That morning John woke up feeling a little bit lethargic.

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His bad day has just started...

He reached for his phone in the bedside table and starts checking his messages, he received a text message from Reba informing him that Catherine texted her early morning notifying her that she will no longer be reporting for work on the hotel starting today, she also didn't get her salary.

Then he checked his other messages with trembling fingers, there are two messages from Catherine. Her first message told him that she left the wedding dress and wedding ring in the suite of the hotel with the message..."Thank you for all the happy memories!"

Her second message was that of a simple, "Goodbye and take care of yourself."

As he rereads her messages the frantic beating of his heart is deafening and suffocating! He felt coldness seeping all over his body, his heart was freezing! Damn! She really runs away this time! She totally deceived him!


Yesterdays feeling of happiness completely evaporated into thin air!

He shuts his eyes wincing in pain...

It's so damn painful!

He falls back in his bed feeling the heavy weight of his entire world crashing down on him.

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Oh God! This is not happening! If this is a bad dream he wants to wake up right now! Sadly, even if his eyes were wide open the bitter truth still screaming around him. His bride runs away again and maybe this time she will never come back!

He immediately stood up and picked up his laptop to track her whereabouts. He needs to find her as early as possible! He needs to bring her back! He was slowly dying inside, he's quickly typing his password into his account...

His fingers freeze...

The tracking App system displays something in red, 'MOBILE DEVICE CAN NOT BE LOCATED!'

He waited...

And waited and waited for the next fifteen minutes, no data come out cause there is no mobile device to track!

It could only mean one thing! She ditched her old iPhone! Damnit! Noooooooooo!

His anger was fast rising...

Only his strong self-control prevented his hands from hurling his laptop down into the floor.

Jesus Catherine! Why are you doing this to me?! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???!!! his voice filled with rage and sadness echoing inside his room. Then he started crying bawling like a child in his bed.

Catherine, please come back to me!

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Pleaseeeeeee come back!

In his consciousnesses, he was aching and begging for her to come back.

He keeps shedding tears until no more tears left in his eyes.

When his tears subsided...

He began composing himself. There's got to be a way how to track Catherine's whereabouts! He will comb the whole Metro Manila even if he will spend the last centavo in his pocket just to find her! He will!

He was going crazy that she's no longer under his watch!

His possessive and obsessive nature cannot accept it!

He must act fast!

He checked back the old data in the tracking APP, she mentioned Bulacan and Quezon City as her prospect location for her new job in her messages. He wasn't entirely sure of the exact location of her whereabouts right now. But what if she ended in another location somewhere far?

It would be like finding a needle in a haystack!

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He groaned in despair!

When she runs away he feels like she just throws his heart into the shredder carelessly and cruelly!

She didn't even think and care about how he feels upon discovering her disappearance?

Such a cruel woman!

Well, he does remember how cruel she can be when she attempted to sever his member with a knife! and abandoned their wedding two times in a row! But despite everything that she has done, he still loves her unconditionally. The kind of love that he will bring along with him into his grave when he dies.

He started cursing profanities under his breath...

How did he become so careless around her?

Done with cursing, he picked up his phone and called Ramon.


"Hello Sir," answered Ramon.

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"After lunch, go to Marigold Hotel, pick up the wedding dress and wedding ring that Catherine left inside my suite and tell Reba that you will also get Catherine's salary on her behalf. After you got her salary, proceeds to her mother's house and give her the salary. Before you come back here, go to the Judge office in Makati City Regional Trial Court and cancel my wedding..."

"Ohh, w-where is Catherine Sir?" asked Ramon in a puzzled tone.

"She runs away again," answered John in a sad voice.

"Oh, am so sorry Boss!" Ramon was at a loss of words to say "....anything else Sir?" he asked when he heard deafening silence on the other end.

"That's all for now, Ramon."

John put back his phone on the bedside table.

After a few minutes of wallowing in his pain and sorrow, he finally gets up when his belly grumbled for food. He hasn't eaten breakfast yet! He ordered foods at his favorite restaurant.

Releasing a deep sigh he runs his fingers through his hair in exasperation. He entered his bathroom to take a bath to calm his turbulent emotions that was painfully suffocating him.

Done with his bath, he texted George and Allan summoning them to the Jade Tower. He dispatches them a few days ago to make some investigation regarding Jerome's death. He no longer needs to spend his resources finding out who Jerome's killer is as long he and his men won't be implicated on his death then he will forget everything about Jerome's mysterious death.

Now he will be assigning his men to a much important task and urgent matter, finding his runaway bride!

If Catherine thinks he will stop pursuing her, she is definitely wrong! Even if he will exhaust himself in constantly finding ideas, ways, and means to locate her, he will do all that! After all the things that he has done for her and for their relationship, he won't stop unless she will completely submit herself to him, body and soul!

He will chase her to the ends of the earth, he won't give up until she will finally become his bride!

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