John was still cocooned in the comfort of his bed even if the sun already had risen ahead of him, it's already 9:00 AM. He was feeling lazy, he only had a little sleep last night thinking of Catherine. He missed the chance to catch her last night! If they only come earlier...

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But no matter how hard he analyzed what took placed last night in the mall, still they were not meant to see each other last night.

He's planning to go back to the mall this coming Sunday. He was speculating that Catherine's day off would be every Sunday.

He groaned!

He can no longer delay the grumbling of his stomach screaming for breakfast! He rose to his feet and went inside the bathroom to relieve himself and take a bath.

A few moments later he was already eating his breakfast, he specifically requested George to join him in the table to eat with him so that he can talk about their plans on how to find Catherine in a much faster efficient way.

George and John were taking their time eating their breakfast while engaging in occasional talk. Done with their breakfast they left the dining table and went to the living room area to further discuss the details.

"George, I want you to start combing the areas around the EastSide Mall, we had seen Catherine last night in the entrance of the mall getting into the taxi probably going home. Unfortunately, we were not able to catch her, she disappeared from our sight. So, am expecting that she might return to the mall during weekends. Starting from now, check out all the businesses around that area, your clue is the Meat Shop, Laundry Shop and Burger Shop in the ground floor, it's a two-story building," reminded John.

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"Okay copy, Boss!" replied George.

"If you happen to see her, don't reveal yourself to her right away. Wait for my further instruction, okay?"

"Got it, Boss!"

"You can go now," said John.

George makes an exit out of the flat.

John went back to his bedroom to change into his working clothes. Before he exited his room, he texted Grace to ask about recent news with Catherine, Grace replied that Catherine was doing well.

When he asked her if Catherine is seeing other men, Grace replied that she didn't know and she had to ask her cousin first.

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John sighed deeply. It should have been better if he can directly ask Catherine himself, but Grace won't give him her cousin's new phone number, it's so damn frustrating!

John exited his room, he went out of his flat and entered the elevator that would bring him into the 13th floor of the building to report to work in his office.

Once inside his office, he requested Romeo's presence.

"Bro, you need anything?" asked Romeo.

"Can you find me the best architect in this city because I want to make a grand plan design for the Hacienda Catherine...," said John.

Romeo's brows furrowed, totally surprised. "Huh? Why would you name that Hacienda after your runaway bride? Isn't she already disappeared from your life completely? Didn't you two had broken up already?" asked Romeo.

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John shook his head. "We didn't have a formal break up. She just disappeared, but once I will find her, we will get married again. I want to start the construction of the Hacienda so that I can gift it to Catherine as my wedding present to her on the day of our wedding." John said softly, his face was filled with wishful thinking as if he was daydreaming.

Romeo released a deep sigh, shaking his head. How did his best friend become so hopelessly in love with a woman to the point of stupidity? The girl already run away, that means she doesn't want to marry John, so what's the point of running after her? That is one thing he can't understand about his friend John, as if he has already forgotten that there are many women out there to choose from.

He will try to convince him...

"John, why don't you start forgetting about Catherine? Find somebody else. Find other women and start dating again. Forget her for God's sake!" he said furiously.

John ignored Romeo as if he doesn't hear the thing that his buddy was saying...

"Catherine is all I need. She got everything that I needed in a woman. Why should I find somebody else as her replacement?" asked John.

"Because she is not worth it! She played with your feelings! She abandoned two weddings in a row!" exclaimed Romeo.

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John shook his head. "Bro, Catherine is still young. She might be feeling confused with everything and just wanted to stay away from me for a while. I understand her. One day she will come to her senses and come back running to me and I will welcome her with open arms," said John with a smile on his face.

Romeo was beyond thrilled with his best friend's stupidity! He sighed. It's useless convincing someone like John who is foolishly and madly in love with a woman who treats his feelings like trash.

John looked at Romeo. "I know what you are thinking right now bro, but trust me, Catherine and I will get married one day. I will just give her enough time to think things over between us..."

Romeo shrugged his shoulder. "Fine. I will find you an architect. What are your exact plans for the hacienda?"

"I want to turn it into an Eco Resort Village, a prime vacation getaway for city folks who wants to experience nature's beauty and tranquility but still surrounded by the luxury trappings of life. I want to pamper the guest with the best amenities available in the resort and still keeping in touch with mother natures bountiful blessing. I want to build a five-story hotel building with complete amenities such as swimming pool, sauna, a nature park that everyone can indulge in a picnic with their families surrounded by trees. The guest can sit down among the scattered benches around the park and listen to the chirping of the birds up above the trees. I want to offer a total relaxation for everyone in the middle of the natures park," explained John.

"Okay. I got you. I will inform you if I already find an architect that will be willing to design the vision you had in mind," said Romeo.

"That's all, bro," said John who is rising to his feet to get out of the room.

Romeo followed his friend outside still feeling uneasy of John's crazy obsession with Catherine.

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