The three bundles of pink and red roses were delivered to John's flat thirty minutes after his call. He was practically grinning upon seeing the beautiful flowers they looked exactly as beautiful as his beloved Catherine.

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He arranged the roses on the floor, red first then pink, one after another starting from the door all the way to his bedroom.

He also ordered special dishes for tonight's dinner with her.

He inspected the flowers, they were so perfectly lined up and looking fresh and beautiful. Satisfied with his masterpiece, he went inside his bedroom heading for the bathroom to take a long shower. He already dispatches Ramon to pick up Catherine from the hotel a while ago. He will try his best tonight to patch things up with Catherine. The sooner they can kiss and make up the better so that they can continue where they left off and direct their attention to the upcoming wedding.

John came out of his bedroom feeling fresh and smelling good. He wore black cargo shorts and a white V-neck shirt. He went to the living room and sat down comfortably on the sofa holding the remote control and scanning for any random television show to pass his time.

One hour later...

His phone rang, it was Ramon calling, informing him that they already arrived and Catherine was now inside the elevator on her way up to the 15th floor.

John immediately turned off the TV and held the bouquet of roses in his hand. He walked to his bedroom door and dropped himself on his knee on the floor. He bend his knee ready for her coming...he made sure his face looks like a repentant one, he wanted to look like he was in extreme regrets and desolation.

The moment the door opened...he stared at her face directly showing her his sadness and regrets, holding the bouquet of flowers he slowly moved towards her on bended knee.

Catherine stared at Johns antics walking on his bended knee while approaching her, amusement flashing in her brain, she covers her mouth to stop herself from grinning. The amusement she felt inside was beginning to show up in her eyes.

She was not really expecting this, the parade of roses starting from the main door that ended in his bedroom door, to see him walking along with his bended knee is a bit hilarious but so damn romantic at the same time!

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He stopped in front of her giving her a puppy dog's eyes while extending to her the bouquet of lovely roses. "I'm so sorry, Cath!"

Catherine accepted the bouquet of flowers without smiling nor saying anything, not even uttering a simple thank you.

John has no plans to get up from the floor unless she will say something to him.

She rolled her eyes. "Please, get up, John!"

Wheww, finally! John stood up and was about to kiss her on the cheek but she expertly ducked out avoiding his kiss.

"Fine...," he mumbled to himself, clearly disappointed.

Catherine went to the living room and sat down on the sofa. John sat down beside her.

"What is it that you want?" she asked him in a cold voice.

John released a deep sigh. "Cath, I apologize for the live show. I really dunno how to make it up to you. Please, have mercy on me. I just did one mistake and am willing to make amends. Please tell me what am gonna do to make it up to you?"

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Catherine stared down at her shoes.

John examined Catherine's face. He missed touching and kissing her cheeks. She was wearing an elegant chiffon burgundy colored blouse over skinny jeans that complimented her looks very well. She looked beautiful as always.

She was silent for a while. Trying to find the right words to tell him her intention.

"Let's break up for good, John," she said with finality in her voice. Her face was serious while saying those painful words.

What she had just said made John's world fall apart.


They stared at each other's face. His face was in agony the moment her words began registering in his mind. While her face also displayed unbearable sadness.


Ten minutes of agonizing silence passed between them...

It took several minutes for John to start talking again. "Why? Why it's so easy for you to break up with me rather than giving me a second chance and granting me your forgiveness. Why are you so cruel to me, Cath? Why it's so hard for you to forgive me?" he asked, his voice was full of pain and suffering.

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Catherine choked back her words.

"You promised me before that you will forgive me if I made a mistake. Now I want you to fulfill your promise, forgive me now so that we can go back to the way we used to be. Please don't condemn me with just one mistake. I am willing to make it up to you," he begged.

She shuts her eyes, she does remember her promise.

"If you are willing to make it up to me then we will stay away from each other until such time my anger towards you will disappear," she said.

"How about our wedding this month end? What will happen to it?" he said in a worried voice.

She stared at him in the eyes. "You should have thought about our wedding first and foremost before you pull that live show prank of yours! Cancel it again!" she glared at him.

John covered his face with his two hands feeling so heartbroken.

"How long does it take for you to forgive me? How long do I have to wait before things will go back to the way it used to be between us? Give me a guarantee at least...," he asked feeling hopeful for a positive response coming from her.

"Give me two months," she said. She was already calculating in her mind that before the two months is over she already had a new job somewhere far from Cavite City. She really needs to stay away from him for the time being to evaluate the situation if it's worth being married to him.

John was trying to read her face but she was actively concealing her feelings inside, giving him a blank space. He was feeling frustrated, this is not what he expected to happen tonight. All his preparation was wasted.

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She rose to her feet heading for the door. "I'm going home now..."

"No! Not yet, Cath! Please don't go yet. I ordered foods for our dinner, least eat dinner with me for the last time before you go, pleasee I beg you!" John did his best to convince her to stay for dinner. By hook or by crook he needs to download that damn tracking app in her phone! He has to find a way to make it happen tonight or else he might no longer have a chance tomorrow.

Catherine ignored his plea and continue walking towards the door...

John did what is the best thing he can do at that moment. He dropped himself instantly in the floor with bended knee and begged with all his might just to prevent her from going out.

"Cath! Please don't go, please spend dinner with me for the last time," he was on the verge of crying his voice was trembling.

Catherine looked at him trying to see if he was faking his performance but she saw the tears starts falling from his eyes.

Damn! he was really crying! Men usually don't cry!

She released a deep sigh and shook her head already feeling twisted inside...she turned around and walked towards the kitchen. She sat down on the chair facing the dining table.

John smiled a bit, feeling relieved, he wipes the tears from his face with his shirt, he then rose to his feet and sauntered towards the kitchen area. He sat down on the chair opposite her.

They start eating in silence.

John studied Catherine's face, this is something he realized again and again when it comes to her character...she is different from other women. There is this certain part of her that is so stubborn and unyielding. Once she made up her mind it's so damn hard to sway her to the opposite side. A few times he was beginning to doubt if she really loves him at all. Since the very beginning he has always been the one who made all the chasing...maybe because he loves her more than she loves him, that what terrifies him the most, she can leave him anytime without batting an eyelash.

He will be forever at her mercy.

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