The Next Day...

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Early morning, the lovers were still lying in the bed already awake but they were giving each other a silent treatment.

They both sleep late last night.

While their body still entangled on each other, they were dealing with turbulent emotions running inside their head.

What happened last night had shaken John to the core. If he hadn't awakened just in time to realize what Catherine has been planning to do with his private part then he might already have lost his manhood. Again, he discovered another personality of her, she can be a little bit psychotic, maybe because he had pushed her to the edge. Under normal circumstances, she has a sweet personality, but if provoked she can act like a mad woman, a fierce lioness. He can still remember the way she savagely slapped Jerome's cheek left and right, she didn't stop until Jerome's face has become swollen red.

Last night, he was able to witness how psychotic she can be. But then Jerome totally deserves her slapping, as for him, what did he do that provoked her wrath? he forced her to have sex with him by using the wine to make her drunk even if she's not in the mood for sex he still continues with his carnal desire, serves him right! In short, if he didn't make her drunk then she won't be feeling enraged and act out of character. Honestly, he can't blame her, not at all, she only expressed her anger in the only way she knows how.

He had to remember from now on, never to force her into sex with him if she is not in the mood. Last night, John learned his lesson the hard way.

On the other hand, Catherine was busy using her fingers running circles on his chiseled chest.

"Good morning, love!" he greeted her.

"Good morning...John," she replied hiding her eyes from him. Her entire being was tormented with guilt and shame because of what she had done to him last night.

John planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I will go to the bathroom first," he said. He moved out of her reach and went to the bathroom.

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She watched his retreating back lovingly. So many troubling things were creating havoc in her mind right now, she doesn't know where to begin.

Ten minutes later he exited the bathroom, he went to his closets and changed into a fresh set of clothes.

Catherine rises from the bed and went inside the bathroom to wash her face and gurgle water in her mouth as well as relieved herself. When she exited the bathroom John was no longer inside the bedroom, she went to his closets and change into sexy lingerie, a naughty smile curled up in her lips. This particular red lingerie is really sexy and it's one of John's favorite.

She will seduce him today, to make up for her sin last night. Done donning the lingerie to her body she went back to the bed to wait for him.

The door to the bedroom opened and John came inside holding a tray laden with foods. There's two cups of hot coffee, sunny side up egg, ham and bacon as well as sliced bread in the food tray.

He smiled brightly at Catherine. "Breakfast in bed my love!" he announced in zest.

Catherine stood up and walked towards the small table in the corner of the room and helped John moved all the foods into the table.

"I ordered our breakfast, let's eat!" he said.

They began eating in silence.

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John was occasionally sneaking glances at her creamy cleavage in full display behind the black lace detailing of the red lingerie. He gulped back his saliva. Early morning and he was getting horny again upon seeing her wearing the sexy lingerie which is one of his favorite.

Catherine smiled sweetly at him 'coz she was aware that he was drooling and ogling at her ample cleavage. She made sure her breast almost popped out from the lingerie she was wearing.

A few moments later they were already done eating breakfast. Catherine took the initiative to clear the table and put all the dirty dishes back in the food tray.

"I want to check your wound and changed the dressing," she volunteered in a soft voice.

"Good...," he said smiling at her while carrying the food tray in his hands.

They went to the kitchen, she started washing the dishes in the sink. Done with the washing, she took the first aid kit in the cupboard and began cleaning his wound and applied the medicine as well as new antiseptic plaster and gauze around the wound.

Done cleaning his wound, she put the medicine kit back in the cupboard.

John was observing all her actions starting earlier when they were eating their breakfast, then a while ago while she was washing the dishes and cleaning her wounds. She acts calm and normal and seems no longer angry at him. He was really hoping she already forgiven him when it comes to the two-way mirror and the live show, it's one of the stupidest things he'd ever done to her and he regretted it very much.

They sat down on the chair opposite at each other.

Catherine cleared her throat.

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"Hmm...John, I want to apologize to you regarding what happened last night, I'm so sorry," she said in a serious manner looking directly into his eyes baring her soul to him.

