Susan removed her old stuff from the last drawer in her spacious closets and brought them all to her bed. They were old clothes, old stuff when she was still single, and there are some old photos as well. She picked up one old photo, and the photo's color was already fading away, she stared at the photo lovingly and longingly. Then her body starts shaking and she sobbed uncontrollably in her bed.

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The door to her room suddenly opens...

Mike went inside her mother's room unannounced and was shocked to see his mother crying nonstop in her bed. He went to her side hurriedly...

"Mother, what's wrong? Why are you crying so hard?" asked Mike worriedly about to pick up the old photos lying in the bed.

Susan quickly gathered her old stuff and put them all back into the drawer of her closet and wiped the tears in her eyes.

"Nothing. I'm just remembering something in my past. Anyways, why are you here?" she asked composing herself and calming her fraying nerves.

"I'm here to tell you that I want to go to our beach resort in Cebu City for a while, tomorrow is my flight. So, I will be gone for a while," said Mike.

"Why---? are you bringing your boyfriend again in there?" asked Susan in a cold voice.

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Mike sighed. "Mother, please stop scolding me. I will enjoy my life while I'm still single. If I am already married I will no longer be able to enjoy my single life, so just let me be. Promised, if I will get married one day I will reform my wild ways. I will be a responsible husband and father to my family..."

Susan rolled her eyes and shoo her son away!

"Go now and be careful not to get any sexually transmitted disease!" said Susan. Just thinking about his son bringing another random man in their beach resort is revolting to her.

"Don't worry Mother, Madame Butterfly's boys are clean," Mike grinned cheekily. "I will go now, Mother! I will call you tomorrow after I landed on our beach resort in Cebu City."

Aargh! Susan grimaced upon hearing Madame Butterfly's name. She would call that old hag later!

Mike exited his mother's bedroom and went straight to his room to pack his things in his traveling bag. He will be gone for two weeks the most. He wants to enjoy the pristine ocean on the beach with some dudes then he will visit some hot spot in Cebu City for entertainment and relaxation purposes to make his vacation worthwhile.


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Once her son was already out of her bedroom, Susan went to the door and locked it from the inside. She went back to her closet and pulled out all her old stuff especially the old photo that made her cry earlier.

She stared at the photo again and her heart feels like it's being squeezed painfully in her rib cage. She continues crying for a long time and only stops crying when her eyes can no longer supply fresh tears. She returned back all her old stuff into the closet and calmed her nerves.

Fifteen minutes later...

Susan called a number on her cell phone.

A few minutes later, a sultry voice answered her call..."Susan my dearest, how are you?"

Susan sighed deeply. "Please stop supplying random stranger to my son!" she said in a cold voice.

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Madame Butterfly released a throaty laughed. "Susan, you should be thankful that I'm the one supplying your son's addiction because am very discreet, besides my boys are all clean and they all undergo medical checkup periodically. I can guarantee you, your son's overall health and satisfaction is my utmost priority. Besides, we are old friends and acquaintance so I am deeply concern with your son's well being and reputation since am also one of his godmothers, in case you forgot everything...!"

Susan grimaced. "Fine! Just make sure he is safe all the time or else..."

"...or else what?" asked Madame Butterfly.

"Nothing...," grumbled Susan.

"By the way, it's been 6 years since your husband passed away. I have several hot studs here at my disposal that mainly specializes in pleasuring cougars like you. Maybe you want to order one I will ship them at your doorsteps wrapped in a red ribbon and of course, I will give you a big discount," laughed Madam Butterfly.

'!" Susan was fuming.

"Relax Susan, I never knew that money and success can bring class to someone like you! Don't you dare forget where you started! Where we started!"

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Susan sighed. "Yeah, yeah, you sounded like my grandmother already! Bye for now!"

"Wait...why don't we see each other just like old times? It's been a long time since we have bonded for old times sake," suggested Madame Butterfly.

"....and what we'll we do then?" asked Susan.

"Let's luxuriate around in your outdoor swimming pool and count our monies...hahahaha! Come to think about it, the two dirt poor girls in their yesteryear are already successful women in their own right. Fast forward, you become this successful businesswoman and me the successful pimp!"

Susan heard another hearty laughter at the other end, she smiled a little bit remembering their crazy escapades when they were still young and single.

"I have to hang up now, I'm feeling sleepy!" said Susan.

"Wait---think about it, okay? Let's hang out for old time sake! Call me anytime for a meet up anywhere you like. How about if we go shopping together in Singapore? I'd been there last month, I want to go back there to do some more shopping and sightseeing..."

"Okay. I will think about it. I will drop you a call if am in the mood for it. Bye for now." Susan ended their conversation.

Before Susan was claimed by sleep that night all the happenings in her younger years comes flashing in her mind, tormenting her all night long.

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