Agnes was in the sink, cleaning and slicing the ripe mangoes and putting the slices in the platter.

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Catherine was watching Agnes with fondness in her eyes. She was feeling sad cause Agnes is finally leaving her tomorrow for a trial run to see if she can manage the business on her own. She was feeling a bit apprehensive that she might still be lacking in many things when it comes to managing the stores. Her confidence is dropping at an alarming rate. It's used to be so easy because Agnes was still guiding her step by step on the daily routines of running the shops. But tomorrow it will be different because she will be on her own...

'"I'm afraid, Agnes," said Catherine.

"Why---?" Agnes was looking at her face intently.

"Because you're now leaving tomorrow. I'm feeling nervous that I might not be able to handle everything on my own," Catherine's voice quivered.

Agnes rubbed her back trying to cheer her up. "Don't be afraid, it's an easy job. You are doing well already. Besides, it's a temporary trial for one week. Let see if you can handle everything on your own without me. If you pass one week with flying colors then no need for me to come back here. But just in case you will encounter any difficulty I will come running back to your side, okay?" said Agnes.

Catherine nodded her head feeling a bit relieved with Agnes' assurance.

"Just follow everything I had teaches you. The reports should be inputted in the excel files every day don't forget about it, the owner will get angry if you miss updating the daily sales record. Then you also have to deposit the shop's sales revenue from Monday to Friday to the owners' bank account. Just make sure you ordered all the supplies needed by each shop on time to avoid shortage. You already have the contact numbers of all our suppliers, all you need is order the supply in their hotline and everything will be delivered on time. What else---?" Agnes was trying to remember all the important details that Catherine needs to remember for a smooth sailing store operation.

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"I think I already teach you everything, just in case you encounter a difficulty you can always reach me through the messaging app, I will answer you right away, okay?" Agnes added.

Catherine was feeling a lot better now after she had this conversation with Agnes. "Thank you, Agnes, for everything that you have done for me. Thank you for patiently teaching me how to manage the stores, and most especially for being kind and understanding to all my faults and shortcomings. Thank you sister!" she got misty-eyed.

Agnes hugged Catherine compassionately and rubbed her back. "You're like my sister, too! Will keep in touch and be sisters for life!" said Agnes.

Catherine smiled affectionately at Agnes feeling how lucky she was for meeting such a good soul.

"Let's start eating these ripe mangoes now!" said Agnes smiling, drooling at the ripe sweet mangoes.

They start eating and the sweet ripe mangoes were gone in ten minutes time.

Twenty minutes later, Catherine was cooking rice in the rice cooker for their lunch. She will cook delicious foods for them 'coz tomorrow Agnes will no longer be by her side and she will miss her company terribly. Agnes becomes more than like a sister to her, so kind and loving, she will be forever grateful for her kindness and generosity.

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Catherine and Mike were having a conversation that night.

"I'm feeling sad today," said Catherine.

"Oh, why beauty? Why you're sad?" asked Mike worriedly.

"Because Agnes will be leaving my side. Starting tomorrow I will be running the stores on my own," she explained.

"Oh, sad indeed! But you don't have to worry even if Agnes is gone, I'm still here to help you. I have a degree in Business Administration. I know how to run a business. I can help you with anything, all you need to do is to ask and I'm willing to help you. That is why you need to give me your address so that I can visit you personally and help you with the management areas of your job," suggested Mike with good intention.

"Thanks for the offer Mike," replied Catherine. "I will try to manage on my own and if the time comes that I will need your help, I will seek you out."

"Good. But honestly, you don't have to trouble your beautiful head with business stuff. All you need to do is to become my wife and I will take care of the rest, you don't have to worry about anything. I will give you everything you want such as money, travel abroad, jewelry, I can give them all to you. I will pamper you from head to toe!"

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Catherine scratches her head. Mike never fails to insert his golden offer to her at any given opportunity.

"Really? How rich are you? How rich is your family?" asked Catherine, her interest was piqued.

Mike laughed at the other end. "You have no idea how rich my family is, Cath! I'm even richer than your ex-boyfriend! That is why I been inviting you to visit our house so that you will see it for yourself. I don't want to brag much. So...better if you can see it with your own two eyes."

Catherine rolled her eyes. "Lol, okay I believe you now without seeing your house!"

She knows that he was just trying to make her agree to their date but she's not giving in to his demands. She was here in this place to heal herself and make a fresh beginning with her life without a man's intervention and complication.

She likes the peace and freedom that is brought by being single.

She will be staying single for the time being.

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"Beauty, if you become my wife you don't have to work for the rest of your life! All you need to do is take care of our children and count the money that I will be bringing to you," said Mike.

Catherine laughed heartily amused by his choice of words.

"In short, I will make you my Queen! Everything you need is at your fingertips!" Mike continues with his over the top convincing sales pitch.

"Thanks for your offer, Mike, they actually sound heavenly for someone like me who grows surrounded by poverty all my life. But I valued my freedom and peace of mind nowadays compare to monetary gains. So yeah...I hope you understand," said Catherine.

"Never say Never, my dear Catherine. One day you will be asking for my offer and I will patiently wait for that time," declared Mike.

A shiver runs through Catherine's spine with his last statement.

She had enough of their conversation, she yawned feeling sleepy. "Time is up! Let's sleep now Mike, am very sleepy..."

"Okay. Good night, Cath," Mike bid goodbye to her.

"Night Night, Mike!" she said and finally ended their conversation. She turns off the light in her room and prepared herself to sleep.

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