One Month Later...

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John was finally able to adjust himself well when it comes to the bitter truth regarding Catherine's sudden disappearance. However, his love for her only grows stronger every day as his deep longing for her presence in his life magnifies tenfold. He still can't get over her. The only consolation he had was that Catherine was not entertaining other suitors during their separation and that was what Grace had told him and he believes her. He can bear the temporary parting but he can't bear it if she already had another boyfriend, if that happens that would really break his heart into a tiny million pieces.

On the other hand, he focuses his attention on his latest project which is the Hacienda Catherine. He's making sure she would like this new project of his especially that he will name it after her.

In the Town of Mandreza, his childhood hometown will soon rise Hacienda Catherine that will be known far and wide as one of a prime vacation destination in that area. The Hacienda is the living witness on the night he meets Catherine and fall in love with her in the process. As soon the architect can finish his grand design, John would initiate the initial phase of the construction, a few months from now.

John was looking at the calendar hanging in his office wall.

Five more months to go!

George and Allan have been scouting Quezon City and neighboring areas six days a week, 10 hours every day. Still, the result is disappointing! Until now they still can't locate Catherine's whereabouts. As if she was hiding in a cave in a faraway island, a million miles away from him.

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He and his men would still go back to the EastSide Mall during weekends, just to seize the chance that somehow she would appear there again. But they never saw her likeness ever again in that mall.

He realized that if Catherine saw him first in the mall she wouldn't likely go back in that mall again since there are several malls surrounding in that area to choose from. Maybe she ventured into the other mall to avoid seeing him.

John texted the architect that he hired, he wants a basement to be constructed below the ground of Hacienda Catherine, it would be his living headquarter every time he will visit the place and besides that, he may also have other uses for that basement in the future.

John opened his laptop and clicked on the slideshow of Catherine's photos, a gentle smile appeared on his lips. Watching her slideshow photos everyday help ease his longing for her, he lives with her smile day by day and he can't wait to see her again.

Romeo entered his office.

John tore his eyes away from Catherine's beautiful smiling face.

"What is it, bro?" he asked.

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"I just wanted to know if you like the architect that I hired for your latest project? He is a fresh graduate and doesn't have years of experiences under his belt yet, but he is talented," said Romeo.

"He is doing fine. I like all his design portfolio, and he is currently drafting Hacienda Catherine's hotel layout. I don't want to rush him, I want him to produce the best design that is both unique and captivating, a one of a kind design for the Eco Resort. I'm giving him a free hand, I also suggested to him some of my ideas and incorporate it with his ideas. Hopefully, our collaboration can produce a beautiful grand design for Hacienda Catherine," explained John.

"That is good!" said Romeo. He was glad that his friend was able to have a new project to focus his attention with and not bury his mind into his runaway brides whereabouts.

"By the way, how's the latest news there in the mining site in Zamboanga City? Is Mr. Fajardo able to live up to his promises?" asked John.

"Yes. So far so good down there. The coal mining site is running smoothly, thanks to him!" replied Romeo.

John smiled with satisfaction at least he was not wrong in trusting Mr. Fajardo again.

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Romeo stared at his buddy, now is the time to mention again about his ugly appearance.

"Hmm, how about the suggestion I told you the other day about going for an appointment to a Plastic Surgeon for removal of your scars on your face? When are you going to visit that doctor am telling you about. He is the best plastic surgeon in this country, he can repair your face and get rid all of that scars on your face that made you ugly. We can also visit a cosmetic surgeon for another check up as a second opinion and decides who is the best capable surgeon that can fix or restore your looks," suggested Romeo.

John sighed. Restoring his looks is not his top priority right now.

"No need to restore my looks, Catherine accepted my ugly face and love me for who I am," said John.

Romeo let out a dry laugh. "Sorry to offend you bro, have you ever think why Catherine finally leaves you? Maybe it has to do about your appearance. Maybe if she will see you again without the scars, then your good looks fully restored then she might stop running away and marry you instantly. Think about it!"

John was silent for a moment. Did Catherine really run away because she can't accept his looks? Deep inside his heart, he knows that Catherine loves him with all his ugly scars included, and that is the main reason why he loves her the more because even if she is beautiful she still accepted and love him, all of him!

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"You're talking nonsense, bro! Catherine loves me for who I am, my ugliness included," John defended Catherine against Romeo's scathing remarks.

"Yeah, yeah...yeah, whatever! Just let me know if you already decided to alter your appearance. I will be more than happy to bring you to that surgeon doctor were talking about," said Romeo.

"I will think about it, bro, thanks for reminding me," muttered John.

"Please decide early bro! Do it as early as possible! It's for the good of your sanity. Once you will see your handsome face again, I am sure you will forget that runaway bride of yours! Women will begin paying attention to you and soon enough you will have plenty of women to accompany your lonely night, you will never be suffering from loneliness ever again!" added Romeo.

John was already in deep thoughts, thinking about what Romeo had just said right now. Will Catherine appreciates his new look? Will his new look can help bring Catherine back into his life?

Upon seeing that his friend already become silent and probably starts processing his suggestion, Romeo walked towards the door grinning. "I will go now," he said.

John gave Romeo a slight nod and focuses his attention back to the slideshow.

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