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Inside the adjacent room...

A man was tied to a post sitting on the chair facing the two-way mirror. His mouth was covered with duct tape and both his hands were tied securely by a rope behind his back. His legs were rope bound to the chair. He can't move his body but he can move his head. Tears were streaming down his face...while he hopelessly watched the lovers undress and make love right in front of him. Their erotic actions were so vivid and implanted in his mind forever. Tonight, he died of envy and jealousy over and over again.

Each time John's hands touched and stroked any of Catherine's private parts he will go nuts with jealousy and unbearable pain. Every time her lips contorted in pleasure while John pummeled into her center mercilessly he died a million deaths. The things he always wanted to do with Catherine's body John was doing it for him, a few times he saw him smirking in the mirror for his benefits as if telling him that 'this woman's body, mind, and heart belongs to me!' 'She is my woman, she is my property!'

That was what the message John was trying to tell him across the mirror.

Jerome didn't expect that he will be treated to a live porn show tonight. And the stars of the porn movie was no other than John and Catherine. He was pretty much sure Catherine has no knowledge about it, but John planned it all along.

He had witnesses how Catherine lovingly showered John's ugly face with kisses, that was an act of pure love! He previously didn't know how deep is Catherine's love for this guy but he just witnessed it tonight! And he was blown away with the deep of her love and devotion towards her boyfriend.

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Jerome wishes he was the one in John's place...being pummeled with kisses by Catherine's lips.

Now he realized that even if he succeeds in getting Catherine's body he can never kill her love for John. They will always go back to each other arms no matter how many times he will attempt to break them apart.

He was being stupid all along due to his desperation to obtain the woman he loves. It slowly dawned on him that he wasted his time on Catherine, obsessing for her love that was never meant for him in the first place.

Now he was caught on the act by John's men on trying to do harm on Catherine in her room. He was being spied upon silently without him knowing it. He will have to excruciatingly wait what will be their verdict on him tonight. He just wants to speak to Catherine alone and ask forgiveness of all the sins he committed against her and he will promise them that he will stay far away from Catherine and no longer pursue her.

Tonight, he now let go of his love for her, his heart was now filled with shame, guilt, and fear of what will happen to him in the hands of John's men.

As he watched the two lovers resting, he was praying they will stop tormenting him with their live show, but he was wrong because the lovers were now actively groping each other's body again!

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Then Catherine went all fours on the bed while John positions his pelvis into her buttocks and he entered her from behind, holding her hips securely so that he can pummel inside her in continues manner without stopping. As he kept thrusting inside her, her breast was bouncing along with the rhythm of his thrust.

Oh God! Jerome muttered to himself, he can't take it anymore, he shuts his eyes off firmly to block the images from entering his mind. He will no longer open his eyes for the whole duration they were fucking each other! This is absolute madness!


As John continues pumping inside her he can feel another multiple orgasm coming their way, in a moments time their body shuddered in climaxes that vibrated and lingered throughout their consciousness. John crumbled tired and insanely spent beside Catherine in the bed. But his smile is wonderful, he was truly satisfied with Catherine's cooperation tonight. She put up a good live show and he was very happy that his plan was going well and his carnal desire was fully sated to the max and that's a bonus!

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He wrapped his arms around her, their bodies were flushed but he doesn't mind embracing her. He wrapped the blanket around them then he smirked at the mirror...

John listens to Catherine heart's beating, she was dozing of clamoring for a much-needed sleep and rest. After she'll have her rest, he will bring her to the adjacent room and shows her the guy she calls a friend.

He will explain to her everything from the very beginning.

For now, he will just rest and sleep beside her so that he can regain his strength. He closed his eyes and calmed his mind and body.

The lovers fall asleep in each other's arms.


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Three Hours Later...

Catherine wakes up first, a sweet smile curled up in her lips upon seeing John sleeping soundly beside her. She didn't wake him up, he must be really tired. She lay her head on his chest, listening to his gentle heart beating. She runs his fingers creating circles in his chest. His eyes flew open...

"OMG woman, you tire me!" he said smiling at her. He was beyond intoxicated with the intensely pleasurable union of their bodies just a while ago.

"Lol, you're the one who knocked me down, I think I can no longer walk," said Catherine shaking her head in amazement. He was a bit rough earlier but she didn't complain a bit because she likes the way he pleasured her body, gentle but sometimes rough in between, it adds spice to their physical intimacy. She's now turning into a wanton shameless woman because of him.

John kissed her forehead. "You want more? I'm already well rested," he whispered softly in his ears, chuckling, running his fingers languidly on the surface of her naked body.

Catherine pinched his side. "No. Enough already. I'm beyond tired!" she pouted.

"Go ahead my love, rest some more. I will show you something later," said John.

Catherine shuts her eyelids and drifted back into dreamland. John closed his eyes as well. The lovers sleep for the next hour.

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