening rod and starts stroking it in a pleasurable rhythm his body goes ballistic with intense raw desire pulsating in his veins, right now at this very moment he wants to pummel his shaft inside her. He groaned and panted with so much desire wracking his body wanting for a released. He sneaked his hand inside her shorts all the way inside her underwear, he inserted two fingers inside her moist core and starts stroking her, he heard her gasp in pleasure.

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"hmmm...ahhh...ahhh...johnnnn..." she moaned.


She keeps stroking his manhood that goes harder like steel as minutes passes by. He also keeps pleasuring and stimulating her core with his fingers back and forth, they fingered each other's genitals, the erotic movements of their fingers produces mind shattering sensations and pleasure on their body. While their hands were working magic on each other's private parts their lips were also locked in a duel, saliva's were now dripping from their mouth as their pleasurable activity was nearing to its highest peak. A moment later their bodies both shuddered wracked by orgasm like no other, as the stars from above were twinkling bright up high in the sky illuminating their flushed faces.

They stared in the heavens above and then they looked at each other's face smiling with happiness and satisfaction.

"I love you, you so much!" he pulverizes her cheeks with sweet kisses while she giggled in happiness.

"I love you so much...John!" she replied back.

They held each other in silence listening to the sound of insects buzzing around them while stargazing at the stars above them. It was such a beautiful romantic atmosphere enveloping the couple.

John runs his fingers up and down on her belly.

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"What will we do during the day of our wedding? You want us to have our wedding reception party just like the previous?" John asked.

"No. Let's just celebrate after the wedding. The important thing is the wedding to take place first and the rest will follow. I was talking to mother earlier about our wedding while am eating my breakfast in the morning. I think she was already warming up to the idea of us getting married again because she no longer got angry at me when I mentioned the wedding. She keeps silent and her face was calm."

"What did she reply to you?" he asked interested.

"She told me that she will think about it. A big contrast to her previous reaction. So I guess maybe this time she will finally give us her blessings!" she said excitedly.

"That's good, Cath! Let's hope for the best this time!" said John.

"Yes, let's hope for the best," said Catherine smiling.

John embraces her tight and showers her face again with sweet feathery kisses.

They spend the next twenty minutes stimulating, petting, smooching and canoodling each other like there's no tomorrow.

Well...time is up!

They can't stay in the hammock forever, time to go home. Fifteen minutes later, they were already traveling on the road back to the city.

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