John only got a few hours of sleep last night. Catherine's message scared the hell out of him. The one thing he was dreading was the thoughts of her running away from him in some faraway places that he can't track easily. She might meet some bad guys along the way that will only take advantage of her just like Jerome did and he won't be by her side to protect her.

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He sighed.

John entered his bathroom and splash cold water on his face. He was originally planning to let one week passed before he will see her again since she was demanding some space to breathe and he was willing to honor her request. But she kept ignoring his text messages and his phone call, he has no idea what is going on in her mind.

Besides he can't let her hatred for him run for so long, fearing that her hatred will run so deep it will ultimately kill the love she had for him.

Last night all that he can ever think of is how to make her forgive him, it's not that he committed such a heinous crime, he didn't betray her with another woman, for Christ sake!

But he also knew he can't go hard on her, after all, she's still young. He doesn't want to put a leash on her neck she might run away for good. Today, he will go to the hotel to see her and talk to her in a sensible manner. Letting their misunderstanding run for a few days is too much for him to bear. He already misses her smile, misses her womanly intoxicating scent, misses her cute text messages. Damn! he missed everything about her!

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It's still 5:00 AM in the morning and he was already wide awake. He can no longer go back to sleep. Usually, he will wake up at 7:00 AM daily...

He stood up and sauntered towards the table in the corner and picked up his laptop, he brought it into the bed with him. He began browsing the net looking for an excellent tracking APP that can be downloaded into a cell phone. He's been wanting to install a tracking device on Catherine's phone for a long time but he was not able to do so. Now that their relationship is in a shaky ground again he needs to think of a preemptive measure, just in case she will run away from him again. She needs to know everything about the new people she's going to meet, he wants to see the place she will be staying, is it safe or not? And importantly what kind of job she will be performing every day.

John knew that after Catherine learned of her mother's betrayal things will never be the same again between them inside their house. He was also reeling from the shock with the revelation about Thelma's evil cooperation with Jerome. For a daughter it's too hard to accept, then there's Jerome's betrayal on her and worst she also learned of the two-way mirror which he painstakingly prepared for that occasion. In short, the three major disgusting incidents crushing down heavily at the same time on Catherine's shoulder was truly devastating for her sanity, it will be hard for anyone to digest and accept all.

He took a deep breath, if he only knew in advance...then he shouldn't have proceeded with his twisted plan at all. If only that rascal Jerome didn't call her attention to the two-way mirror! Then he won't have any problem with her today.

That bastard Jerome!

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He closed his eyes for a moment trying to push Jerome's face away from his mind.

He needs to finish browsing for that excellent app he wanted so that he can install it on Catherine's mobile device any moment without her knowing about it.

One hour later at exactly 6:00 AM, he already purchased an excellent tracking GPS APP, he chose this particular app 'coz it remains hidden in a cell phone once it's installed, it's a spy stealth tracking apps. This sophisticated spy apps will enable him to read her text message, view her call records, view the photos that were taken from her cell phone and he can even listen to her calls. He smiled to himself, he just found the perfect tracking app for Catherine's phone!

Just Perfect!

Although tracking one's private phone is not ethical but the purpose of it is for Catherine's safety. She might hate him for it but tracking her daily activity is very important for him. He noticed that Catherine has the tendency to attract bad people in her life.

The tracking app is for precaution only, he was trying hard to convince himself that it's the right and best thing to do when it comes to Catherine's well being. On the other hand, he considered Catherine as his most valuable treasure, therefore, he will protect his treasure and everyone he holds dear to his heart.

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He began typing a text message for her since she won't answer his call. He read his message twice before he sends it to her...

'...Cath, it's either I will visit you there in the hotel today or I will have Ramon fetch you to bring you here to the Jade Tower? Which is which? We need to talk, I need to know what is going on in your mind. Please, we can't let this small misunderstanding keep flourishing and tear us apart from each other. We need to patch things up before our wedding comes. Please...?'

He sent the message twice just to make sure she receives it. Then he also sends her another message full of heart emoji as a sign of his love and yearning for her. Now all he needs to do is wait for her reply. He was hoping she will choose the Jade Tower 'coz he wants to spend more quality time with her and really have a long serious talk with her.


John was sitting in his office examining the various business documents that need to be affixed with his signature.

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He glanced at his phone from time to time, waiting patiently for her text message that never comes. He was getting disappointed as minutes passes by.

At exactly 3:00 PM that day, he gives up waiting, just when he was about to call Ramon to ready the car so that they can proceed to the hotel to see Catherine...

His phone starts beeping alerting him of an incoming text message. He swipes at his phone excitedly, it's Catherine texting him. He felt immense joy that she responded at last!

'...I will wait for Ramon here at the hotel...'

That was her short reply.

John felt very happy. He immediately calls the nearest flower shop and ordered several bundles of red and pink roses to be delivered to his flat before 5:00 PM. He will have her favorite flowers greeting her on the door so that it can help soften her anger towards him, then he calls Ramon instructing him to fetch Catherine.

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