Catherine went downstairs and sat down beside Caroline on the sofa.

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"Caroline, we need to talk...," she turns off the television first cause she wants her twin sister's undivided attention.

"What is it?" asked Caroline.

Catherine took a deep breath. She realized that she's been neglecting her sister since the day she ruined her wedding. Today is the only time she was able to talk with her face to face since that devastating incident that marred their relationship as sisters. She felt emotional, she hugged her sister tightly. She feels guilty...cause she just realized that it took her this long to forgive her. She was such a cruel human being to punish her sister like this!

Caroline returned her hug, surprised that her sister finally ended their silent feud.

"W-why are you emotional all of a sudden?" asked Caroline.

Catherine was trying hard not to cry this time.

"Caroline, I already resigned from my job in the hotel. I'm going to have a new job somewhere far away. I want you to take care of Mother, Jacob, and Lily. You take care of them and take care of yourself as well. Don't worry, I will send you guys money every month for your expenses. I will try to come here to visit if time allows. Grace already agreed to accommodate Mother, Jacob, and Lily here starting this Friday. This is a temporary arrangement. Hope you won't give Grace a headache. She's been very kind and supportive to all of us from the very beginning."

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Caroline nodded. "I understand. Don't worry I will take care of Mother and our siblings. I will also start finding a job nearby so that I can contribute to our financial needs."

Catherine smiled at her sister, grateful that before she goes away she and her sister were able to patch up their differences, she no longer has to worry much about her mother and younger siblings condition.

"Caroline, I will go back now the night is getting late. Help Mother in moving their belongings this Friday, okay?"

"Okay, I will. Don't worry about it. Good luck on your new job!" said Caroline.

"Thank you, sis!" Catherine hugged her sister once more. "When I will visit here, let's go shopping together...I miss our bonding session!"

"Me too!" replied Caroline.

They smiled at each other fondly knowing that their sisterly affection was fully restored today. Catherine went home smiling and feeling happy.

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When she's already back home, her mother was still busy cleaning the dishes in their tiny kitchen. She sat down on the chair and waited for her mother to finish her chore, she needs to talk to her regarding their new living arrangement.

Thelma was done with her chores. She sat down beside her daughter in the chair.

"Mother, I have something important to tell you..."

"What is it?" asked Thelma feeling a bit nervous.

"I already resigned from my work from the hotel. I will be starting my new job this coming Thursday. So, tomorrow will be my last day at the hotel. My new job is situated in Quezon City. It's far from here."

"Why it's so sudden!?" asked Thelma.

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Catherine sighed. She just wished her mother would just agree to everything she says and no longer ask any question, things will be easier that way.

"John and I had broken up already. The wedding will be canceled. I need to go away. I just need to work far away from here. Don't worry, I will visit you guys here if I have free time. I will send you money every month for your expenses."

Thelma shook her head. She still had a hard time grasping everything. "W-where are you staying?"

"My new job offered free board and lodging. I will have to take care of the rest of my other expenses. I don't have to commute every day since the living quarter is in the 2nd story of the same building. So, yeah, I will just manage some people and the store."

Thelma just nodded her head, what else she can do?

"By the way Mother, since I am no longer here by your side. Grace and I decided that it's better for you guys to stay in Grace's house. Caroline will also be there. I already talk to the owner of this house and informed her that we will be vacating this place this coming Friday," said Catherine.

Thelma was feeling sad. "What is the reason why you have to go away, Catherine? Is it because you had learned about my alliance with Jerome? Did you hate me so much? I am so sorry that I become a bad mother to you. Please forgive me, my daughter!" fresh tears starts to emerge from her eyes, they were tears of extreme shame and guilt, then she starts sobbing really hard in front of her daughter.

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Catherine was also unable to control her own tears, she began crying along with her mother. Thelma continues releasing heart-wrenching sobs. Catherine rubbed her mother's back trying to console her.

"It's okay Mother. I already have forgiven you. Please stop crying. I don't want to harbor enmity between us now that am going away. Let's start all over again and forget everything that happened in the past."

"Thank you, daughter!" Thelma hugged her daughter tightly. She never expected that she can forgive her easily.

Catherine smiled fondly at her mother. She and Caroline are already in good terms. She and her mother already repaired their relationship. Forgiveness can heal a broken family relationship and all she feels right now is happiness and gladness. Just when she decided to stay away from men, her family magically reunited as a whole! She was now more inspired to continue her plans and live her new life as a single lady!

"How about John? Would you inform him of your whereabouts?" asked Thelma.

Catherine shook her head. "From now on I will stay away from men, Mother. They are the reason why the three of us was torn apart from each other because of John and Jerome. I just want to stay single for a while. I had enough bad experiences with men that can last me a lifetime of trauma!"

Thelma hugged her daughter again. "Good luck with your job, daughter! Visit us frequently if you have time."

"I will Mother!" replied Catherine.

Thelma and Catherine sleep that night at peace with themselves since they already settled their differences.

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