She's not here for cleaning! She's here to be roasted by John's wrath. She hasn't answered his call nor replied to any of his messages in the last few days. She was preoccupied with her own demons inside that she has no more energy left to deal with John's own hell. She shuts her eyes thinking quickly of what she can do to subdue him even before he will spit fire on her.

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She went to the bedroom and entered the bathroom for a quick shower, maybe the water can help calm her nerves.

A few minutes later...

Ramon parked the car in the parking area of the hotel which was situated in the basement.

John grabs the bouquet of flowers and walked towards the entrance of the hotel and entered the elevator pressing the #5 button. A few minutes later he was already walking in the hallway heading towards the suite.

He inserted the key and entered the room closing the door behind him. His eyes roamed around the suite, he can't find Catherine inside! Where is she? He specifically told Reba that Catherine should be inside the suite before he arrives!

John sauntered towards the bedroom and pushed the door wide open.

There she is!

His anger melted right away upon seeing her lovely face.

Their eyes meet, the intense gazed they were throwing on each other was smoldering hot!

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Catherine was lying in the bed with no clothes on, almost naked! The only garments covering her private parts was a piece of flimsy panties and bra.

John choked on his own saliva. He feasted his hungry eyes on her seductive naked body.

She was looking at him flirtatiously with a sultry smile on her face. "Hello...John!" she smiled at him enticingly, her voice sugary sweet!

He was drooling now and his manhood instantly turned hard inside his underwear. He was quickly aroused just by ogling at her naked form.

John went to her side and give her the flowers.

"Wow, beautiful flowers! Thank you John!" she exclaimed in happiness. Beautiful flowers always give her good vibes. She sniffed at the flowers loving their pleasant scent passing through her nostrils.

While she was focusing her attention on the flowers, John hopped into the bed and lay down beside her. He began nibbling at her earlobes and her neck, then he runs his hands all over her body, touching, groping, kneading and stroking her body parts catapulting her instantly on fire!

"Ready for me, huh?" he said in a husky voice, smirking. His eyes were now turning dark with a heavy intoxicating desire of wanting inside her badly.

She smiled at him. "More than ready...John," she responded to him enticingly, she seeks his mouth for a passionate kiss.

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John was already sexually fired up bewitched by her nakedness and her softness. He inserted his two fingers inside her panties and plunged it right into her wet core taking her by surprised.

"....ahhhhhhh!....ahhhhhhhh!....ummmm...," she moaned aloud due to the sudden pleasurable invasion of his fingers inside her erogenous zone.

John loves hearing her tantalizing moan, he began stroking her core much deeper and faster in a consistent pleasurable rhythm.

"...ohhhh...ahhhhh...ahhhh...Johnnn...," another string of moans escapes her mouth.

John claimed back her mouth and devoured her tongue for a kissing duel. Their carnal desire for each other was now rising high towards the fever pitch climax.

"You like my fingers fingering you love...?" he whispered in her ears.

" it, John," she replied in a velvety voice heavy with desire.

He keeps stroking her core with his fingers in a more pleasurable way then she squirted on his fingers and he was very proud of it.

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After a few minutes of pleasuring her core with his fingers, John withdraws his fingers and discarded all his clothes including his underwear. His erect shaft dangling between his legs.

Catherine fixed her gaze on his pulsating manhood, licking her lips.

She reached for his swollen shaft and wrapped her fingers around it, stroking the tip of his rod. "You're so hard, John!" she purred.

"Yessss, so hard, for your eyes only my love...," he responded huskily, he unclasped her bra and began showering her twin peaks with hot kisses, he sucked and nibbled at her nipples and put each crown into his mouth letting his tongue do its part by eliciting pleasurable sensation to each twin peak.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh....!" moaned Catherine aloud.

She reached again for his manhood and continues stroking it, John groaned and panted loving the pressure of her fingers creating extreme pleasure on his shaft.

"I want to play with your shaft John, let me...," Catherine pushed John into the bed and she was now on top of him, she rained kisses on his chiseled chest, down his navel and her mouth finally went down to claim his steel rod in her mouth. John writhed in ecstasy the moment she sucked his manhood inside her moist mouth.

"Ummmm...ahhhhhhhh...Cathhhhhhh!" he groaned and panted while burying his fingers into her hair as she continues pleasuring his shaft with her tongue, it's so fucking pleasurable! For a few minutes Catherine has been so generous in showering his rod with endless pleasure, but he can't take it anymore, he was near to exploding!

"That's enough love...come here let me enter you! I want inside you now, pumping inside your silky wall...," he shifted on top of her. "Guide my shaft love...," he said.

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Catherine poised his turgid member into the entrance of her core, John was smirking.

"Ready...?" he asked smiling at her.

She bit her lower lip with anticipation...."yesssss!"

She wrapped her legs around his pelvis. John eagerly pummeled his erection into her mound and plunged deeper into her in a pleasurable rhythm.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" her lips let out a long moan, loving the way his throbbing manhood penetrated her core deliciously filling her up. She clamped her arms around his back.

"...ummm...ummm...ahhhh...," John grunted in ecstasy, he can't get enough of her.

John keeps giving Catherine pleasurable thrust inside her silky wall, the kind of thrust that is hard, penetrative and long lasting, giving them both ample time to enjoy each other and basked in the glory of intoxicating sensation brought by the union of their bodies. His pounding inside her quickened and he pumped inside her a little bit faster and deeper aiming for her G-spot, he gives his all in the remaining two hard thrusts reaching her G-spot right on time and they ride the highest peak of their lovemaking, the explosion of orgasmic climax wracked their bodies as John ejaculated inside Catherine's body, as his seeds were filling up her silky wall he was hoping and praying for a baby! A baby growing inside Catherine's womb can ultimately bind her to his side forever.

He collapsed beside her.

He then gathered her in his arms bringing her closer to his body, he showered kisses on her sexy back, then he reached for the blanket and wrapped it around their naked bodies. Before he closed his eyes he whispered the words "I love you so much, Cath!" into her ears with so much love and devotion vibrating in his voice.

Their sexual intercourse left them both physically tired and spent. A few moments later they both drifted into a much-needed rest and sleep.

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