John was relaxing in the lounge chair beside the pool staring at the sparkling water, he already had taken a dive earlier and he was currently resting. He is feeling a bit nervous at the same time excited that today after lunch he will visit the plastic surgeon for a checkup and evaluation of his face. It's been a long time and he was already used to the ugly scars in his face. When Dahlia died, he decided to just live with the ugly scars all his life as a sign of his guilt because he was blaming himself that he was not able to save her from the hands of the murderer. Just seeing his scars every day made him feel that he was able to share Dahlia's agony before and after she dies.

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Way back he has no plan to fall in love again, that is why he doesn't seek women's company openly. Due to his scars and ugly appearance he also loses the confidence that there could be a woman out there who could fall in love with him if she will see his face.

Then comes along Catherine... the lovely innocent Catherine!

He shattered her innocence, he stole her virginity, he stole her first kiss. In short, he becomes her first taste in everything and he also wants to be her last. He fell in love with her super fast! Too bad she runs away and broke his heart many times. Still, he won't let her go, not in this lifetime. What he felt for her is beyond love and lust, he felt a connection with her that he didn't even felt with Dahlia before.

That is why he was terrified that he will lose her to other men.

He closed his eyes...


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He can finally imagine seeing her in flesh and blood. See her smile again. He missed her terribly, it's been a lonely month of not able to touch her skin and hear her moan his name under the sheets. He misses their wild steamy sessions and the way she pleasures him.

He released a deep sigh.

If he will see her again one day, what will he do if she won't still marry him? But would still insist on her freedom! He was wrong when he thought she was ready for marriage life. But the way she runs away, he felt like she wasn't ready for a long term commitment yet.

He is willing to wait for the right time that she will be ready to marry him, but she must also make sure she won't entertain any other man in her life or else he would do some drastic measure and control every aspect of her life. He doesn't want to be a controlling freak but when it comes to Catherine, he must make sure he is the only man in her life and she must obey his wishes at all times. He wants to control her and yet she doesn't want to be controlled, she wants to be free as a bird! That really bothers him.

John rose to his feet, he left the swimming pool area and went to his bedroom to take a shower and get ready for lunch.


One Hour Later...

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John and Romeo were now on their way to the plastic surgeon's clinic located in Del Leon Plaza building. They arrived in the building and was told by the receptionist to wait in the waiting room 'coz there's still two more clients that were scheduled to see the doctor ahead of them. The clinic is opened between Monday to Friday and the checkup is scheduled once a week only and the remaining four days was for the doctor to perform surgery operation on his clients. The client has an option for the surgery procedure to takes place inside the clinic or in a private hospital.

"Are you nervous, bro?" asked Romeo.

John looked at his buddy smiling. "A little bit, but am more excited than nervous," he replied.

A client exited the surgeon's office and another client walks inside.

One more client to go before it's John's turn.

John and Romeo busied themselves reading magazines on display above the center table to pass time.

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The last client on their left walk inside the office.

Ten minutes later, it's now John's turn, Romeo accompanied his friend inside the plastic surgeon's office.

Dr. Roland Ocampo shakes hands with the two men. He then instructed John to sit down in the chair to start conducting the facial inspection on his clients face.

John removes the mask on his face.

Fifteen minutes later the preliminary inspection on John's face was done. The surgeon and John went back to their respective chair.

"John, your scars were a result of a knife assault which happened many years ago, am I right?" the doctor was reading the client's data sheet.

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"Yes, doc," answered John.

"Three months ago I happened to conduct a successful face surgery on a man's face as a result of a knife assault same as what happened to your face. The surgery would last for two weeks, in a private hospital of your choice and it will take a total of one month recovery period, we need to make sure the surgery is successful without resulting to infection. So you must be confined in a private room away from contaminants and you can't venture outside the room for the whole two weeks in order to avoid infection. We will conduct the surgery while you are unconscious under general anesthesia. We will do some surgical procedure on your face like incision, skin grafting and a lot more. Here... in this folder is the step by step procedure on how we will conduct surgery on your face along with the images," the doctor gave the folder to John.

"But you don't have to be afraid because all these will takes place while you are unconscious, the next time you open your eyes we are done with the surgical procedure on your face. As for the pain, we have numbing medications or what they commonly called pain killers to help you cope with the pain after the surgical operation. Do you still have any question, John?" asked Dr. Roland Ocampo.

"Thank you for all the explanation Doc," said John.

"If you want to go through the operation, go to my secretary and ask for the total price package of the operation, state the hospital you wanted the surgery to take place and ask her the availability of the date of your operation. After you settle everything, we will see each other on the day of your operation," said the doctor.

John nodded and they exited the doctor's office to settle everything with the doctor's secretary.

A few moments later...

They were out of the building and on their way back to Infinity Jade Tower.

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