Mike closed the door after her mother was out of the suite. He climbs into the bed and took some selfie with the sleeping Catherine.

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He can use the photos in the future if the need arises. After satisfied with the photos, he donned back the button of her blouse and zipped her pants, he was careful not to touch any parts of her body she might wake up anytime and starts screaming.

He retrieved her shoes below the bed, then he heard her moaned a little...

She had finally regained consciousness!

Mike examined her face worriedly. "Beauty, are you okay? What happened to you? You just fainted in my room, good thing I was right behind you when you fainted I was able to catch your body before you crumble into the floor."

Catherine attempted to sit up on the bed. Mike assisted her.

"Can you walk? I will bring you to the hospital right now," said Mike.

She shook her head as if the mere mention of the hospital scared her. "No. No need to bring me to the hospital. I am perfectly okay now. Thank you, Sir Mike." She lowered her feet into her shoes and walked slowly towards the door, a little bit afraid that she will faint again.

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"Are you sure, Catherine? Let me call Sherry first," he still worries about her.

"No, need. Please don't call Sherry!" said Catherine.

"Okay, as you say so. But if you want, you can stay here in my suite as long as you want. Let me look after you until you finally get better," he offered. Mike was examining her face, her normal color already returns unlike before that she was pale, relief washed over him.

"I'll go now, Sir Mike. Thank you for helping me." She exited the suite and pushed her trolley forward.

Mike was observing her movement feeling worried that she might faint again, he sighed, he kept watching her until she disappeared behind the door.

He went back inside his suite and lay down in the bed. He swipes at his phone and scanned his eyes on the selfies he took earlier when she was still unconscious. He was grinning truly elated as if he hits the jackpot today!

The thing that he likes the most is the reaction of her mother towards Catherine. She approved of her right away! The only problem left is how to convince Catherine to marry him? If he can get rid of her boyfriend? How?

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As he was looking at the photos, he was thinking of using it to make his boyfriend jealous and they will break up. But chances are, she will only get angry at him, the more she won't marry him. The best thing to do is to wait for her to ask him to marry him. Is that even possible? They weren't involved in a romantic relationship together.

One of these days he will lay out his proposal to her. He will make it a super enticing proposal so that she wont be able to say 'no.'

He's been waiting for an opportunity to get close to her. Yet her frequent refusal to go out with him on a date is giving him a headache. 'I had to think of a better plan to make her mine,' said Mike to himself.


As soon as Catherine was already inside the suite#1, she directly went towards the bedroom and lay down on the bed. She wanted to sleep again cocooned with John's memory in her mind. This room always reminds her of John. She smiled a bit and began drifting back into sleep.

She woke up two hours later...

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It's almost time to go home. She yawned and checked her phone. She got a total of '30' miscall from John, from morning 'till noon. Then her inbox was full of his messages, she sighed deeply, annoyed with his possessiveness.

To make him calm down a bit...she began typing...

'I'm okay, no need to worry about me. I just want to be alone for a while. Let me breath a fresh air a bit, my tired mind need to process everything piece by piece. I will talk to you soon if I'm ready to forgive you...for now I need my space...hope you understand. I always love you, maybe my heart will keep loving you until I die...but you had shown me lately a new facet of your personality that I don't like...I will have to rethink if we are indeed perfect for each afraid in the end we may only tear and hurt each other to pieces...'

She took a deep breath and reread her message five times before she sends it to him. Then she hit the send button.

She rose to her feet feeling much better compared before. She will go home now. But to be honest, she doesn't want to go home, actually she wanted to go far away, far away from her mother, from away from John and Jerome...even for a few days. But she has no idea where to go.

Maybe its about time to leave the hotel and find some work far way from everybody. She needs a new environment! She texted Grace asking her if she can meet her in Venus Cafe near the hotel. Her cousin replied that she will meet her there. She dropped her phone in her pants pocket and exited the suite. She went down into the ground floor to get her shoulder bag in the employees' locker room. She didn't see Sherry in the locker room, where is she? After folding her hotel uniform and placing it inside her shoulder bag, she went out to find Sherry in the hotel's lobby.

She found Sherry busy typing on her phone in the lobby.

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"Sherry, let's go home now!" she said.

"Wait a minute, Cath. I'm texting with Mark, he wants me to ask you if you see Jerome lately. He said that he texted and called Jerome on his phone but the phone is out of coverage area. He was absent from his work today."

Catherine brows furrowed. "Tell Mark to check Jerome in his rented house," she suggested. To be honest she doesn't want to hear anything about Jerome. She stood up about to leave Sherry. "Sherry, I will go now 'coz I need to meet my cousin in the Venus Cafe. You wanna go with me?"

Sherry paused typing and looked at Catherine. "No thanks. I have a date with Mark tonight. Go ahead. I will get out later..."

"Okay, bye Sherry!" Catherine exited the hotel's door and began walking towards the corner to cross the street where Venus Cafe was located.

She entered the cafe's main door and choose a table in the corner. She will have her order later if Grace finally arrives. She roamed her eyes around the cafe, it's not overcrowded yet. She rummaged inside her shoulder bag and get her phone to check for new messages.

She swipes at her phone. She saw a new message coming from John. ...the message contains many crying emoji along with written words...' I'm so sorry...please forgive me! I will walk on my bended knees just to make you forgive me, just tell me when...I will do it!'

Silly John, she smiled a bit biting her lower lip. His messages never fail to elicit a smile on her face, he is annoying as hell but overly sweet as a candy cane.

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