~Infinity Jade Tower~

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John was talking to Romeo in his office.

"Hows the update there in the Zamboanga Del Sur in the coal mining site managed by Mr. Fuentes?" he asked.

Romeo gave John a thumbs up sign. "Mr. Fuentes is sticking to this promise to clean up his act. The mining site is running well and the workers' grievances towards the management have been addressed well so far we have not received any complaints coming from the workers themselves. So far so good down there..."

John was very much pleased with the good news. "That's great! It seems I made the right choice in giving him a second chance."

Romeo nodded his head. "What will I do with the buyers who were already sending us their proposals, two more proposals are coming this week."

"Just keep them in the records. We don't know for sure if Mr. Fuentes can stick to his good performance within one year. Just tell the buyers we still need more time assessing everything, rest assured they will be notified if we push through with our plans in selling out the coal mining site..."

"Okay...copy," said Romeo.

"Anything else, Romeo?" asked John. He needs to make a call to Reba.

"No more. I'll go out now," Romeo stood up heading for the door.

John swipes at his phone to call Reba.


"Yes, Sir!"

"The client who frequently occupies suite #3, his name is Mike, right?"

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"That's right Sir," replied Reba.

"What do you know about this guy?"

"Not much, Sir. He's just a regular patron here in the hotel. And I haven't done much digging into his background yet..."

"Is he in the hotel right now?" asked John.

"No Sir. He checked out a few days ago."

John stared at the wall clock in his office. "Call me every time he would check in the hotel."

"Okay...anything else, Sir?" asked Reba.

"That's all for now."

John ended the call. He exited his office to go up to his flat on the 15th floor. He wants to work out in the gym, it's been three days since the last time he had a workout and he wanted to burn calories in his bodies. He will call Catherine later.


In Catherine's house...

She just came home from work.

Thelma went inside her daughter's room to have a serious talk with her, she decided that now is the time to tell her the good news.

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Catherine was currently folding her clothes and arranged them neatly inside her cabinet.

"Mother...," she acknowledges her presence but she didn't stop what she's doing.

Thelma sat down on the bed and smiled at her daughter.

"I have something to tell you, Catherine," she said.

"What is it, Mother? You need money for groceries?" she looked at her mother.

"No. It's not about the groceries, it's about your upcoming wedding to John."

Catherine's eyes widen. "Mother, what about my wedding---?" she was afraid she will oppose again.

Thelma smiled broadly.

"I finally decided to grant you permission and blessing to marry John. We will be attending your wedding, all of us!" said Thelma excitedly.

Catherine doesn't know if she will scream or cry because of extreme happiness. She hugged her mother tight, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

"Thank you so much, Mother! I'm so happy today! I've been waiting for this day to come. Now I can finally get married to the man I love with your blessing, am so happy I wanted to scream!" she smiled with fresh tears continues streaming down her face.

"Stop crying, child!" said Thelma while wiping her own tears.

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"Let me cry some more, Mother. This is tears of happiness!" then she burst out laughing. "I need to call, John! He will be happy for sure!" she wiped the tears from her eyes and picked up her phone from the cabinet to call him.

Thelma exited the room slowly to give the couple privacy.

Catherine sat down in the bed.

His phone keeps ringing but nobody is answering, she wonders why? where is he? Maybe in the bathroom taking a bath? She just typed a text message telling him to call her as soon as possible.

She lay down on her bed waiting eagerly for his call.

She becomes restless, she stood up and opened her cabinet to take out her wedding gown, she caresses its fabric and lace detailing. Yes! She will be able to wear it again and this time she will be surrounded by her entire family! She shrieked in delight. She picked up the small jewelry box and opened the lid, she put the wedding ring in her finger admiring it smiling from ear to ear.

A moment later...

Done checking out her wedding gown and her wedding ring she put them back in the cabinet.

She checked her phone, he hasn't called yet even a single text message, none! She lay down in her bed and shuts her eyes for a moment. She was on the verge of drifting into a dreamland of sleep when her phone rings! the call she had been waiting for finally arrives!

"Hello...John! Why it took you so long to answer my call?"

"Love, sorry I am inside the gym having my workout, I just finish showering and I left my phone in the living room that is why I didn't know you called me earlier, what is it?"

"I have good news for you!" she took a deep breath feeling so excited.

"Really what is it? Tell me now!" he was also feeling excited.

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"Take a guess first!" she giggled.

"You won the lottery?" he laughed.

"No. Of course not. I haven't bought a lottery ticket even once in my whole life," she said. "Try again!"

John was pondering for a moment. "Hmm, you are pregnant with our first child?" he was actually praying to God right now that she is pregnant.

"No, try again!" she pouted.

John was thinking deeper and the closest he can think of is her mother agreeing to their wedding.

"Don't tell me your mother finally agreed to our wedding?" he was holding his breath afraid that he was wrong.

"Yes! You got it right John! We can finally get married this month end without any problem!" she said happily.

"That's good! I will go to the Judge's office tomorrow to re-schedule our wedding that would be on the 30th of this month," he said.

"Okay, you do it. I'm going to sleep now, John. Sweet dreams and I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Cath. Dream of me tonight," he murmured.

"Yes, I will. Goodnight, John. I love you...kisss...mwuahhh!" she ended their conversation in a happy note.

She sleeps that night her entire being filled with happiness.

While at John's end, he was sitting in the lounge chair beside the swimming pool, he was drinking wine as a celebration for the good news.

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