Done with their dinner, the resumed their journey towards the warehouse. Thirty-five minutes later they finally arrived at their destination. Ramon parked the car beside the two motorcycle bike parking in the area.

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John and Catherine exited the vehicle. He intertwined his fingers with hers and pulled her towards the location of the hammock.

Lighted candles were already strategically placed alongside the pathway towards the hammock. John and Catherine looked at each other's eyes amused and impressed.

"Wow, this is a very nice and romantic setting!" exclaimed Catherine.

The romantic atmosphere was more enhanced with the hanging lights intertwines among the branches creating a magical tree filled with multicolored flashing lights bathing the place with a beautiful stunning ethereal aura to it.

"Simply marvelous!" said John. George really put the effort to turn the trees into a captivating love nest decoration. 'Well done, George!' he said to himself.

He helped Catherine hops into the hammock and he followed her and soon enough their bodies were colliding into each other as the hammock swayed along to their movements.

"Beautiful---isn't it?" exclaimed Catherine, she roamed her eyes around the area. She was still captivated by the enchanting lights bathing them with a warm glow.

"Yes, it is! But their beauty pales in comparison to your beauty my love." He looked at her eyes, passion was now raging in his veins. "Shall we start now, eh?" he said huskily with passion hung heavy on his voice. He began nibbling at her earlobes and pressed his body into hers. She responded by running her hand on his back inside his t-shirt. She wrapped her legs around his hips, pressing her crotch into his bulging manhood.

As they were busy petting, fondling and smooching, a heavy thunder suddenly tore up above into the sky and a few minutes later the rain starts falling in small droplets...

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It's raining---what the heck! John swears profanities under his breath.

The lovers looked into each other's eyes smiling and grinning...

The rain was now about to fall fast and heavy!

"Let's get out of here!" shouted John.

They jumped out of the hammock and run towards the warehouse laughing at each other like small children. Lucky for them the raindrops only gets fatter and heavier the moment they step inside the entrance of the warehouse.

The entire area outside the warehouse was now fully soaked with rainwater.

John looked at her three bodyguards who are standing nearby, they were waiting for his instruction.

"Okay guys, we will get inside now. You guard the entrance and make sure no one gets in until I call first, okay?"

"Yes Sir!" they answered in unison.

'Party time,' whispered John to himself, a different kind of dark shadow enveloped his eyes.

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John and Catherine went inside the warehouse, there was a fluorescent light illuminating the whole area inside. John pulled Catherine into the location of the room. He pushed the door open...

Catherine entered the room and her eyes were shining brightly~appreciating the overall color of the room, it's all pink from top to bottom except the floor. There is a big mirror installed on the wall, as she looked closely...the whole wall behind the comfy bed is made entirely of a mirror! She finds it a bit odd and interesting as well.

John observes her reaction towards the mirror.

But her attention didn't linger much on the mirror.

Instead, Catherine sat down on the bed, she runs her fingers on the surface of the pink bed sheet, the fabric was soft to her touch and she smelled a lavender perfume floating in the air probably the bed sheet was washed with the lavender conditioner, she sniffed the bed sheet with her nose and she was right!

Then her eyes wandered to the bedside table...

There it is the bottle of wine with two glass alongside it. John went to the table and poured wine into the glasses.

They make a toast...for a celebration!

"For our upcoming wedding!" they exclaimed in unison and they smiled at each other's face full of love and devotion to each other.

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Then John poured more wine to their glasses pushing their bodies into a much hotter temperature perfect for sexual exploration.

Catherine eyed John deliciously...all of a sudden she was feeling wild tonight! She suddenly pushed John into the bed and climb on top of him, smiling seductively into his eyes.

She began kissing each scar on his face..."I love you so much...John!" she whispers into his ears.

John smiled at her. "I love you too, Cath, more than my words can say...," he replied with so much heartfelt emotion flashing in his eyes.

Her lips went lower, her warm breath was now on his neck, then she nibbled at his earlobes, and their lips were now brushing at each other. Catherine is now biting his lower and upper lip teasing him...he wrapped his arms around her back pressing her more to his hard body, then his hand went lower and cupped her buttocks sending the temperature in the room a notch higher.

Catherine took off her blouse sending it flying into the bedside table. John's hands left her buttocks to cup her twin breast possessively. He starts kneading her breast to her delight rewarding him with a loud moan emanating from her lips, he unclasped her bra and stroked her breast kneaded it to his heart's contentment, wanting more, his head went up and his mouth sucked at her nipples sending Catherine's body into a frenzy of sensation and pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his head loving the sensation of his mouth sucking at her breast.

His hands went down to unzip her skinny jeans and pulled it down from her legs. Catherine did the same to him, she gets rid of his t-shirt and his pants as well. Her hands move towards his underwear. She cupped his erection, John groaned, she gave him a seductive smile as her naughty fingers went inside his briefs and grab his hard shaft she began stroking his tip, John groaned in pleasure...the more his manhood was now turning into hard steel, she smiled and kissed him in the lips. She continues pleasuring him with her able hands and he's loving every minute of it.

John was now aroused more than ever...his hands sneak inside her flimsy panties and cupped her moist core, she gasped in pleasure...then she starts moaning as he began stroking the inside of her core...

"ummmm...ahhhhh...ummmm..." Catherine moans non stop, her body hyperventilating.

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"Cath...I want inside you... nowww....! can't take it anymore...," he groaned and panted, the throbbing of his manhood was now screaming for an explosive release inside her core!

They switched position, she was now below him and John was on top of her pinning her body to the bed in a missionary position. He lowered her panties down away from her legs and parted her legs. He wrapped her legs on his pelvis positioning his burgeoning erection into her entrance.

John's mouth reached for her lips and their lips were now locked up in a duel and right there he entered her core swiftly, he thrust on her center back and forth, pummeling her nonstop, she dug her fingers into his back as waves of pleasure wracked her body.


".....ummmmmmmm....ahhhh...." John panted and grunted getting so fired up pumping into her softness.


"...ummmm....ahhhhh....ohhhh...ummm...," Catherine's moaning was getting incoherent with intense pleasure wracking her body.

Their breathing speeds up and their heart rate increases, with clenched toes they both soared up in dizzying speed reaching the highest peak of their carnal desire giving them a mind-shattering orgasm that leaves John collapsing above Catherine's body.


He gazed lovingly into her flushed face and smiled at her full of love. He kissed her forehead and covers the blanket around their nakedness. John positioned his body behind her spooning her in the process. He wrapped his arms around her body protectively.

The couple fresh from their earth-shattering love making rested for a while. The only noise that can be heard around them was the low humming of the fan above the ceiling and their gentle breathing.

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