When Catherine arrived at her house last night, her mother no longer asks her where did she go and who was with her since she came too late at around 2:30 AM. Maybe Thelma already anticipated that she was with John that is why she didn't interrogate her anymore. When she saw her mother her anger suddenly arises, she wanted to confront her how could she do something horrible to her own daughter? But she reminded herself of her mother's illness, she's trying to avoid the risk of her mother landing in the hospital again.

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For the meantime, she will hide the pain and torment inside her. Thelma is still her mother after all!

When her alarm starts beeping she dragged herself inside the toilet and took a bath. Even if she doesn't want to go to work, she has to, because it's better working than seeing her mother inside the house and being constantly reminded of her sickening betrayal. It hurts so deep!

As for John? She was furious! She was so angry at him for involving her in a live show in front of Jerome without her knowledge! It's so disgusting! She had difficulty wrapping her mind around his insane twisted game, so bizarre! She had just discovered this new personality of John and it broke her heart that he didn't take into account what will be her feelings if she finds out.

Then there's also Jerome, the biggest shocker of them all! She still can't grasp the fact that he almost succeeded in violating her so many time's good thing 'God' still protected her. As much as she wanted to thank John and his men for saving her but right now she doesn't want to talk to him, not unless her anger will fully dissipate. She was now having doubts if she will continue marrying him or not?

My God...she was so confused right now!

It's still early morning and she can detect a painful headache starting to pummel inside her head.

After sipping coffee and munching on a piece of bread, she bid her mother goodbye in a bland voice. She can't let her mother see her anger towards her, it will only result in more complications later, so she will have to pretend every day that everything is okay between the two of them.

She boarded the jeep that will bring her to the hotel.

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In the hotel, she performs her job the usual way and smiled at her co-workers as if she's not undergoing turbulent emotions inside her heart and mind.

John has been texting her since early morning but she didn't reply to any of his messages. He called her a few times the whole morning but she would only tap the end call every time he calls as if sending him a silent message telling him that his call is not welcome.


During lunchtime, Sherry noticed her unusual quietness.

"Are you okay, Cath?" she asked.

Catherine nodded and smiled a little. "I'm just having a headache right now. I will take some medicine later to ease this pain," she replied.

"If the pain is too much you can go home right now," Sherry suggested.

She nodded in agreement. But she doesn't want to go home yet, too early! and she doesn't want to see her mother! She will be more upset than ever. She will just take a nap in the presidential suite#1 later, even for a few minutes may be the headache will go away.

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They had finished eating and went their separate ways to perform their daily routine in the hotel.


Catherine pushes her trolley inside the elevator to distributes essential in the 5th floor. She was really feeling sick, the headache was pounding on her head and she felt dizzy! But she has to do the last round before her shift will end.

She knocked on suite #4 and delivered the requested toothpaste and shampoo. Then she pushed the trolley past suite#3 to go to suite#1.

Before she can go on further, the door on suite#3 opened.

Mike's face brightened up upon seeing her. "Beauty, come here I need a toilet paper!"

She pushed the trolley towards Mike's suite. She took one roll of toilet paper and went inside the suite's toilet to change the roll, done with the task required of her she exited the toilet and was about to go out when she felt dizziness took over her body, she saw tiny black dots...then all of a sudden she fainted...

Mike was horrified to see her body swaying about to fall, good thing he was right behind her and was able to catch her in his arms before she crumbled into the ground.

He immediately put her into his bed to check her pulse and ask for help...

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But then his phone rings...he received a text telling him that his mother was coming to the hotel to check on him.

His eyes were looking alternately between his phone and at Catherine's face. He went to the door and shut it off!

W-what t-to d-do----?

He was thinking really fast, his head was spinning! then an idea pops up in his mind!

He immediately went to Catherine's side and started unbuttoning her upper hotel uniform. Then he deliberately parted her blouse showing her black bra underneath and her creamy cleavage. Then she took off her shoes and pushed it behind the bed. He unzips her pants and arranges it like it was just being recently opened. Not really convinced with the setup, he wanted to take off her blouse and get rid of her pants as well, but that would be going too far! The poor girl has just fainted and here he is taking advantage of the situation! F*ck! Not exactly the right time for everything but he has to improvise. He was still debating to strip all her clothes and just left her bra and underwear to cover her modesty but somehow his conscience won't allow it. At the last minute, he decided to go against his decision and just let the first set up played itself out.

Satisfied, Mike covered her body with the blanket starting from her toes all the way to her neck, only her face was showing. Then he discarded his t-shirt and trouser leaving just his boxers short.

He was waiting for the dreaded knock on the door...

He didn't wait long enough because loud knocking can now be heard from the inside. He went to the door and open it right away...

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"Mother!" he exclaimed as if he was surprised by her sudden arrival.

The older woman, age about sixty years old come hastily inside the room. She went to the bed and peered at the face of the sleeping woman.

"Mother, can you go out, please? I and my girlfriend were in the middle of having sex and you just barge inside like this! It's not ethical!" Mike grumbled.

The older woman smiled graciously. "She is very pretty! You look perfect together, son! Why don't you marry her right away?"

Not yet satisfied the older woman took the blanket away from the sleeping girl and see a little bit of creamy skin. She's perfect! said the lady to herself.

"I like her for you, son! Marry her soon! Bring her to our mansion!" she said smiling.

"But mother she is of a poor background!" he said.

"Nah, I don't mind. As long she can give you a child then it doesn't matter if she is dirt poor. We have lots of money we don't need a rich wife for you. What we need is someone who can carry our bloodline. Make her pregnant as soon as possible, then we will start the wedding process," said the lady and walked out of the room still smiling.

Mike grinned broadly, he was super elated. "Can you hear that, Cath? My mother has taken a liking at you the first time she had seen your face! Isn't that great?"

But the girl just continued sleeping. Mike checked her pulse, it's normal nothing out of the ordinary.

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