The next day, Catherine and Agnes were enjoying window shopping in the mall. They entered boutiques that mainly caters to women's apparel, they were perusing the fashionable dresses, shoes, and bags on display. They admired several sexy beautiful dresses but they didn't buy anything.

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Next...Agnes pulled Catherine inside a makeup cosmetics store.

Agnes realized that Catherine is not fond of makeup and don't even use lipstick! She was amazed! But with her pretty face, who needs cosmetics? On her part, she can't go out of the house without her lipstick and blush on!

She brought a makeup kit, then she smiled, she would love to try practicing her make up skill on Catherine's flawless face!

Then next on their agenda is the bookstore sale. Catherine was busy checking out books on sale. Agnes went to the romance pocketbook section while Catherine was focusing on the cookbook recipe and travel magazines.

They exited the book sale stall after thirty minutes. Agnes bought 2 fantasy romance pocketbook. While Catherine brought 2 cookbook recipe and 3 travel magazines, they were thrilled to purchase the books at such a cheap price!

Getting tired with their window shopping, they settled inside on one of the fast food restaurants inside the mall and ordered foods for their dinner.

While waiting for their order to arrive, they checked their cell phones for messages.

Agnes was all smile reading the sweet messages of her foreigner boyfriend in the WazzApp messaging app.

On the other hand, Catherine brows furrowed when she read Grace's text message informing her that John's bodyguard delivered one sack of rice and groceries to their house as per John's instruction. John was also asking of her whereabouts, wanting to see her!

Grace's next message got her misty-eyed...' He begged me to tell you that he loves you so much and he misses you terribly!'

Her cousin's last message put her at ease though...' Don't worry I didn't tell John your current location..."

Catherine was bothered by Grace news regarding John's grocery and rice gifts. She wanted John to stop reminding her of him!

She wanted to forget John for a while...

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"Hey, are you okay? You looked like you wanted to cry?"

Catherine smiled at Agnes. "I just received a text message from Grace..."

"Ah, I see you are suffering from homesickness!" Agnes commented.

Catherine nodded, not only homesickness but there are a lot more issues creating havoc in her mind right now.

They focus their attention back to their phones.

A moment later the food they ordered finally arrived.

"Wow, finally! I'm very hungry!" blurted Agnes. "Let's start eating, Cath!"


A few miles away from the mall...

John and Ramon were driving around Quezon City without definite direction and destination. They'd been roaming endlessly in the streets for more than four hours already. Now John finally understands how hard it is to find a single person in a densely populated city.

"Boss, where are we going next?" asked Ramon.

"Just keep driving, if you see a mall ahead then stopped the car, I will buy something in there and let's have our dinner in the mall."

"The next mall is about thirty minutes drive ahead, Boss," said Ramon.

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"Okay, let's go there!" muttered John.

While Ramon was busy driving, John's eyes were also busy scanning peoples faces in the streets. He was feeling hopeful that they will find Catherine one of these days. It's been one week since her disappearance and it feels like it has been a year already, his life becomes a barren land, empty and colorless!

He kept texting Grace every day but she won't budge, she remained tight-lipped when it comes to her cousin's whereabouts. Grace has been very patient with him reminding him always to wait after six months, he will definitely see her again.

But he just can't wait!

He missed her so badly already!

He runs his fingers through his hair and released a deep sigh of frustration.

Ramon sneaked a glance at his employer's face at the dash cam mirror, shaking his head feeling sorry for him.

John glued his face to the window of the car.

He just can't forget Catherine! All he wanted is Catherine, there is no one else who can take her place! No One! And it's a terrible thing trying to find someone who may already start forgetting him at this very moment. He can't forget her yet she seems eager to forget him and everything they shared together, he can't move on...he barely survive each day without thinking about her, it's so unfair!

Every corner of his flat reminds him of her. Everywhere he goes, into the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the swimming pool, in his mini theater, in his gym, in his billiard room, in the living room, she is everywhere, her memories were alive crawling everywhere in his flat mocking his every waking hour.

She is out there somewhere...Is she thinking about him?

'Catherine where are you!'

'Where are youuuuuuu!'

'Please come back to me!'

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Those were voices of longing in his heart that materializes in his brain.

This is how it feels when you are abandoned by the one you love, you are like a living corpse as if the light were nowhere to be found and darkness were clutching at your heart not wanting to let go painfully squeezing your heart in every turn.

He just realized one thing in his life...she allowed Catherine to roamed freely inside his heart filling it with beautiful memories and when she's tired of everything she just disappears without a trace, leaving him in total despair.

He now truly understand how it feels to experience a total eclipse of one's heart! John continues watching outside the window with a grim expression on his face.

Done with eating...

Agnes and Catherine exited the restaurant and entered the grocery section and bought their basic needs. They paid their purchases in the cashier's section.

"We're done here in the mall. Let's go home!" said Agnes. "Are you having a good time, Cath?"

"Yes, of course! let's do it again next time!" said the smiling Catherine.

"Sure! Let's go home now," replied Agnes.

They strolled towards the entrance of the mall to hire a taxi cab outside.

While waiting for the taxi...

That was also the moment John's car was passing across the street.

John saw Catherine getting into the taxi! he can't be mistaken, it's her!

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"Stop the car! Catherine is on the other side!" shouted John.

But Ramon can't stop the car because the traffic light is still in a go signal and he can't perform a 'U' turn either because it's a one-way street.

"Boss, we can't stop the car, it's a go signal!"

The moment Ramon was able to stop the car a few minutes later, the taxi cab can no longer be found!

John shuts his eyes tight and released a deep sigh!


He loses her again!

Ramon looked at his Boss dejectedly. "I'm sorry Boss! It's all my fault," said Ramon.

John stared at Ramon and shook his head. "It's not your fault Ramon, I didn't blame you. Let's go back to the Jade Tower, I wanted to rest," he said in a dispirited voice.

One hour later...

In his bed, John tossed and turned on his bed until midnight, he can't sleep!

He almost catches her but he didn't and it's torturing him!

Damn! He failed!

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