He reached for her hand and took them into his lips and kissed them one by one. "I already have forgiven you, Cath, since last night. As I have said before, I can't bring myself to hate you. I can only love you but I can never hate you."

"Thank you for your quick forgiving heart, John. I feel a little bit better now," she said beaming at him, grateful for his forgiveness.

John coughed a little. "Hmm, how about me, Cath? When can you forgive me? I am so sorry about the two-way mirror. I promised to you I won't do something stupid like that ever again," he said in a pleading voice.

She smiled at him. "Of course, I already have forgiven you as well! Let's start fresh...okay?"

It looks like we already had forgiven each other's mistakes and it made us love each other the more, said John to himself.

John hugged Catherine tight. "I love you so much, Cath!" He pulled her into his body making her sit on his lap.

"Ahem...why are you wearing sexy lingerie early in the morning?" he asked amused while running his fingers up and down on her shapely legs.

"I want to seduce you to make it up to you as an atonement of my sin last night," she said grinning coyly, then she bit her upper lip while looking seductively at him and run her hands on his muscled chest.

John grinned from ear to ear. "Wow, so shall we begin now, cowgirl?" he murmured huskily while nibbling at her earlobes.

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"Let's go to the bedroom now," she whispers, her seductive voice is promising him a hot wild sex in bed.

John grinned broadly. With pulsating energy and excitement he picked her up and carried her in his arms heading for the bedroom. Their eyes were speaking erotic volumes and firmly glued to each other.

Once inside the bedroom, he gently lowered Catherine in the bed. She playfully pulled him down onto the bed beside her. She shifted on top of him, straddling him, she naughtily positioned her bottom onto his groin, he groaned heavily the moment her softness came in contact with his hardness, his manhood erected right away.

She began undressing him sending his shirt and short flying somewhere on the floor. She runs her fingers up and down on his muscled chest, then her mouth followed, she rains hot kisses on his chest, sucking and licking his chest and abdomen area. Her tongue hungrily sucked at his nipples, John groaned in delight. She continuous pleasuring him through his nipples, then her mouth edges upward and she runs hot kisses on his neck and ears giving John so much pleasure. His hands were also busy groping her body parts especially her bottom and her breast, kneading them. Catherine sneaked her hand inside his briefs and grabbed his erect shaft. She freed his erection from the confinement of his underwear and starts licking the tip of his shaft with her kissable lips...John groaned with so much pleasure and delight. She was inspired by his groaning and panting so she continuous pleasuring him again and again with her tongue and her lips, licking and sucking the tip of his rod in her mouth like a lollipop. Half of his length was already inside her mouth, he was totally blown away with her pleasurable sucking of his shaft! It's the first time she took the lead...

"...ummm...ahhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhh...Cathhhhh.....," John was writhing in ecstasy loving the pleasurable blow job she was doing to his manhood, her BJ is blowing his freaking mind into the highest level. It was the absolute best erotic thing she ever had done to him, eating him like that without him asking her to do it made him so happy. When he was nearing to cum he pulled her up gently and swiftly discarded her lingerie and inserted his steel rod into her moist core, then he starts pumping in rhythm inside her silky wall and ejaculated right inside her. It was so special, beautiful and mind-shattering orgasm for John and Catherine.

The rested for a while savoring the last remnant of their pleasurable sexual intercourse.

Fresh from their pleasurable lovemaking...

They spend the rest of the morning heavily engaged in cuddling, petting and smooching each other. They only stop during lunch time. Then the rest of the afternoon, they spend their time, swimming, watching movies in the mini-theater, and singing in the karaoke.

John brought his ladylove inside the Gym, Catherine love watching John doing his work out activity in his gym, she especially loves watching him flexing his biceps and she goes nuts drooling at his muscled chest.

The lovers had a wonderful time with their kissed and made up session. The love they had for each other only grows deeper and stronger after they had forgiven each other's faults and mistakes.

That afternoon before Catherine went home John avoided the topic of their upcoming wedding. There are other days for discussing their wedding, what matters most today is that they had patched things up between them and they had parted that afternoon with a bright smile plastered on their faces.

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