John was still embracing her. He waited for her to feel asleep soundly so that he can execute his plan. After making sure that she was already sleeping and not easily awaken, he slowly disengage himself away from her, he rose to his feet and tiptoed out of the room fully naked. He closed the door behind him and walked in long stride towards the living room. He grabs her shoulder bag and rummages inside to find her cell phone. Once he finally got the mobile device in his hand he swipes at it, good thing she was not using any password on it, he immediately downloaded the tracking app in her phone.

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A few minutes later the download was complete. He released a broad smile to celebrate his success! He put back the phone inside her shoulder bag and went back to his bedroom.

He slid into her back and continue spooning her. He went to sleep with the smile of satisfaction etched firmly on his face.

John falls asleep pretty fast...

While Catherine is now wide awake.

She makes sure he was already sleeping soundly. She untangles herself from his body. She tiptoed towards the door and close it softly behind her. She went to the kitchen and took a knife, she held it in her hands firmly, she went back to his bedroom and walked to his side on the bed with careful slow steps so as not to awaken him...

A smug smile plastered on her face.

Once she was already in front of him...she slowly pulls back the blanket away from his body, there it is his flaccid penis! She wants to cut it! She grabs his member right away and was about to plunge the knife into his manhood, that's also the time John was suddenly awakened at that exact moment!

"Jesus Christ! Catherine! No!" he screamed at her putting her into a momentary state of surprise.

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John swiftly blocked her hand the one holding the knife from reaching his penis.

Catherine wrapped her hands firmly on the knife as well on his manhood.

"Let go, Cath! Please don't do it! If you cut my penis we will never be able to have children of our own that looks exactly like you and me! I know you're angry, please let's talk it over!" he was pleading for her sanity to come back. He doesn't want to hurt her physically either.

But Catherine was so damn angry, she tried to attempt for the last time to cut his penis but this time John put much pressure on her hand forcing her to release the knife she was holding, the knife fell into John's thighs, they fought over for the knife, to their frenzy the knife cut John's flesh two times and draws blood.

They only stop when they saw the blood starts dripping from his thigh.

Fuck! John swore profanities under his breath.

John immediately stood up to prevent the blood from dripping into the bed sheet knocking Catherine's body in the process, but he was quick enough to catch her waist before she falls backward, as soon he got her steady on her feet he let go of her.

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Anger simmered on his face..."Look what have you done, Catherine? You nearly killed me!"

"I'm not going to kill you! I'm just going to cut your penis!" she screamed at him.

John released a deep sigh. "Are you going crazy?" he snapped at her.

He picked up the knife and hold it firmly in his hand and walk out of the room towards the direction of the kitchen where the First Aid kit was located.

Catherine followed him in silence, her body trembling, she was totally shaken with what she just had done to him. She was just acting on impulse, she was angry at him for using sex to subdue her. When it comes to sex as long their skin began touching she was powerless and defenseless against him. That infuriates her the most! But now that she saw real blood she was totally appalled by what she had done.

He walked towards the marble top and dropped the knife in the sink.

John took the medicine kit from the cupboard and spreads the contents of the box into the table. Then he began administering to his wound, Catherine took the antiseptic from his hand...

"Let me dressed your wound, it's all my fault, I am so sorry!" as she was wiping the blood from the wound, fresh tears began to fall from her eyes and streaming down her face.

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She continues dressing and applying a generous portion of the antiseptic on the wound and then she wrapped antiseptic plaster and securing it with a gauze above it.

Using the cotton balls drip with alcohol she starts wiping the blood from other areas of his thighs and his feet, she was still sobbing while cleaning him.

John watched her under his eyes the shock was now wearing off from his face. "Cath, stop crying! It's not your fault," he runs his hand down her hair then kissed her forehead lovingly. He had a complete grasp of her erratic behavior lately. Catherine just snapped! With so much trauma she undergoes nowadays her sanity was being pushed to the limit and he added more salt to her wound by forcing her into sex using the wine. He was being a dick again!

He blamed himself the most of what happened tonight. Good thing the cut was not deep.

Done dressing the wound, Catherine put the bloody cotton in the trash can and placed the medicine kit back in the cupboard. She washed her hands with soap in the sink...eyeing the knife lying in the bottom with horror and guilt rising in her heart.

She turns around...

"Can you walk?" she asked him in a worried voice.

John attempted to stand up, but he pretended to limp bringing Catherine to her side to assist him. They walked slowly towards the bedroom, he was leaning on her...smirking, while she was worried sick of him.

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They lay down in the bed.

They looked into each other's eyes.

"Y-you...hated me now?" she asked.

John reached for her cheeks and caresses it with his fingers. "No. How could I hate you?" He embraced her tight. "You're the love of my life! I could only love you but never hate you!"

"I'm so sorry!" she was about to start crying again. She buries her head into his chest.

"Shhh, please don't cry anymore, Cath. I already have forgiven you. It's not your fault, it's all my fault. Let's sleep and have a long rest, okay?" he rubbed her back tenderly.

He reached for the blanket and wrapped it around them. "Sleep tight," he murmured into her ears.

She hugged him tightly, he was so forgiving! Unlike her.

She cried in silent.

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