John was checking important documents inside his office when he received a call from Reba.

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"What is it Reba?" he asked.

"Sir, Catherine just submitted her resignation letter to me a few minutes ago, she will be working until Friday only. Just so you know," said Reba.

"I see...okay. Prepare her salary and provide her any necessary papers she requested," ordered John.

"Copy Sir," replied Reba.

John massaged his temple. "I will visit the hotel later in the afternoon. Tell Catherine to clean my suite!"

"Okay Sir," said Reba.

"That's all for now Reba." John ended their call.

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His hands were gripping hard on the edge of his office table, his face was darkening, his breath was quickening! After a few days of cold treatment from her now she's planning to run away again without even saying goodbye? How cruel and immature can she be!? He's been waiting for the reply of his text messages and waiting for her to answer his calls but she just kept ignoring him. Did she really believe he ordered his bodyguards to kill Jerome? God! Catherine can be an annoying woman at times! But still, his overwhelming love for her overpowers his senses, she has this power over him that can torture him to no end.

He turn on his laptop and log in to his online account to check the tracking app if it's working effectively on Catherine's phone. He needs to check her text messages, emails and call logs wanting to know if she has been applying for a new job and the exact location?

Twenty minutes later, he was done perusing all her emails, text messages and call logs. One thing is sure, she already got a new job that's been the reason why she resigned from the hotel! She's running away from him again but he won't let her...!

He will attempt to stop her today from leaving, he will try his best! But if he can't prevent her from leaving then he will send Allan again to spy on her new job. She can't be alone for a long time, he was sure there are always men like Jerome and Mike that will pursue her in her new place. He can't allow her to fall in love with another guy! He can't allow anyone to get close to her! The thoughts of another man touching her body and make her moan would kill him. He can't imagine Catherine giving out pleasurable kisses on another man's body! That would really put him on the edge! No! Just thinking all about these negative thoughts made him angry and panicky!

His mind was clouded with negativity.

He stood up and exited his office. He needs a good swim in the pool to let some of his raging steam blow off. The worst he can do is confront Catherine with his face flaming red with anger, it might scare her the more! He needs to keep an open mind and calmed himself so as not to scare her away, if possible he will beg her not to leave him. He will try to change her mind and prevent her from resigning from the hotel, maybe there's still a small chance she will change her mind.

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He entered the swimming pool area, stripped all his clothes and dived into the deepest part of the sparkling pool. He wants to enjoy swimming for a while and will only get off the water when his head is finally cleared.

Dealing with Catherine is like dealing with a volatile flame that can get hot and cold anytime. She can't stay in one place and her mind always changing! She isn't consistent with her feeling towards him and not completely committed to their relationship. Maybe because she's still young and not on the marrying stage yet. Her maturity still not fully developed! But he's willing to assign a large portion of his patience and understanding to accommodate her mood swings and weaknesses and give her the support that she always wanted.

Done with his swimming, he went to the bathroom and took a soothing bath. He will proceed to the hotel after lunch. He wished to spend his whole afternoon with Catherine and hopefully, they can sort out all their differences today so that she won't have to go away and he won't be going nuts thinking about her.

A few hours later he was already devouring his lunch that was delivered deliciously hot on his doorsteps.

He called Ramon to ready the car, they will be heading to Marigold Hotel within twenty minutes.

On the way, he instructed Ramon to stop at the flower shop along the road so that he can buy a fresh flower bouquet for Catherine.

He tried sending her a text message, she didn't reply. He tried calling her but she won't answer his call either. He was gripping his cell phone hard totally annoyed! Damn infuriating woman!

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He called Reba again...


"Yes, Sir!"

"Order Catherine to clean my suite right away! I want her to be inside my suite when I arrived at the hotel. I will be arriving in forty-five minutes!" John barked his order and ended the call abruptly.

"Copy Sir!" replied Reba.

Reba was stunned, her Boss' sounds angry, she was guessing that he was feeling upset caused his girlfriend resigned from her job at the hotel.

She arises and exited her office to look for Catherine. She will give the order to the girl herself fearing that John will finally arrive in the hotel any moment from now and he will be furious if he found out that his ladylove was still not inside his suite, she might receive a nasty lashing from him!

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Reba found Catherine in the hallway of the 4th floor, pushing her trolley towards the elevator heading for the 5th floor.

"Catherine, wait a minute!" she catches up with her before she enters the elevator.

"Yes, Ma'am Reba, what is it?" Catherine stopped on her tracks.

"Sir John will use the suite#1 today, he will be arriving within 45 minutes. Hurry up, go inside the suite and do some cleaning. I have to warn you that he is extremely angry and I dunno the reason why. Maybe he was angry that you resigned from your job here in the hotel. So, if I where you, you'd better keep your temper in check and don't infuriate him further. I'm advising you now for your own good. You got me, Cath?" asked Reba.

Catherine nodded. "Thanks for your heads up, Ma'am."

"Okay, go in there now. Let me handle that trolley, I will have somebody else finish your rounds," ordered Reba.

"Thank you, Ma'am," said Catherine politely. She entered the elevator feeling a bit nervous and uneasy inside.

The elevator stopped on the 5th floor.

Catherine exited the elevator and walked briskly in the hallway towards the suite#1. She arrived at the door and quickly inserted the key and went inside.

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