Catherine was feeling uneasy while Agnes was applying foundation, concealer, highlighter, and mascara on her face. She was staring at the camera focusing on it because Agnes instructed her to do so. She's also wearing a long black wig on her head and she was itching to ditch it!

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"Agnes, why would you need to record this makeup session?" asked the bewildered Catherine.

"Because I will upload it in my youtube channel as my make up tutorial! God, I been wanting to do this for a long time, now that you're here I finally found my muse!" exclaimed Agnes laughing. She was thinking that her make up skill is not really that good but with Catherine's face as a canvass it can somehow make her makeup skill looks like a pro!

God, she was having a good time beautifying Catherine's face.

She glances at the make up tutorial video playing on the computer beside her and follow the instruction and applied the same products on Catherine's face. She would then paused the video if she encountered difficulty following the instruction on the video. She would apply voice-over on the video and edit it later after she's done recording everything. For now, she needs to master first the technique of merging all the cosmetics on the girls face without resulting in an over kill makeup.

"Agnes, can I used the bathroom first? I'm going to take a pee!" said Catherine.

Agnes paused the video recording and let the girl go.

Catherine entered the bathroom in a hurry. My goodness! She should have not agreed to Agnes madness, she's dying to splash water on her face! But she's afraid Agnes will get upset, she owes a lot to Agnes for being friendly and kind to her. If this madness can make her happy then she will bear it until her friend will get tired and stop torturing her face.

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She plans to stay for another ten minutes in the bathroom, ten minutes passed by quickly and she has no reason to stay for another minute inside the toilet. She exited the bathroom and went back to the living room and sit down on the chair. Agnes continuous watching the makeup video tutorial, she then rises up to continue applying makeup on Catherine's face.

Agnes was now contouring Catherine's nose and lips.

Catherine glanced at the wall clock hanging in the living room, it's already past 10:00 PM! She's feeling sleepy already!

Thank goodness by 11:00 o'clock Agnes was done with her masterpiece!

Agnes was grinning from ear to ear gazing at Catherine's face that was more beautiful than ever! The makeup enhanced her beauty ten times!

"OMG! You are looking like a goddess, Catherine!" exclaimed Agnes. She just can't believe she made it! She finally considers herself a bonafide makeup artist today! Success! Hooray! All her painstaking effort resulted in a masterpiece!

Agnes gave the mirror to Catherine so that she can see for herself what she looks like with the makeup.

Catherine was feeling amused looking at her face in the mirror. She indeed looks different and stunning! It's like she was staring at a complete stranger's face!

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"Now, I want you to stare into the camera and talk, then smiled sweetly and blow a kiss and say goodbye," instructed.

"What to say?" asked Catherine.

"Just say...' thank you guys for watching this makeup tutorial video, this is Catherine here and my make up artist friend Agnes saying bye bye and stay tuned for another tutorial session next week..."

Catherine grimaced a bit, so there is more makeup tutorial session coming? she's dead! but even so, she followed Agnes instruction from A to Z and smiled at the video recording.

Done with their make up session, Catherine washed her face in the kitchen sink, scrubbing the pile of think mascara on her face with a bar of soap, after finishing cleaning her face she bid goodnight to Agnes and entered her room to retire for the evening.

The moment her back hit the bed, her phone suddenly starts ringing!

Who calls her in the middle of the night? Her question was answered upon discovering who the caller was! As usual, it's Mike again! she groaned.

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"Hello fire department, what can I do for you sir?" she asked.

"Lol, cut the crap, Cath! Just want to talk to you before I go to sleep. How's your day?" he asked.

"Just fine. My friend Agnes just finished torturing my face with her wonderful makeup skill..."

"Really? Why are you guys doing make up in the middle of the night?" asked Mike puzzled.

"She will upload the makeup tutorial session in her youtube channel, so I kind of just go along with her just to make her happy and make her lifelong obsession finally come true." She smiled a bit remembering how happy Agnes was upon seeing the actual result of her masterpiece.

"I wanna see it! Give me her youtube channel, please!" demanded Mike excitedly.

"No, you cant! I won't give it to you!" she said.

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"Oh, you're such a killjoy!" whined Mike in a girly voice.

Catherine laughed. They have been talking every night before they go to sleep.

"I wanna sleep now, Mike! Good night!" she said closing her eyes.

"Wait, I wanted to see you! When can I see you? When will you go out on a date with me?" asked Mike.

"No, it's best that we won't see each other in person again. I don't want to raise your hopes high, because I don't want you to get disappointed in the end. Hope you understand me," she said in a low voice feeling the power of sleep dragging her eyelids down.

"Beauty, please! Don't hang up on me yet! Are you still there? Why are you not responding anymore? You're not sleeping yet, are you? Hello? Are you there?" he asked repeatedly.

"Good night, Mike. Sleep well," after saying her goodbye, she ended their conversation and placed the mobile device in the bedside table and turn off the light in her room.

She closed her eyes and drifted into a blissful sleep with John's face hovering around in her mind like a shadow that never goes away.

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