The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 190: 190

The Next Day, Sunday...

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John woke up early at around 6:00 AM. It's his birthday today, he ordered special delicious dishes from Sandra's favorite caterer for his birthday celebration. Romeo and Sandra will join him today on dinner time along with his bodyguards. It's just a private celebration.

What he misses the most is Catherine! Hope she is here today beside him to celebrate his birthday.

"I miss you, Cath!" he whispers in a sad voice.

He stood up and went inside the bathroom to relieve himself and splash water on his face. He heard the ringing of his cell phone outside the bathroom. Who could be calling him at this early morning?

Done with the bathroom, he made an exit and sauntered toward the bedside table to retrieve his mobile device.

Just when he was about to pick up the phone, it stopped ringing.

He checked the caller, it's a new number not registered in his contacts. It must be a wrong call, he got a few once in a while, whether it's a wrong text or wrong call. He usually doesn't entertain callers that were not registered in his contacts.

He put back the phone on the bedside table. He exited his room to go to the kitchen to prepare his coffee. While he was sipping his coffee in the kitchen, his phone was also busy ringing in his bedroom, he must have heard the faint ringing of his phone, he stood up and went back to his room to get his cell phone.

The moment he picks up the phone it already stops ringing...

Hmmm, who is this persistent caller?

He brought the phone with him into the swimming pool area. He pressed the remote control and the curtain parted in the middle of the glass wall showing the early morning view of the city. It's looking beautiful as usual...he missed Catherine the more!


Catherine was feeling agitated staring at her phone!


He was not answering her call!

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She was entertaining the idea of not calling him anymore. But she just wanted to greet him on his birthday!

She put the phone in her bed and exited her room to make some coffee in the kitchen.

A few moments later, she went back to her room with the hot mug and starts sipping the coffee while she keeps staring at her phone.

She picked up her phone and starts typing..."Happy Happy Birthday John!" she sends the message with 3 heart emoji.

She bit her lips in anticipation...

He responded with a message...

'Who you???'


Catherine was furious...of course, it's a new number! He doesn't know her!

But she was angry...!

She quickly typed her name...'Catherine'... and sends it.

Then she turns off her cell phone out of dismay...Grrr!


John's fingers were trembling while holding his phone and reading the latest message in his inbox, dammit it's Catherine calling her a few times already!

He called her number right away very much excited, but it's out of coverage area and not available!

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His brows furrowed, did she turn off her mobile device?

My God, he just loses the precious chance to talk to her and hear her voice once again!

His high spirits come crashing down on his shoulder.

'Please call again, Cath! I'm waiting for your call!' he prayed over and over again.


Catherine was staring at her phone, she picked it again and turn it on...

She called John for the last time...


His phone rings and he answered it right away...


"Hello, are you? I just want to greet you Happy Happy Birthday!" said Catherine.

John was smiling, his smile was filled with happiness..."I miss you so much, Cath! Where have you been? Why did you disappear suddenly? Why did you leave me?" his voice very emotional.

Catherine gulped her saliva. "I need to get away for a while, I need some space to heal. I'm so sorry I leave without saying goodbye to you."

A tear fell from John's eyes. "Y-you don't l-love me anymore?" asked John in a pitiful voice.

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"Hey don't say that. I love you always, I never stop loving you. Just give me some space and freedom to enjoy being alone on my own. I promise I will come back to you," she said.

"When are you coming back?" he asked.

"Maybe...after two years?"

'What---? Why would it take two years for you to come back to my side? Is my love not enough for you? Not enough for us?" John sighed.

Catherine bit her lip. She can feel John's heartbreak in his voice.

"Just tell me where you are right now? I will fetch you myself....pleaseee? I really need to see you Cath! I'm dying to see you...please let's see each other today or tomorrow!" he suggested excitedly.

"Sorry, John, I cant! Not yet," replied Catherine.

John released a deep sigh of frustration, he was running his fingers on his hair.

"John, please stop delivering groceries to Grace house!" she asked.

"No. I will continue delivering grocery there unless you will see me. See me first!" he demanded.

She bit her lip finding it hard to convince John with everything. "...and after I see you? What will happen?"

"I will never let you go, Cath! I will keep you by my side 24/7. We will get married and start a family," he said.

Catherine sighed and turn silent for a moment.

"Aren't you tired running away? You already ruined two weddings! It's so unfair on my part, Cath! You have no idea how gravely I suffered deep inside when you run away and left me without saying goodbye. How could you be so cruel?"

"John pleased listen...I will come back to you. Just let me live my life on my own for a while," she begged.

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"Catherine, just tell me where you are right now. I will give you your space but please let me know where you are so that I can visit you once in a while, pleasee?" he was now begging for her to reveal her whereabouts.

"No, I can't...I'm sorry. I will see you again on my own terms, John. Please don't text or call this number again, I will remove this sim card after I finish my conversation with you."

"...and what if I can no longer wait for you, Cath?" he wanted to challenge her.

Catherine was shocked by his question. Is he planning to forget her?

"That is sad John. That means your love for me is fake! You don't really love me, because if you love me for real you are willing to wait for my return," she said softly.

John laughed a little amused, what confidence of the girl! So typical of Catherine! But he will see her for sure whether she likes it or not.

"I love you so much, Cath!" he said tenderly and sweetly with a deep longing in his voice.

"I love you too, John!" she replied him with equal sweetness on her own.

They both turn silent for a while...

"Thank you for calling me on my birthday!" said John.

"I always remember and think of you, John."

"Me too, can't forget you! Call me from time to time, okay?" requested John

"Okay. I have to say goodbye now. Take care of yourself always! Bye John," said Catherine.

"Bye Cath!" said John in a sad voice. He heard the other end of the line become silent, meaning she already turn off the phone and probably replacing the sim card of her phone right now.

He was supposed to be sad...but...he felt happy!

Yes! She finally contacted him! And she still loves him, a real declaration straight from her heart and mouth, and that is all that really matters for him right now.

His birthday turns out to be a big celebration because he heard her voice once again and feels her love in spite of the hundred miles that separated them.

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