Romeo and Sandra were drinking wine at the balcony of their house, watching the bright moon and the stars above twinkling in all their glory, creating a magical display of light up above the sky illuminating the entire city with a fantastic sight.

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"Darling, I want you to find eligible women that are single so that we can arrange a blind date for John," said Romeo.

Sandra raised her eyebrows. "John is yet to undergo the surgical procedure, and here you are already thinking of women to date him."

"Of course the earlier the better, so that he can forget Catherine as soon as possible!"

"He still not able to locate his runaway bride?" she asked.

Romeo shook his head.

"It's better that we don't intrude in their private lives. The affairs of the heart should be handled by John himself. We can't just find women in the streets and shoved them in John's face. If he no longer loves Catherine then let him recover first from his heartbreak. I don't think finding women as his blind date is necessary. If John regains his good looks, he doesn't need to look far, women will flock to him," objected Sandra.

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"Don't complain, my dear wife, just do as I say, it won't be that hard."

"Okay fine. What are the qualifications?" Sandra relented.

"Must be 25 years old and above, have a pleasing personality, got a degree course, must come from a decent family, doesn't necessarily meant to be born in a wealthy family but if the woman is rich then that is an added bonus. I just want a woman who won't run away from commitment and responsibilities, she must be mature already and also on marrying age," explained Romeo.

"That sounds like a perfect woman! Where can I find such a woman like that?" Sandra rolled her eyes.

She becomes silent for a while. She has been actively trying to contact Catherine when she heard that she run away and the wedding was canceled. Unfortunately, every time she calls her cell phone it says out of coverage area, out of service or inactive. She presumed that the girl already changed her sim card. She wonders what really happened---that scares the girl away? Based on her observation, the girl won't run away without a valid reason. Something must have happened between Catherine and John that cause the wedding to dissolved again. Unfortunately, she can't ask John herself, that would be an invasion of privacy, and she doubted if John would even reveal the real reason why his future wife run away.

"Do you think Catherine will return back?" asked Sandra.

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"I think she will not return back. That is why we need John to start looking for other women. I want him to recover fast from his heartbreak and disappointment that he suffered under the hands of Catherine," sneered Romeo.

"Why you seem to be feeling irritated towards Catherine? You don't even know the reason why she runs away?"

"Because she made my best friend look stupid!" replied Romeo.

Sandra shook her head.


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The next day in Catherine's place...

Today is a busy day, 'coz one of the crews of the burger shop was absent because her son was sick and she's been absent from her job two days in a row.

Catherine has to step up and help the lone crew at the burger station. She would do the flipping of burgers, sometimes cleaning the table and serving the customers order. She would also handle the cash register machine alternately with the other crew. It doesn't happen every day though, but nevertheless, she is always ready to help the crew make the job done, it's teamwork after all.

The busiest day in the burger shop is from 3:00 PM all the way to 7:00 PM every day.

Just last week, one of the crews in the meat shop was absent, so she had to step in and become the cashier for the day while the other crew will do the chopping of meat into slices as per request by the customer.

She doesn't mind doing different chores in the stores, she's used to hard work.

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The stores were now closed for the day and she was able to retire in her room upstairs, fifteen minutes later, she already had eaten her dinner.

Tomorrow is John's 28th birthday.

Catherine already bought a new sim card just the other day, she will call John tomorrow morning so that she will be the first person to greet him on his birthday.

A smile of anticipation appeared on her lips.

She does miss John!

She is feeling excited to hear his voice again!

She misses the memorable times they shared together.

She will tell him tomorrow to stop sending rice and groceries in Grace's house. Then she will tell him to wait for her to come back to him when she's ready, on her own terms. She will promise him that she won't accept any new suitors and she would never love another man only him. She just hopes he will understand her point of view and let her enjoy her peace and freedom for a while.

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