The plastic surgery operation started for John's face that lasted for one month. On the day of John's surgery operation he was admitted to St. Anthony's Hospital, a private hospital fully equipped with the latest medical apparatus and equipment. He booked himself a private ward that cost PHP1k a day, this room got its own toilet, a small living room space, and kitchenette, it looks like a hotel's room.

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The surgical operation lasted for 12 hours and he was unconscious lying in the operating table while the plastic surgeon assisted by two nurses was busy peeling the scars of his face with a scalpel, surgical scissors to cut away skin tissues and surgical sutures.

The skin grafting was done by removing a portion of John's skin on his thighs to transplant it on his face.

After 12 hours, the unconscious John was taken into the Recovery Room which is the Post Anesthesia Care Unit under watched by a nurse to monitor his vital signs.

All in all, it was a successful surgical procedure.

The original dressing of his face was left for several days, the wound must be kept dry to help lower the chance of getting the wound infected to promote faster healing.

Six days later...the blood already start to clot to help stop the bleeding.

John was now fully conscious, he was given powerful pain medication that diminishes the pain he felt on the portion of his face. His face was fully covered with surgical gauze pads dressing to eliminate any slight chance of infection. The wound of his thighs was also covered with medical gauze. Surgical medical gauze was made of 100% cotton and does not stick to an open wound.

A possibility of skin grafting failure may occur that is why the wound needs to be checked every day to spot any sign of infection such as the patients suffering fever and chills, redness, swelling, increasing pain, excessive bleeding and discharge from the wound, they were all signs of infection.

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The plastic surgeon visits him every day to check on his wound and to assure him that the surgery was healing fast and there are no signs of infection. The dressing was already changed 4 times in the last two weeks. The skin grafting is a complete success, his face did not reject the skin transplant from his thighs.

After two weeks of the surgical operation, he can now go to the bathroom slowly on his own with little assistance from the male nurse.

He opted to stay one month inside the hospital for the complete healing process and to ensure 100% full recovery.

The plastic surgeon visited him on the last three days of his stay in the hospital to take out the surgical gauze dressing on his face. He checked the skin tissues around the wound, it's healing beautifully, however, there are some minor scars due to surgical incision and skin grafting but the latest technology of laser removal of the scars can eliminate all those unwanted scars.

The plastic surgeon suggested that the next procedure of his face should be done after two months so that it will give enough time for the tissues of his face to recover since he has just undergone major surgery.

Dr. Roland Ocampo, slowly removed the remaining gauze dressing from his clients face, he then placed a mirror on John's hand. "See, the result of your surgery! You're getting you good looks back! Congratulation John, for a speedy recovery! I will see you again on the day of your discharge. Enjoy your new look! I have to leave you for now because I still have some patients to check...," said the doctor, he patted John's shoulder and exited the room.

"Thank you so much doctor!" mumbled John, he was getting excited to see his new look.

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When the doctor was already out of the room.

He slowly looked into the mirror!


A good looking stranger stared back at him...

His smile widened...Welcome back, the old me! he murmured to himself.

A broad grin appeared on his face lighting his whole face. He's feeling happy, feeling satisfied and feeling brand new!

He would like very much to reach for his phone to share the good news to Catherine, but too bad he can't reach her!

But in spite of that, he doesn't want to feel sad today, in fact, he wants to celebrate this day. He got his good looks back! He owed it to himself a long time ago. Finally, Dahlia's remnants were forever deleted because of his new looks. He can finally say to himself that he was already 100% over from his harrowing past. All he needs to do is go on forward with Catherine by his side.

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That afternoon, John got visitors!

They were all blown away by the huge transformation on his face! As if they were seeing a different person smiling in front of them!

They each took turns congratulating John for the successful surgery on his face.

The three musketeers, John's bodyguards were also present in the room to witness the marvelous restoration of their employer's looks.

Romeo and Sandra brought special dishes to celebrate this special occasion.

John was generally happy and laughing with them. They feasted on the delicious foods and drink wine afterward.

Romeo went to John's side and patted his friend's shoulder.

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"Congrats, bro! I'm used to seeing your ugly face for 8 years, now that I had the chance to see your good looks again, I feel amazed and happy for you! You should have done it earlier!" said Romeo.

"Lol, stop scolding me, bro! It's already over and I got my old appearance back."

"So, a few months from now yourself will be available in mingling with beautiful women. You will surely have a fun time with ladies in the future now that you are looking handsome," said Romeo jokingly.

"Nah. This good looks is for my beloved Catherine only! I have no plans finding another woman to love, she's the only woman I ever wanted to spend my life with, I will get her back one day!" there is a glimmer of determination in John's eyes.

He didn't see the dark cloud hovering in Romeo's eyes. "Never say Never, bro! Plenty of good times will surely come at your doorsteps now that your good looks are finally restored."

John smiled condescendingly at Romeo.


After two days...the plastic surgeon comes back for his last visit to John and handed his patient a discharged letter after checking the overall condition of his face for the last time.

Ramon and Romeo picked up John from the hospital and brought him back to the Infinity Jade Tower.

That night John sleep soundly throughout the night in the comfort of his own bed with Catherine's warmth and vivid memories hovering inside the room while he sleeps.

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