John went home that night to Infinity Jade tower feeling happy and excited that Catherine easily agreed to his arrangement. After arriving in his flat, he immediately moved aside some of his clothes from his closet so that all Catherine's clothes can be placed alongside with his clothes. If she still needs a wide space he can always buy a new closet cabinet or construct an additional one so that all her clothes can have it's own space.

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He will allow her to redecorate their bedroom in anyway she pleases. His flat is already perfect but if she wants something to be added or changed inside the flat then he will give her a free hand to do anything she pleases. He will make sure to dote on her, indulge on her whim and support her in whatever she does when she already become his wife.

John plans to buy a brand new car for Catherine then teach her how to drive.

He might as well start checking out College Universities nearby so that she can finally continue her studies. He wants her to earn a degree for herself that she can be proud of.

Then there is also an arrangement to be made for her family, it's either they will stay on the 14th floor or he will relocate them in MysticBay Twin Tower. He can also buy a house or an apartment nearby, the choices are endless, he will let Catherine choose what is the best arrangement for her family.

He roamed his eyes around his bedroom, imagining himself waking up everyday single day seeing Catherine's smiling face gazing at him. He's looking forward to that day...and that day would start this Friday!

He smiled broadly.

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He swipes at his cell phone and texted her ..."I miss you!"

He immediately received a reply from her ..."I miss you too!" she says.

He grinned from ear to ear feeling like a teenage high school boy receiving a message from his crush. Catherine is the only woman that can make him happy and she completed him, that's why he will never let go of her no matter what...

They had encountered so many obstacles in their relationship together now that their happy ending is about to happen, he was feeling relieved and he can finally enjoy peace within himself.

He would like to celebrate today, he was feeling triumphant cause Catherine can finally become his wife!

He went to the kitchen and grab his favorite wine. He brought it with him into the swimming pool area. John pressed the remote control button and the curtain parted in the middle of the glass wall allowing thousands of blinking lights washed his face with absolute wonder. The cityscape tonight is absolutely stunning! The weather was sunny throughout the whole day and there is no rain looming on the horizon.

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John discarded all his clothes and took a dive into the swimming pool. He swam from end to end with much vigor and zest. He just feels happy today.


While in Cavite City...

Catherine was lying in her bed, thinking about John. She's suffering a headache again thinking about all the lying she made in front of him inside his suite in the hotel. When she agreed to his arrangement for this coming Friday, he was looking happy and excited. It's the feeling of guilt that's eating up inside her.

She realized that John would never let her go...

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But she needs to go far away from him. Her original plan didn't change at all even if she felt guilty of deceiving John.

She's not ready to marry yet, she feels that the world is waiting for her to explore, and she wants to explore the world living a single life, living her single life to the fullest! no boyfriend, no commitment and no drama! Yes, she wants to experience that! She's excited to start a new life somewhere far.

As for the pain in her heart, she will learn to forget John and let go of their memories. She will buy a new cell phone tomorrow. The iPhone that John had given her was filled with their memories together, she needs to create new memories of her new single life, so a new cell phone is a must!

She texted Grace that she will come to her house in a few minutes, she has something to tell her.

She rose to her feet and removed the wedding dress and the wedding ring from the cabinet. She folded the wedding dress neatly and put it inside her shoulder bag along with the wedding ring. She will leaved them in John's hotel suite. The thoughts of their impending parting tore her heart apart, her tears wanted to fall! But she can't cry right now, it's a choice she had to do whether she will regret it in the end or not...only time can tell.

Catherine exited her room and informed her mother that she will go to her cousin's house.

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A few moments later...

"What---? You want to start working in Quezon City starting this Thursday? I thought you still have to work at the hotel until Friday?" asked Grace bewildered by her cousin's rushed decision.

Catherine nodded. "Yes that's my final decision. I want to go there as early as possible." She then released a deep sigh. "Grace, please don't tell John that I am going to work somewhere. If he asks you where I'm working please don't ever tell him the truth. I don't care what you say to him, you can make up stories or lie to him about everything, just don't reveal to him my new address. Please?"

Grace stared at her cousin looking puzzled than ever. "So you and John are breaking up? The wedding is going to be cancelled again? You are running away from him? Tell me why? You are acting absurd, Catherine!"

Grace's barrage of question doesn't help Catherine feeling better at all.

"I don't want to get married yet! I realized I am too young to get married. I just want to be single for a while. Having a relationship with someone is problematic and traumatic. So full of drama. I just want to be alone for the time being. Hope you understand my point of view, cousin!" begged Catherine.

Grace sighed. "Okay. I will text Agnes right now and tell her that we will be coming over to her place this coming Thursday so she can start training you for your new job."

"Thank you so much, Grace!" she hugged her cousin tightly. "I will go now. I will talk to Caroline first, I want to discuss with her their new living arrangement." Catherine exited her cousin's room in a hurry.

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