The property was located inside a 2-hectare land area which has a meticulously well-maintained lawn. The land area around this village was amounting to millions of pesos that only wealthy people can afford to buy and own.

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The mansion owned by Mike's family was huge and well equip with luxury amenities inside the abode. Its contemporary architectural design is a sight to behold. It's a 3-story mansion with its own elevator, the wide indoor swimming pool was located on the 3rd floor along with the theater room and gym room. There's also another outdoor swimming pool at the back of the mansion.

Susan stared at his son, Mike, they were currently eating dinner at their marvelous dining room inside their mansion located in Lightview Quezon city.

"Why can't you bring Catherine here in our house?" asked Susan.

"Mother, please be patient, we have a lovers quarrel as of this moment, she refused to talk and see me. I'm working hard to pacify her anger," explained Mike.

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"Take me to her and I'll do the talking on your behalf. Have you already offered your marriage proposal to her?" Susan was confident that all women if given the proposal will say 'YES!' right away. So, why is this certain 'Catherine' giving his son a hard time?

"Mother, Catherine is different from other women. That's is why I love her. I will not marry anyone other than her."

Susan was shaking her head. She knew her son's secret, he used to be gay, but later on, he confesses to her that he is also attracted to a woman, that blows her mind away! And this particular woman's name is 'Catherine,' later on, she also discovered that this woman is not really her son's girlfriend but he already treated her as such! He already calls her his girlfriend every time they talked about her. The bed scene in the hotel was just a fabricated lie on his part, she was nearly sold by it! She was actually rejoicing that her son will get married soon so that he can produce an heir to their business empire, but her happiness was short-lived when Mike told her that they never had sex on that day and she is not his girlfriend yet but just a mere hotel's employee who happened to passed out in his hotel room during that time. She was furious with her son's outrageous antics!

Too bad Catherine is not her son's girlfriend yet!

"Why don't you let me try helping you?" asked Susan. "Take me to her and I will do half of the talking for you..."

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"Mother, as I have said before, she is hard to knock, money can't make her marry me. I'm still in the process of gaining her trust and her friendship," said Mike.

"If she is hard to sway with money and even your good looks fail, then what can make her agree to your proposal?" asked Susan.

Mike has no ready answer for his mother.

"Why don't you start looking for another woman? Instead of busy playing around with your boyfriends?" said Susan, throwing her son a dark look. She tried to play deaf ears when it comes to her son's penchant for men. Her son is addicted to men. She was hoping that once Mike will get married had a wife and children of his own he will correct his ways and stop getting into relationships with men.

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She sighed in frustration.

Once Mike will get married she will finally relinquish the managing of their business empire to him.

Susan's husband died six years ago since then she single-handedly managed and grow their family business to what is it today. Their Confectionery business was flourishing and growing within the country, it already gained a stronghold in the confectionery business industry that used to be dominated by a few major players only. She was planning to venture into foreign markets later on. Their products range from chocolates, candies, cookies, biscuits, and many more. Last year they ventured into manufacturing chocolate and milk beverages targeting school children's and housewives as their main consumer. All her businesses were producing good revenues annually.

Earlier this year, she also starts a bakery business and ventures into franchising. She already had five bakery franchisee running as of this moment and another one coming next month. Business is good as usual. Her husband once told her before he died that she got a Midas Touch in her fingers, any business she started will succeed and flourishes under her care.

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As Susan was observing her son, she was wondering if he can be trusted to run their business empire? But how will she know if she won't try putting the control in his hands? She will try of course once he got married and settles down. That is all she's been waiting for but her son is very choosy when it comes to finding a woman to marry. Although he recently had taken a liking of the opposite gender, unfortunately, that woman friend zoned his son. If only this woman can be brought with money, they should have no problem right now!

"Mother am done with eating, I will go now upstairs in my room to talk with Catherine," said Mike.

"Okay, go ahead son," mumbled Susan and continues eating her scrumptious dinner.

She later followed her son upstairs and retired in her spacious sleeping chamber. Susan went to the window of her bedroom and stared at the beautiful lighted fountain in front of their mansion. She comes a long way indeed, from her humble beginning as a mere secretary of the rich businessman who later becomes her husband. Fast forward, she ultimately becomes the head of the business empire that her late husband had started.

But there is one dark secret in her life that she was not able to reveal to his late husband before he dies. And this dark secret is popping out in her mind lately waiting to come into the surface. But she has no time for it right now, maybe after Mike settle's down, she will face her dark past bravely! She will wait for the right time to move! It's one thing she has to do before she dies.

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