The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 164: 164

When Catherine went home that night, she directly went to Grace's house. Her cousin texted her that she got two possible jobs waiting for her. She was feeling a little bit excited anticipating that she can finally start all over again with the brand new phase of her life in a new environment away from her mother, away from Jerome's memory and away from John. A sudden realization dawned on her that if she didn't involve herself with John and Jerome she won't be experiencing any traumatizing events in her life right now.

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Men only bring complications and problems in her life. She should not entertain any suitor again or get involved with men ever again. She wanted peace and quiet in her life and peace can only be attained if she will stay single for the rest of her life. No men, no relationship, no drama! That is the kind of life she wanted to live in the next years of her life.

She will stay single and enjoy her life being single!

Isn't that great?

She's excited to move on with her life and forget all the bad things that were currently happening in her life.

Catherine arrived in her cousin's house, the housemaid informed her that Grace was in her room upstairs waiting for her. She saw her sister Caroline watching television in the living room, they nodded to each other and then she proceeds to climb the stairs towards the second floor. She entered her cousin's room and found Grace busy typing something on her laptop.

Grace paused her typing and set aside her laptop to hold a conversation with her younger cousin.

"Cath, I finally have two possible jobs for you..."

Catherine smiled excitedly. "What kind of jobs, cousin?"

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"One is a governess of a five years old girl whose mother had died recently from a terminal illness. Her father is 30 years old, a widow and a businessman. So, you have to be the nanny of the child. The salary is a bit lower compared to your job in the hotel, but you will have free accommodation and foods and you will be given allowances too. The father who is now a widow is good looking and loaded," winked Grace.

Catherine laughed at her cousin's silly remarks.

"Wait, here's the photo of the father and daughter duo," Grace showed her the photo of a good looking guy and an equally pretty little girl.

Catherine stared at the photo for a little while. She can't connect with them.

" about the second job? What is the nature of that job?" she asked.

Grace reached for the glass of juice from the bedside table and sipped from it. "This second job is more on managing several people. The owner got a two-story building in a busy neighborhood somewhere in Quezon City and she operates 3 stores on the ground floor of the building. The second floor is the living headquarter and the stores consisted of a Meat Shop, a Burger Shop, and a Laundry Shop Business. All three businesses have been running smoothly for the last two years and the Officer In Charge there is my friend, Agnes. She manages all the three stores because the owner was constantly on the move going in and out of the country. Basically, the job is not that hard. Agnes is going to marry her foreigner boyfriend soon, so she is looking for someone as her replacement, someone who can be trusted to manage the 3 stores. What do you think? Which job you like the most, Cath?"

"I like Agnes job, sounds challenging and exciting. But I'm just a high school graduate I don't know how to manage people and I had no business experience as well," said Catherine in a worried voice.

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"Don't worry about it. Agnes will train you for one month, she will not leave you on your own unless you will feel starts feeling comfortable with your new job. Your board and lodging accommodation is free, water and electric bill are paid by the owner. So, your main expenses will be centered around your food and other basic necessities. Your starting salary will be PHP15k pesos per month. I think it's the same as your salary in the hotel, right?" said Grace.

"Yes!" she answered. "Please tell Agnes right away that I accepted the job!" she said eagerly.

Grace smiled at her cousin.

"Wait, have you submitted your resignation letter in the hotel?" asked Grace.

She shook her head. "Not yet."

"Let's print your resignation letter first. Then I will call Agnes later for confirmation that you accepted the job. Then we will make your resume for your next employer."

"Okay. Thanks, cousin!" said Catherine.

While Grace was typing her cousin's resignation letter and resume, she suddenly remembers Jerome and his untimely death! She paused typing for a while and faced her cousin.

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"OMG, we haven't talked about Jerome! You have no idea Cath, how shocked I am! I was still talking to him during my birthday party the other day and now he was already dead. I still can't believe it!" said Grace in a sad voice.

Catherine felt sad as well. In spite of all the bad things Jerome has done to her, she still has nice and good memories with him no matter how brief they were. "Yes, I was also shocked and deeply saddened by his passing. I pitied his family back home they were solely depending on him. I'm sure they were devastated by the news of his death. Let's just pray for his soul to rest in peace in heaven," she exhaled misty-eyed.

"Who do you think killed him?" continued Grace.

"Dunno cousin. His death is a big mystery to me because he has no enemies. He is a good guy," Catherine almost choked on her last word.

Grace shook her head vigorously still feeling sorry for Jerome, too young to die!

"Is there any news update regarding the murder investigation?" asked Catherine.

Grace shook her head. "So far, no leads. The crime scene was already combed thoroughly by the police, no additional evidence recovered in the area."

"That is sad," commented Catherine. She also wanted to know who murdered Jerome and wants the suspect to be thrown into jail for his heinous crime.

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Grace had finished typing her cousin's resignation letter and resume. She printed one copies each and put it in a white envelope. "Here's your resignation letter, Cath. Submit it to the hotel staff as early as possible. And here's the resume for your new job give it to Agnes when we see her within this week. We have to visit her in Quezon City anytime this week."

"Thank you so much, Grace!" said Catherine feeling grateful for Grace's unwavering help and support.

Grace just smiled at her cousin, she finished drinking her juice and then swipes at her cell phone, calling her friend Agnes...

"Agnes...hello friend!" said Grace.

"Hi, Grace, what's up? Is your cousin interested in my job?" asked Agnes.

"Yeah! She will be submitting her resignation letter tomorrow to the hotel where she was currently working at. Within this week I will bring her to your place to see you and submit her resume. I will call you when we already had the schedule," explained Grace.

"Okay. That's good, am excited to teach her everything. Tell her I'm excited to meet her!"

"Yes. I will tell her. See you soon! Bye Agnes!" replied Grace.

Grace and Agnes conversation on the phone ended quickly.

Catherine went home that night feeling grateful that a little bit of peace has now been restored in her mind the moment she got a new job!

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