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John and Ramon had been in the EastSide Mall since it opened at 10:00 AM. John wants to be among the first to enter the mall the moment it opened. George and Allan were in the vicinity outside the mall as well, hoping to catch Catherine when she enters and exits the mall.

"Ramon, we will split up. As we have observed the mall has four entrance, we will standby near the entrance to catch everyone who will enter and exit the mall. This way we don't have to comb the entire area looking for Catherine. Call Allan and George and assigned them to Entrance 1 and 2 respectively. I will stay here in the entrance number 3 and you in entrance number 4."

"Okay Boss, copy," said Ramon, he starts walking towards the entrance in the basement parking area. He called his comrades and passed them on the boss's order.

John went inside the cafe which is located beside the entrance and ordered a Caffe Latte. His eyes were focusing on the entrance since he can see it through the glass wall, it's easy to see who is entering and exiting the entrance. He would occasionally check his phone.

Lunchtime comes...

He ordered his men to take their lunch somewhere not so far away from the entrance that they were guarding.

John ordered a fruit shake in the cafe, he didn't like eating solid food, he's feeling anxious, he feels like today they will catch Catherine.

The clock strikes at 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

Catherine and Agnes were about to enter the entrance #3...

Agnes grinned at Catherine...

She forced Catherine to wear the black wavy wig cascading on her back on this specific outing to the mall. She also wears herself a wig, colored brown and shoulder length.

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"Agnes, this will be the first and the last time am gonna wear a wig on our outing, okay?" said Catherine.

Agnes laughed merrily. "Of course, I won't let you wear a wig again next time we go out. Just for today let's have some fun with our wig!"

They are now entering the entrance, they voluntarily opened their shoulder bags for the guards to carry on with their routine inspection.

John was staring at the two girls...

That long black haired woman is strikingly beautiful! she looks a bit familiar! where did he see her? he asked himself. Their eyes meet briefly when she happened to look in his direction. Then the girls proceed inside the mall going the opposite way.

He dismissed the thoughts of that black haired woman from his mind and checked his phone, he began texting his three bodyguards for an update.


Catherine, on the other hand, was shocked when she saw John inside the cafe!


Their eyes even meet briefly for a few seconds!

But he didn't recognize her! Cause if he already recognized her, he would be running after her for sure!

Could it be...b-because she was wearing a black wig?

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"Agnes, can we go to the comport room first, am going to pee!" she said in a hurried tone. Her body was trembling. If John was actively looking for her then his other bodyguards might also be around the mall lurking somewhere, looking for her as well!


Although it's hard to recognize her at her present outfit, if they would look closely, they will surely recognize her true identity. She sighed deeply afraid that sooner or later her charade will get discovered either by John or his men.

The girls were able to locate the nearest restroom and entered it. Catherine quickly hides inside an empty cubicle to calm her trembling nerves. So, John was at entrance number 3!

If they have to get out without being noticed, they should exit on another entrance and avoid entrance #3. All she wanted now is to go home! She was brainstorming on what alibi she can tell Agnes so that they have to go home in a hurry. The longer they stay inside the mall, the higher the chances she will meet John eye to eye and he will know of course who she was!

Ah, I got it! she mumbled to herself. She already found a concrete alibi to go home early! She stays inside the cubicle for as long as she can. As expected Agnes was knocking on the door inquiring why she's taking so long inside the cubicle.

She opened the door, her face was contorted in pain.

"Cath, what's wrong? Are you okay?" asked Agnes in a worried tone.

"I dunno, I'm just not feeling well today. I think I have diarrhea, my stomach is acting weird!" she complained. "Can we go home now, please?" she asked.

"Yes of course! Let's go home now! What's the used if we keep staying inside this mall and you are not feeling well, it might get worst. Let's go!" said Agnes.

They walked towards the entrance number 2 in the corner.

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George was currently scanning the incoming and outgoing throng of people passing through the mall's entrance.

Catherine instantly noticed George near the entrance!


She quickly combed her hair sideways with her fingers to shield her eyes from being seen by George. She proceeds to walk briskly with Agnes by her side, head down. They passed through the exit unnoticed by George.

Catherine only released her breath in relief when they were already outside the mall, they quickly boarded the first empty taxi that comes their way. As the taxicab was moving away from the mall, she saw George staring at the back end of the taxi that they were boarding!

OMG! Did he notice her?

But she doesn't have to worry much because the taxicab was now speeding away from the mall, George can no longer follow her! Thank God!

"Are you okay, Cath? How are you feeling now?" asked Agnes.

"I'm still not feeling good, my stomach is grumbling!" she answered.

Agnes rubbed her back. "Okay. Hang in there, we will arrive home soon."


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While in the mall...

George texted his comrades and his Boss asking if they saw a lady wearing skinny jeans and a pink blouse with long black wavy hair, that had a little resemblance of Catherine?

Both Allan and Ramon answered no.

But John didn't reply...

Cause John was now staring at his cell phone...reading George's message ten times.

Could...could it be that the woman with long black hair he saw earlier was Catherine in disguise? Did she dye her hair black or it is just a wig?

His mind recalls the scenario earlier, that must be the sole reason why that woman looks strangely familiar to him!


She got away again this time! Twice in a row!

Now his suspicion was getting stronger, that woman must be Catherine!

He sighed feeling furious inside. This is getting ridiculous...AARGHH!...he can't continue living like this!

Feeling sad and miserable, he recalled his men, he treated them to a dinner in the restaurant and they all went home at 8:00 PM that night in tuned with the malls closing time.

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