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Catherine wakes up late today because it's Sunday and a rest day for everyone who works in the store. She was grateful because she was able to manage the stores in the duration of one whole month without encountering any problems and the owner was satisfied with her performance. The owner promised her a salary raise after three months from PHP15k to 20K.

She was now feeling confident with her management skill and overall performance.

It's already one month since she last saw Agnes, they would regularly communicate and messaged each other daily and she feels happy that they retained their friendship even they were miles apart.

She glanced at the calendar that was hanging on the wall of her room.

Next month...John's birthday will be on the 5th-Sunday, firsts week of the month. She was planning to greet John on his birthday, she will call him just for once. A smile curled up in her lips thinking about him.

Her relationship with John was filled with troubles and conflicts. It feels nice that she was able to get away from him for a while.

She was able to find peace within herself. Being single wasn't so bad at all. She hopes that John was also able to find peace within himself and their parting will heal everything that happened between them.

As for their future?

She has no idea if there is a future waiting for them both since people's mind and heart changes with the passage of time...

She rose to her feet and entered the bathroom.

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She exited the bathroom after ten minutes and went to the kitchen to boil hot water for her coffee. She's feeling hungry, she reached for the sliced bread and spreads a good amount of peanut butter on it and began chewing the bread.

She then starts sipping her coffee.

Her phone suddenly rings...

She picked it up and checked the caller, it's Grace!

"Hello cousin!" she said excitedly.

"How are you, Cath?" asked Grace.

"I'm doing fine in managing the stores on my own," she said proudly of herself.

"That's good," said Grace happy for her cousin's good performance. "Caroline, already found a job as a sales lady in one of the department store nearby."

Catherine was all smile feeling happy that her sister already found a job. "How are they, my mother and my younger siblings?"

"They're doing well. We all miss you, when can you visit us here?" asked Grace.

Catherine looked at the calendar. "I will pay you a visit guys after 6 months."

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"Okay. I want to visit you probably next month...," said Grace.

"Wow, am looking forward to seeing you again, cousin! You can visit me here anytime!" she said smiling.

"What are you going to do today since it's your rest day today?"

"I will just attend the mass in the church this afternoon and am thinking of going to the mall, but not really sure..."

"Are you not bored alone in there on your own?" asked Grace.

"Not really. I have internet, I can always watch free movies online, watch documentaries, read my books, watch television and clean the house all day long. Actually, there are so many things to do here, no time for boredom."

"That's good!" said Grace.

"Does John's bodyguard still deliver rice and groceries there in your house?" she asked.

"Yes, it becomes a routine for John. I already told him to stop doing it but he wont listen to me. He is just equally stubborn like you. You two are really perfect for each other. Did you miss him, Cath?"

Catherine sighed and bit her lip. "I miss him of course!" she answered quickly.

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"So, why don't you talk to him? Why don't you see him?" Grace suggested.

"In the distant future maybe I will see him again. But not right now, am enjoying my life as being single. John is a possessive guy, he wont let go of me once he sees me again. Now that I was able to get away from him I might as well enjoy this freedom am having right now..."

"Hmm, what if he finds another woman to love and devote his time with, then he starts forgetting about you and everything that you shared together...Aren't you afraid at all?" asked Grace.

Catherine was silent for a while, carefully processing her cousin's words in her mind. "He won't find another woman. I am sure of that," she said confidently.

Grace laughed at the other end. "Really? How can you be so sure?"

Catherine was silent again. What if indeed John starts finding another woman to love? How painful it could be? She was so used to his love and devotion to her, she can't bear to think of him loving another woman beside her. "I'm just confident that he won't find another woman as my replacement. He loves me so much."

"I dunno cousin, but if you stay far too long away from him he might be tempted to find another woman to love. Majority of guys get bored easily, only a few men stay devoted to a woman for a long time even without seeing the object of their affection. I just want to remind you that John is a human being not a saint. He has his own limits, don't push him too far or else you might regret it later. As the saying goes, 'you only realized the value of the person when they are gone from your life completely..."

Catherine scratched her head feeling a bit worried. "B-but I don't want to see him yet!"

"You don't have to. Just talk to him from time to time. Remind him that you still exist in his life," advice Grace.

"Okay. I will think about it."

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"By the way, are you entertaining new suitor in your life these days?" asked Grace.

"No. I have no time for boys. I am busy with my work. No time for the affairs of the heart."

"Okay, that's good. I have to say bye bye for now, Cath. I will call you some other time. You take care of yourself."

"Please give my regards to my family," said Catherine.

"Okay I will, bye bye," said Grace.

"Byeee cousin!"

Catherine put down her phone on the table. She was staring at her phone and remembering everything that her cousin had said to her regarding the possibility of John falling in love with another woman.

Does she really have an intention to forget John forever?

Or what they are both undergoing now is just a temporary parting?

Those small voices were starting to attack her brain, giving her stress.

She sighed and went back to her bed to lie down again. She will have a whole day ahead of her to think about John and the future of their relationship.

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