The birthday party at Grace's house was in full swing. The living room was brimming with visitors, the karaoke was blaring inside the house and everyone was competing with one another to sing their favorite song.

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Grace decided not to wait on Catherine, she blew the candles at the top of the cake and they all sang happy birthday around her. Pictures were taken from all angles, lots of selfies were taken around the cake and gifts. The celebrant and the visitors started eating the delicious dishes and drink unlimited cola, no hard liquors though.

Jerome was watching the visitors' joyous faces but their happiness wasn't able to rub on him. Everyone around him was laughing, but deep inside his heart was breaking into tiny pieces. He doesn't want to be surrounded with happy people it only makes him sadder. The only reason why he stays longer in this party was because of Catherine he just wants to see her pretty face before he will finally walk out of her life. He will stay a little bit longer just to talk to her even for a few minutes and convey to her his farewell message, he just wants to hear her voice for the last time. He sighed heavily.

He saw Grace approaching him, she might have noticed that he was the only one not having a good time among the guest, he was just observing idly in the corner completely detached from the celebration going on around him.

"Jerome, why are you sulking here in the corner? Starts eating now...!" she said giving him the disposable plate, spoon, and fork.

"It's okay Grace. I will wait for Catherine so that we can eat together," he said.

Grace shook her head unable to comprehend Jerome's weird detached behavior. Her phone rings all of a sudden, she answered the call right in front of Jerome.

Jerome took the plate from Grace's hand upon seeing that she had difficulty holding the plate while talking to her phone.

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"Catherine, what time is it now? It's nearly 8:00 PM, are you going to ruin my birthday party!? Were not eating yet because we are waiting for you," she said pretending to get angry.

"My goodness cousin, please start the party already don't wait for me! I'm going home now boarding the jeep, I will be there within fifteen minutes. I will drop by at my house first to change my clothes then proceed to your house to share the festivities," replied Catherine.

"Okay, as you say so. Just be quick! Bye!" said Grace.

The call has been ended. Grace focuses her attention back on Jerome.

"Is that Catherine?" Jerome asked her.

"Yes. She's coming any minute from now but she will drop by at their house first to change her clothes. Why don't you start eating now---Jerome?"

"I will wait for Catherine, Grace. Thanks!"

Grace shook her head again and left Jerome alone.

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Jerome was pondering what he'd just heard from Grace. Catherine will drop by at their house to change clothes? As in? She will be alone in their house for a few minutes because her entire family is here!

Catherine is gonna be alone in the house!

Alone in the house! Alone in the house!

She will be alone for a few minutes...!

A few minutes is all he needs, a few minutes to seize destiny and make Catherine his woman!

A tiny voice whispers in his mind over and over again...Just do it! Just do it! Do it!

Jerome immediately opened his backpack, inserted his hand in one of the pockets inside and grasp the key to Catherine's house. The moment the cold metal and his fingers collided, he already made up his mind! He will seize the opportunity tonight and just deal with the consequences later.

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He went to the table in long stride and left the empty plate in there, he then exited the party quietly without anybody noticing his absence. With renewed energy and enthusiasm he kept walking towards Catherine's house.

While he was walking along the pavements, some tiny droplets of rain start falling down on his head and shoulder, the rain was about to fall! He hurries up with his steps.

The rain was now falling fast...people in the streets scrambled to find shelter from the heavy downpouring of rain.

Jerome has to run the rest of the steps, thankfully he was now in front of the house and out of the rain's way. He didn't enter the house right away instead he waited for the perfect timing, he didn't wait long enough, a van suddenly parked in front of the house obscuring the entrance from anybody's view...Jerome moved swiftly, he inserted the key into the door's padlock and entered the house quickly...the streets were now empty as the rain keeps falling heavily creating puddles in the ground.

The inside of the house was dark, he had already memorized the layout of the tiny house. There are only two areas of the house that he can hide, either in the toilet or inside Catherine's room. He will wait and hide in the toilet first if Catherine was already inside her room, he will enter her room and knocked her down unconscious so that he can have his way with her without interruption.

This is an unplanned move...Jerome knew he was unprepared. Anything can happen, but he was already inside the house and there is no turning back but to continue forward!

He sauntered towards the tiny kitchen and grabs the first knife that comes in contact with his fingers. He meant no harm bit if worst comes to worst it's gonna be a bloody night! He just hopes Catherine won't resist much...or else...

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He went inside the toilet to hide.

Five minutes later...he heard the door pushed opened and the light was being switched on. He heard the door to Catherine's room being opened then closed again.

Jerome was thinking that Catherine was now inside her room and in the process of changing her clothes. He wasted no time and exited the toilet swiftly and quietly making sure he didn't produce any sound. Any slight movement may alert Catherine and she might scream aloud alerting all the neighbors' attention to the house. The only possible escape he had right now was the door leading to the back of the house and the vacant lot beside Catherine's house teeming with overgrown grass can temporarily conceal his tracks. Worst come to worst, that back door would be his last option to escape.

Holding his breath armed with the knife firmly grasp by his right hand, he slowly pushed the door opened...



Everything was so sudden...a commotion was happening inside the room, the noises of struggle can be heard outside the door. A muffled sound...noises and grunting rang in the air, but the noises aren't loud enough to warrant anybody's attention, then there's a sound of a 'thud' as if something or an object hit the floor followed by a deafening silence.

The only noises that can be heard were the raindrops splattering above the roof of the houses around the neighborhood and the pavement was being pounded by the big fat droplets of rain pouring mercilessly into the streets outside.

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