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Grace's Birthday Party...

Grace, her housemaid, and Caroline have been preparing and cooking special dishes for the said occasion since early morning until noon. Grace has invited some of her friends and some of their neighbors closest to her.

Late afternoon, the cooking preparation was nearly finished. Only the housemaid continues cleaning the kitchen while Grace and Caroline were already sitting in the living room resting watching television.

Grace called Catherine in her phone.

"Grace...Happy Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you! Cousin, go home early today! If you come home late I will be very upset!" said Grace.

"Yes of course! I will come home early, maybe a little bit late like 7:00? I have promised to accompany my co-worker Sherry to buy a gift for her cousin's wedding next week," said Catherine.

"Okay. No problem. Just go home quickly after! I won't blow my birthday candle if you won't arrive first," she said.

Catherine laughed. "Lol, I will blow the candle for you when I arrived at your party," she suggested.

"We will blow it together!" Grace said jokingly.

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"Okay. I will try to come home early. I will call you later, I will buy some birthday gift for you first," said Catherine.

"No need to buy me a gift. Just your presence at my birthday party is enough," uttered Grace.

"Cousin, I need to hang up now, am still on duty. Call you later."

"Okay, see you later...," replied Grace.

Catherine ended their conversation at her end. They'd been short with manpower right now so she has to supply essentials to all the rooms starting from the first floor to the top floor. It's been a busy day for the rest of the hotel staff.

She pushed her trolley inside the elevator and pressed the button to the 3rd floor, she's done with the first and second floor, 3 more floors to go.

The moment the door opens up she immediately exited the elevator, her phone rings. When she checks out the caller, it's John.

"Hi, John..."

"Cath, I just want to talk to you..."

"I'm a bit busy today, can you please call me later during the end of my shift?" she asked.

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"Huh? Why can't I talk to you right now?" he demanded.

"Because I'm working right now, Sir John, we are busy here. Lot's of the hotel staff were absent at the same time, so yeah, I have no time for chitchat," she said smiling a bit.

"Wow, my love. You seemed to forget whom you are talking to---?"

Catherine laughed. "Yeah, am talking to the owner of the hotel himself!"

"That's right. Why don't you proceed to the suite#1 right now so that we can talk there in private?"

She rolled her eyes. "But..."

"No excuses my dear! You are going to be the future wife of the owner of the hotel. I the owner himself will allow you to slacken a bit...come on!"

"Okay, as you wish John. I will call you if am already inside the suite#1." She ended their call and pushed the trolley back inside the elevator and pressed button #5. She sighed. In three weeks time, she will finally become John's wife and she will stop working in this hotel anytime soon. She will miss this job for sure. She will miss Sherry and the rest of the friendly staff in the hotel. How does it feel to be John's wife? How does it feel to be a married woman? How it feels like sharing John's bed every day? She was blushing right now...remembering that every time their skin touched they can't get enough of each other's body.

She exited the elevator's door and pushed her trolley towards suite#1.

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Once inside, she went to the bedroom and dropped her tired body into the comfy bed. She swipes at her phone and called John.

"Cath...are you in the suite now?"

"Yeah, I'm in the bed right now..."


"What is it, John?"

"The construction of my room in my warehouse has been finished yesterday, I want you to see it. I will have Ramon fetch you tomorrow at the hotel after work. Okay?"

"Wow, so it's already finished, nice!"


"How about the hammock, still there?" she asked.

"Lol, you want a repeat of our rendezvous?" he asked chuckling...teasing her. He was lying in his bed remembering too well what happened in that hammock, how they got so heated and caught up with their overflowing carnal desire and ended pleasuring each other's private parts. His hands immediately went to his shorts and cupped his erection. This is what constantly amazes John, Catherine can turn him on just by listening to her voice, imagining her beautiful face.

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She also blushed upon remembering each and every detail how they pleasured each other in the hammock suspended up in the air just the other day. "Hmmm, why not?" she giggled.

"You're horny as hell love!' he grinned.

"It's all your fault, John! You corrupted me!" she pouted.

"Yeah, I did. I am guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. But as long you like it and we're enjoying doing it together then I have no regrets," he laughed.

"Well, let's do it again tomorrow then?" she teases him.

John groaned. " love! You better get ready!" he said giving her a challenge.

"I can't wait tomorrow then, text you later John. I really have to go now, so much to do today yet so little time!"

"Okay. I love you, Cath!"

"I love you too, John!"

Catherine ended the call and went out of the suite quickly to resumed her work.

The rest of the day passed like a blur.

At exactly 5:30 PM, Catherine and Sherry were already riding a taxi cab heading to the nearest mall to buy gifts.

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