They already stopped eating.

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"What are you looking at?" she noticed that he was staring hard at her.

"Am just memorizing your beautiful face because I'm going to miss you terribly. Will you miss me, Catherine? Would you ever care to remember me if I'm already gone from your life?" he said in a sad voice.

She pursed her mouth not wanting to say anything that she will only regret later.

John rises from his chair and went to the cupboard to get the strongest wine that he has in his position. One or two gulps is enough to make someone drunk and feel high as Mount Everest. This is the moment that requires an extreme last resort. Desperate situation needs a desperate measure.

He picked up two glass and place the glass in front of her. He poured the wine on her glass.

"Have a drink, Cath. It will be our last drink together for a long time because as I can see in your eyes you are going to run away from me again," his penetrating gaze bore into hers.


He saw the truth in her eyes for a brief seconds only, then she lowered her eyes to hide the truth.

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Catherine stood up abruptly without drinking the wine. "I'm really going home now, John. It's getting late," she said.

John glanced at his phone. "Why you want in a hurry to go home? It's still 8:00 PM, the night still young."

She sat down on the chair feeling a bit agitated. She knew his intention why he offered her a drink, the best way to subdue her anger is through sex. They both know very well that he holds tremendous power over her body.

"I'm not going to drink wine tonight," she said.

"Come on. This will be our last night together. Just for the sake of everything that we been through, let this be our last drink together," he was being persuasive.

"I won't let you go home if you won't take a sip even a small amount," he challenged her.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine...!" She took the glass and gulped the wine in one go. Then she stood up heading for the door....she was not able to walk any further because she felt a little bit dizzy as if she was starting to float in a cloud..."Wow! What's this? Why I'm feeling so lighthearted...?" Then her body turns like jelly.

A chuckle escapes from John's mouth. He was already behind her, both his hands were sneaking into her waist, pressing her into his body. "What happened, Cath? Are you all right?" he whispers in her ears.

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"I'm feeling dizzy all of a sudden. Is it the wine?" she asked him.

"Does it matter?" he laughed a bit, loving the way the wine made her eyes seductive and her face so soft no trace of anger on her pretty face.

"Wanna sleep in my bed first?" he murmured again.

"I will kill you, John! I swear!" she was trying to swat his hands away but her limbs and hands were like jelly, not even an ounce of strength left on her body.

John scooped her and carry her in his arms towards his bed. She fixed her eyes into his face sending him a warning.

John ignored her silent warning. If nothing else will work, then sex will surely be the last option, sex the ultimate power he had over her body.

Inside the room...

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He lowered her gently into the bed. He gets rid of her shoes, then he starts discarding her blouse, next he unzips her skinny jeans and get rid of it sending it flying across the floor. John discarded his t-shirt and his shorts as well. Catherine was staring at him with only her bra and panties and John with his underwear.

John began tracing light feathery kisses starting on her feet, edging upwards in her thighs, passing her center, up to her navel, all the way to her breast, cleavage, neck and then the last stop on her lips. Then he kissed her eyes, nose and then claimed her lips for a searing kiss. She tried to block his tongue from entering her mouth but even her tongue has no power to stop his mouth. As his mouth was locked with hers, to her chagrin she found herself responding to his kiss. He was smiling at her in victory.

"I love you so much, Cath! You are my life! Please don't leave me," he mumbled, then he delved his tongue again into her mouth. He shifted on top of her, their bodies were now touching, skin to skin, torching their bodies on fire, their carnal desire was rising to a fever pitch clamoring for more action and released.

His mouth lowered down to her chest, he unclasped her bra and began stroking and sucking at her breast with his mouth. He heard her moan a little probably she was suppressing her voice, but her low moan is enough evidence that she was liking what his mouth was doing to her breast. He lowered his hand and groped her center, cupping her core, fondling it and kneading it expertly with his hand to awaken her carnal desire to a fever pitch. He heard her moan again, driven with the wild lust running in his veins his hand slipped inside her panties and inserted his two fingers right into her moist core sending Catherine's body into the edge of ecstasy.

"...ummm....ummm...ahhhh...," her faint moaning only added to his intense desire to stimulate and pleasure her more sexually.

As his fingers continue stroking her silky folds his erection was already throbbing mad between his legs, he was so aroused that he wanted to enter inside her now, he wants to pummel inside her and explore her silky core...he quickly discarded her panties and poised his manhood above her core, teasing her, as he gazed lovingly into her eyes.

Catherine watched his stiff erection hanging above her center with great anticipation. John was smirking at her for a few seconds and plunged his erection right into her awaiting softness, then he claimed her mouth for a fiery kiss at the same time he pummeled his steel rod deeper inside her, he wrapped her thighs around his pelvis for a much pleasurable penetration to her core, the experience is mind-shattering. His shaft continues exploring her silky wall as he devoured her mouth, it was sooooo pleasurable... sooooooooo stimulating making love with her like this...slow yet so sensual making his head clamoring for more. He pumped inside her a little bit harder....fasterrrrr....and she likes it very much..her eyes start getting hazy due to extreme pleasure that their sexual intercourse was bringing in to their body.


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Both John and Catherine filled the room with their pleasurable moaning, their sex is now turning so hot and so intoxicating they can't get enough of each other. The electrifying and stimulating union of their bodies become so pleasurable that John was now banging her core like crazy he wants to reach her G-spot to give her multiple orgasms and he was not disappointed because his non stop banging finally reaches her G-spot in the next few seconds he ejaculated inside her, emptied his seeds into her hoping one of them will become their first child. He felt her body shuddered followed by his own, their orgasm was so potent and mind-blowing, it leaves the two of them gasping for breath.

John's tired body crumbled on top of her. He eases himself away from her and embraced her from behind, spooning her. "I love you so much, Cath!" he whispers lovingly in her ears. Then he reached for the blanket and wrapped it around their nakedness. He felt happy, contented and sexually sated. Life would have been so great if he can continue doing this with her embracing her daily for the rest of his life. He wants her body so close to his, hear her breathing, smell her womanly scent, it's all a heady feeling for him. He simply loves Catherine so much.

"I love you much...Cath!"

"Love you so muchhhh..."

"Love much...Catherine!"

He whispers those words in thick emotion, the deep of his love for her were pouring out from his heart while he showered her neck with light feathery kisses.

A single tear fell from Catherine's eye.

"Let's rest and sleep love... sweet dreams, Cath," he whispers and continue spooning her enjoying her warmth.

They close their eyes at the same time for a much-needed rest.

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