John woke up first, he picked up his clothes from the floor, then he went to the closet and donned fresh clothes on his body, he went back to the bed, propped an elbow and studied her face. He lovingly combed his fingers through her silky hair. All the anger he felt towards her earlier due to her ignoring all his calls and text messages vanished into thin air the moment he saw her lying naked in the bed.

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He smiled a bit. She knew already how to subdue his anger by using her charm and her body. She's learning fast that sex is a powerful tool when used at the right time! Hope she won't use her charm on other men! He wants her to use her charm exclusively on him only!

John showered light feathery kisses on her forehead, on her nose, on her cheeks, and on her lips.

Catherine's eyes blinked, she opens her eyes focusing her gaze on his face, she then smiled at him sweetly.

"Cath, we have to talk, as in a serious talk!" he finally said.

"Okay," she answered ready to listen to him.

"I didn't kill Jerome. My bodyguards didn't kill Jerome! You have to believe me!" he explained.

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Catherine released a deep sigh. "I believe you, John! No need explaining to me about Jerome. I don't want to remember him anymore. Please, let's not talk about him," she pleaded.

"Okay...okay, but...," John finds it unsettling that she didn't even pester him about Jerome's death. But it's also a good thing that she completely trusted him.

She pressed her body to him, then she runs her fingers on the surface of his chest. Anytime soon he will start asking about their status, their impending wedding that will never take place.

John caresses her cheeks lovingly with his hand.

"Why you submitted a resignation letter to Reba? You're no longer interested to work in this hotel? I can find you a better job in my other businesses," he offered.

Catherine was silent for a moment. She doesn't want him to know of her plan that she was applying for a new job somewhere, she dropped her eyes avoiding his penetrating gaze.

"Are you running away from me again, Cath? That is why you submitted your resignation letter because you wanted to leave me?" There were sadness and bitterness in his voice. He cupped her face, wanting to see the truth in her eyes no matter how painful it is.

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She took a deep breath. It seemed he already anticipated her every move. She licked her lips. "I originally wanted to get far away from everyone else, the thing that is happening in my life lately is full of trouble. I wanted to take a breather, but if you don't want me to go then I will not go anywhere. I will just stay right here where you can see me every time you wanted to see me."

She smiled at him adoringly, wanting him to believe every word she says. She actually has no energy left to quarrel or argues with him, she just wants to go along with everything he says so that he will stop interrogating her.

"...And how about our wedding?" he asked her.

"The wedding will push through," she said without batting an eyelash. To be honest, getting married is the farthest thing from her mind right now, damn! she lied again!

John was studying her face intently, he finds it odd that her actions in the past few days were not in accordance with her words today. Right now, she was all agreeable as if she was just humoring him. He would welcome a heated argument with her, rather than her agreeing to everything he says, she's acting fake!

There is only one way to find out!

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"Starting this coming Friday, you will be no longer working here in the hotel. That would be four days from now on. This Friday, Ramon will fetch you in your house, you will be staying in the Infinity Jade Tower with me in preparation for our upcoming wedding. From now on I won't let you get away from my sight..."

After John stopped talking he saw something flashing in her eyes. Then he noticed how she closed her eyes blocking raw emotion from appearing in her face. Catherine sighed heavily and John felt her body trembled as if in the early stage of crying.

She was literally sobbing now, she covered her face with her two hands.

John was feeling alarmed to see her breaking down in front of him. He hugged her tightly and rubbed her back. "Shhh, stop crying, Cath! Did I say something wrong---?" he asked totally bewildered.

She shook her head. "No. Just let me cry in your arms, please. I'd been through a lot these days and I wanted to cry out all the negativity in my system."

John allowed her to cry some more soaking his shirt in the process. The sound of her sobbing was pitiful and they were like tiny needles pricking at his heart making him cry along with her in silence. He can only hold her tight and share her burden by letting her cry on his shoulder as long as she wants.

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Fifteen minutes later...her crying subsided.

John cupped her face gently and wipes her tears with his hand. "Are you done crying? Can you tell me now why you're crying?" he asked in a worried voice.

Catherine looked into his eyes. "I'm okay now. I feel better after I cried a lot."

"That's good, now let's go back to what I have said earlier. You will be staying in my flat starting this Friday, okay?"

She nodded but a bit hesitant. She might as well go along with everything he says right now.

"Okay," she answered softly.

John saw the hesitation in her face but he doesn't want to put much weight on it. He embraces her tightly trying to show her that he will always be someone she can depend on.

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