Catherine saw her cousin enters the Cafe's entrance, she waves at her. Grace walked to where she was sitting.

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"Have you ordered already?" asked Grace.

She shook her head. "I'm waiting for you before I will order anything, what do you want to eat?"

Grace glanced at the menu in their table. "I will have Chocolate Lava Cake and Mixed Fresh Fruits. Choose yours my treat!"

Catherine pointed the Purple Yum Cheesecake and Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese. "This is my order!"

Grace stood up heading to the cashier section to order their foods. After paying their orders she went back to their table.

"So tell me why you invited me here?" asked Grace.

"I want to find another job far away from this place, cousin," said Catherine.

Grace eyebrows rose in puzzlement. "Huh? Why the sudden change of mind? I thought you were going to marry John soon, that would be the end of this month, right? Now that Auntie Thelma already gives her blessing to your wedding you change your mind? I don't get it!" said Grace shaking her head.

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Catherine released a deep sigh. "Something happened that change my mind. I'm having seconds thoughts of marrying John. I need more time to think and decide if we really are compatible and meant for each other."

Grace was getting more curious as seconds pass by. "Whatever it is you can tell me, Cath," she coaxed her cousin to reveal the real reason why she needs to get away from everyone.

"I'm sorry, cousin, I can't reveal everything to you yet. In due time I will tell you everything, just not right now. Can you please help me find a new job? It doesn't have to be in the hotel. Any job will do as long it's far away from here. I have my reasons, Grace," said Catherine.

"Hmmm, let me message my contact and friends if they know of any job vacancies. How about we call Mr. X?"

Catherine's eyes widen. "Huh? Why did you mention Mr. X? I'm not selling my body for sex!"

Grace laughed. "Who says you will offer your body for sex. I'm saying maybe he can help find you a job, that is what am saying."

She shook her head. "Please stop joking, Grace. I really need to go far away from here..."

Grace sighed. "Okay. I will start sending messages to all my contacts tonight. I will notify you immediately if they can offer me some jobs for you."

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"I also have another favor to ask from you, cousin."

"What is it?"

"If I already have a new job in another place, can my mother and siblings stay with you at your house for the meantime? I will just send money for their food allowance and other needs, then I will also send you money for their monthly rent."

Grace stared at her cousin. "There is no problem with the rent cousin. I am willing to absorb them in our house since we have a vacant room there. I'm just worried why you're acting like this? As if you're running away from something. Your decision is so sudden, you really got me worried!"

Catherine gave her cousin a faint smile. "I'm okay. I just need to get away from everything. Once you will know the reason why you will understand me. All I'm asking is that please respect my decision, for now, it's for the good of everyone involved."

"You are getting mysterious, Cath! Okay, I will stop asking from now on. Just remember when you are ready to talk, I'm just a phone call away."

"Okay, thank you so much, Grace!" she said misty-eyed.

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They saw the smiling waiter bringing the tray of food to their table.

"Let's start eating now," said Grace.


~Infinity Jade Tower~

John was reading Catherine's text message a thousand times. He was reading it while he was having his work out in his gym four hours ago. He also reread it when he goes swimming earlier. Every time he finished something in his office he would glance at her message. He kept trying to read between the lines trying to decipher the meaning of her words.

He read her message again while lying in his bed...

'I'm okay, no need to worry about me. I just want to be alone for a while. Let me breathe a fresh air a bit, my tired mind need to process everything piece by piece. I will talk to you soon if I already forgave you...for now I need my space...hope you understand. I always love you, maybe my heart will keep loving you until I die...but you had shown me lately a new facet of your personality that I don't like...I will have to re-think if we are indeed perfect for each afraid in the end we may only tear and hurt each other to pieces...'

He propped his head on the bed in deep thoughts, he was bothered by her message. It sounds like she wants to break up with him. Is she distancing herself away from him? He had to admit that he was wrong with the live show, his ways maybe twisted, but it's just another effective way to make Jerome see the truth that he and Catherine really love each other, that Jerome should back off.

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It might appear a bit brutal or lewd but the 'live show' certainly shows Jerome that two people who are deeply in love with each other have this physical bond and connection that was reserved only for two people in love, outsider like Jerome has to see it on how he and Catherine are so compatible in bed! And he showed him just that, the only downside is that his plan backfired and Catherine was starting to hate him because of it.

But John was hoping that her love for him runs deep...yes...he is willing to give her some free space to breathe. But he won't certainly give up on her! He will chase her to the ends of the earth and claimed her over and over again.

He released a deep sigh and glanced at the Marriage Contract lying on the bedside table, looks like there won't be another wedding happening this month end?

Why is it that when the wedding is fast approaching there is always something bound to happen that will prevent the wedding from taking place?

Are they cursed?

Are they destined to be just casual lovers passing by on each other and move on to another partner?

He is going nuts just even thinking about it. Of course, he loves Catherine very much! He won't give up on her that easily. But what if she will be the one who will finally give up on him? What he's going to do then?

He shuts his eyes for a moment. A pain so excruciating was now digging a gaping hole inside his heart. He will try to win her again, over and over again until his heart will bleed to death.

Before he sleeps that night, he sends her text messages with thousands of heart emoji and millions of 'I love you!' hoping she will forgive him and everything will be all right when they wake up the next day.

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