Done with her daily rounds in the 4th and 5th floor. Catherine entered Presidential Suite #1 and carry out some cleaning, she should clean this suite very well cause today will be the last time she will see this room. She and John had shared many good memories in this room.

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Satisfied with her cleaning, she washed her hands on the sink of the bathroom then walked towards the bed. She removed the wedding dress and the wedding ring from her shoulder bag and placed them side by side in the bed.

"Goodbye, John," she murmured softly.

She runs her fingers on the ring and caresses the dress's fabric for the last time. A single tear fell from her eyes. She doesn't want to cry anymore. Running away from John is already killing her inside. But she can't retrace her steps backward, she needs to move on forward!

She sat on the edge of the bed and checked her cell phone. She got 3 messages in her inbox all coming from John, she reads each of them with a smile on her face.

"Cath, had you eaten your lunch? Eat a lot! Take care!"

"I Miss you!"

"I love you!"

Another tear fell from her eyes. John is so sweet! She's going to miss him terribly. She roamed her eyes inside the suite for the last time.

"Goodbye John!" she made an exit of the bedroom and went out of the suite to continue performing her other duties in the hotel. This will be her last day, it's gonna be hard leaving the job she comes to love a lot.

She has no plans to say goodbye to Sherry. She will only text her after she settled into her new job. As much as possible Mark should have no knowledge where she is relocating. He was suspicious of her and she doesn't want Mark and Jerome's shadow hanging above her head while she was still in the process of getting acquainted with her new job.

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At exactly 5:00 PM her shift in the hotel ended.

Catherine exited the hotel's premises in a hurry and strolled towards the Venus Cafe. There is a cell phone store beside the cafe, she will buy a new phone and a new sim card as well.

She entered the phone store and began choosing several brands of cell phone on display.

Fifteen minutes later...

She already had chosen a new phone not as nice or as expensive as her old iPhone, she doesn't need a pricey phone, as long it can perform texting, calling and browsing online then she's more than satisfied.

A few moments later, Catherine exited the store holding her purchases in hand. She entered the cafe to have some snack. She had chosen the table in the farthest corner which is far from the crowd. After ordering her foods she went back to the table and starts navigating her new phone. It wasn't hard at all cause her new phone has the same exact functions as her old one.

Her snack was finally delivered to her table by the waiter and she began eating. She was in the middle of eating when somebody out of nowhere put a tray of foods in her table and when she raised her head to check who it was, a grinning Mike greeted her.

"Hello, beauty! Nice to see you here! May I sit on your table, please? There is no empty table, so can you please accommodate me?" he said giving her a puppy dog eyes.

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Catherine roamed her eyes inside the cafe and noticed that there are several empty tables around! She rolled her eyes.

"I lied...!" Mike continues grinning.

"It's okay, Sir Mike. Please sit down," she said giving him permission to sit with her on her table.

"Thanks, beauty! Where is Sherry, she's not with you?" he asked.

"She went home early," she answered.

"Wow, am very lucky today! I got you alone finally!" Mike grinned handsomely at her.

Catherine was amazed at how good looking Mike is every time his eyes twinkled with merriment.

Mike saw her phone and the box...

"Wow, is that a new phone? Did you buy a new phone? Can I see it?" he picked up the new cell phone without Catherine's permission and added his own cell number in the contacts. "Now, were friends and I'm the first person on your contacts, how sweet! Please don't erase my number, beauty, please promise me?"

She nodded her head in affirmation just to humor him.

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"Thank you, beauty!" he grinned in high spirits.

Mike has been waiting for ages for times like this that he can finally have Catherine's sole attention. Now is the perfect time to lay his offer to her! Hope she will accept.

"Listen beauty, I have a proposal for you! Please hear me out, pleaseee?"

Catherine amused at his puppy dog eyes, she decided to let him have his way today. "Okay, let me hear your proposal this time..."

Mike is getting excited, he showed Catherine his most charming smile. He had been rehearsing in his head for a hundred times what he was about to say to her, now he just needs to get it all out from his chest.

He took a deep breath and starts talking...

"Fist, I want you to become my wife. Second, you will carry my child. Third, I will make you a rich woman. Fourth, you already have my mother's approval. Fifth, you can opt to ask me a divorce after three years or you can choose to stay by my side forever until we grow old. To be honest, I am attracted to you, when I see you I'm feeling good. But there is a catch to all of this...let me tell you this secret of mine..."

Mike edges closer to Catherine's head and whispered something in her ears.

Catherine's eyes widen and her mouth agape upon discovering Mike's secret!

"OMG! You're gay," she purposely lowered her voice so that other people on the nearby table can't hear them. She covered her mouth before the laughter of amazement can escape her mouth.

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Mike smiled sweetly at her. Actually, he just lied to her right now, he is bisexual, he is attracted to both male and female. But he is at most sexually active in pursuing men, he never had sexual intimacy with a woman before, in short, he never had a chance to bed a woman in his lifetime, he is not planning to bed one. But in order to produce an heir, he needs to marry and get physically intimate with a woman. He chose Catherine cause she is beautiful and is a decent woman and more importantly she can make him feel good.

"Don't worry, our marriage is for name only. And I have to be honest with you, if you marry me, we won't have sex. I can't have sex with you cause I prefer men as my bed partner. In order to produce an heir, we can do two things, artificial insemination or we do the deed several times until you get pregnant."

Catherine was astonished the whole time she was listening to his ridiculous explanation.

"Beauty, will you think about my offer? Give it a thought please---?" he was pleading for her to consider his offer.

Catherine nodded her head just to humor him. Anyways after today, they will never see each other again.

"I will think about it," she said.

"Thanks, beauty!" Mike roar in happiness.

"Sir Mike, I have to go home now. Sorry, I can't stay longer," she gathered the new phone and put it inside her shoulder bag.

She stood up, Mike also arises and walked with her outside the cafe.

"Beauty, I will bring you home, I have my car with me," he offered.

"No need Sir. I am capable of bringing my self home. Thank you very much for the offer. Bye Sir Mike!" she waved goodbye at him.

Mike saw her disappeared in his eyes. That was the last time he saw her.

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