Catherine and Grace start their journey towards Agnes' place before the break of dawn, at exactly 4:00 AM they left the house and was boarding a bus heading to Metro Manila.

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The traffic wasn't that heavy yet that is why it's nice to travel in the early morning. Catherine already brought all her clothes and stuffed them in a traveling bag. She already bid goodbye to her loved ones last night and they have nothing to say to each other anymore.

Her mind was now at peace...

But her heart was a raging river so calm in the surface but very troubled deep down inside.

The hardest part of leaving everything behind was leaving John. She still can remember the night she was horrified to discover that due to her extreme anger she nearly severed John's manhood. It was the most harrowing and atrocious thing she had ever done in her life! If she and John will stay together she was afraid she might do it again and worst she might succeed in hurting him again. She has just discovered that there is something sinister lurking deep inside her, the bad and wild side of her personality that only came out in the surface lately. John can provoke that side of her and it's so scary!

She was wondering how compatible she is with John, at most times they complimented each other well. John was understanding and forgiving during that night that her psychotic personality came out. It stunned her the most! She'd never expected that she has that kind of rage and diabolic behavior lurking deep inside her. Her body shuddered when she recalled that particular incident, what will happen if she successfully severed his manhood? Will, she ended up herself in jail? Will John ever forgive her?

She was so caught up with her love for John, so caught up in marrying him and yet she nearly severed his member! Is she mentally and psychologically ready to enter marriage? Her fleeing away from him shall sort out all her emotions and feelings for him.

For now, she will focus her attention to her new job, she's looking forward to starting a new phase of her life that will begin at any moment...

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Their journey lasted for 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Quezon City is the most populous and highly urbanized city, and also has the largest population and land area in Metro Manila~ the capital city of the Philippines. Metro Manila is composed of 16 cities and Quezon City is among the 16 cities.

They arrived at Agnes place at around 6:15 o'clock AM. The two-story building was situated in a dense busy neighborhood. The stores were still closed when they arrived.

Agnes was already waiting for them in front of the building, Agnes and Grace' hugged each other, they exchanged pleasantries and climbs the stairs to reach the 2nd floor.

"The stores will open at 8:00 PM. The crew will start arriving at 7:30 AM to starts cleaning their respective areas. So you will meet them soon enough," said Agnes to Catherine while placing the two cups of hot coffee in front of her guest along with the sliced bread and sandwich spread.

"Thank you, Agnes," they said in unison.

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"Girls, take your time eating. I will just get out for a while. I will buy rice and dishes for our breakfast at the restaurant in the corner, I felt lazy cooking breakfast today. I and my boyfriend had chatted until 3:00 AM last night so yeah, I have few little sleep," she cheekily grinned at them.

"No problem, go ahead Agnes," said Grace amused.

Agnes went inside her bedroom to bring her wallet with her and proceed downstairs to buy foods.

Catherine and Grace were left alone on the 2nd floor, sipping their coffee and roaming their eyes around the area.

Catherine already felt a good vibe and affection towards the place.

A few moments later, Agnes returned holding her purchases in her right hand. She put the foods in the platter and covered them for a while.

"Come on guys, I will give you a tour!" she said merrily.

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Catherine and Grace stood up to follow Agnes around.

Agnes went to her bedroom first.

"There's two-bedroom here in the 2nd floor, this is mine..." then she pointed at the room beside the living room, "...and that one was for the owners personal used every time she returns back in the country. The owner lives in Singapore with her family. So she visits her businesses here at least once every two months."

Agnes opened her bedroom wide and they all entered. "This is where Catherine will be staying when am gone, temporarily she will be staying in that unused room."

They all exited the bedroom and go to the bathroom situated near the kitchen area.

"Here's the bathroom area, and then the kitchen area where you can cook foods, I'm using an electric pot and rice cooker but if am lazy I just buy foods outside, am not a good cook anyway, so buying cooked foods from the restaurant and carinderia is my specialty," she grinned.

Agnes brought them to the living room area where a 25 inches flat screen TV and a fluffy sofa were located. Then on the corner is a computer table housing a 15 inches monitor and a CPU. "I used this computer to input the stores daily transaction in the excel files, cause the owner wants to be updated with the daily transaction of her businesses. Don't worry Catherine, I will teach you how to input everything in excel documents. It's super easy!"

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Catherine smiled at Agnes feeling a bit relieved with her warm friendly welcome and bright personality towards her.

"So guys, this is all we have on the 2nd floor. Among the store's crew, I am the only one having the privilege to stay for free here on the 2nd floor, cause I'm the Officer In Charge (OIC), the rest of the crew stays out. The stores are closed every Sunday, so obviously, that is the day for resting and spending quality times with our loved ones," explained Agnes.

"So what do you think of the place that will become your home for the next few years, Catherine?" asked Agnes.

Catherine smiled appreciating the place so much. "It's super nice! Spacious and clean! I like it!"

"That is good! Okay, let's starts eating breakfast because any moment from now the crew will begin arriving and the stores will be opening up soon. I will be introducing you to all of them so that they will get acquainted with you as soon as possible. Don't worry all the crew are hardworking and dedicated to their job so you won't be experiencing any headache in managing them."

Catherine was suddenly feeling overwhelmed with everything. Agnes saw her reaction, she went to her side and give her a friendly pat on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I will teach you well and we will take it slow, okay? Besides, I won't rush you, if you can't absorb everything within one month then we will extend it to another month. I just want you to feel comfortable and at ease with everything when it comes to your new duties and responsibilities. Okay?"

Catherine smiled broadly at Agnes. "Thank you very much, Agnes!" she's feeling a whole lot better now and thankful for Agnes' very supportive nature.

Agnes went to the kitchen area and starts placing forks and spoon on the plates. ''Let's start eating breakfast, sisters!" she announced in a jovial mood.

They shared yummy breakfast and chatted noisily around the dining table especially Agnes and Grace catching up on each other's lives.

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