The next day John woke up to a new day...

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Everything was the same except for his face. There were times he would stare at his image in front of the mirror for a few minutes. The surgical scars were a bit noticeable if someone would take a look closely at his face, but still, his face now looks 80% much better compared to his old scar laden face. A few times he would found his new look a bit unsettling as if he was seeing a complete stranger! Maybe the feeling will go away after a few months when he will finally get used to his new image.

John walked back into his office, on the way, he passed by cubicles and everyone was looking at him smiling, he no longer wears a mask and all the employees noticed his new look, they congratulated him for a successful surgery.

He's feeling elated!

He buried his whole attention back to his work cause he was gone for one whole month and there are so many important things to catch up in his office.

He would like very much to contact Catherine to share with her his happiness. He was hoping she will call him one of these days.

At six o'clock tonight, he would go to the EastSide Mall to try to find Catherine there. Maybe luck will be kind to him tonight.

One hour later...

They arrived at the mall and John strolled inside the mall without wearing a face mask. It feels liberating!

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They linger inside the mall until closing time checking everyone's faces, unfortunately, they never saw Catherine.

John went home that night feeling a bit disappointed.

Nevertheless, he was feeling hopeful because only 2 months left to go! Grace will finally give him the address of Catherine's location, it's his only consolation.


John went to the swimming pool area and placed his laptop on the table beside the chair. He opened his messenger to have a video chat with his mother and father in the US. This is one milestone in his life that he would like to share with his parents.

A few moments later he was already video chatting with his father, Hector, and mother, Clara, merrily.

"John! Oh My God! Look at your face!" screamed her mother joyously.

"Your old looks has been restored, son!" enthused his father, his face beaming with happiness.

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"How long the surgery lasted?" asked Clara misty-eyed.

"The surgery lasted for 12 hours and I stayed in the hospital for one whole month for a full recovery. I was just discharged from the hospital a few days ago," explained John.

"Why you didn't tell us early that you are undergoing surgery on your face, son?" asked Hector.

"Because I want it to be a surprise for both of you, Dad, Mom," John said.

The face of John's mother was glowing radiantly happy, watching the restored look of her son's face is indeed a big surprise for them.

"Mom, how is my brother's rehabilitation in the US? How it's going?" asked John.

"He is doing well, maybe after two years, we can finally go home. We just want to make sure that he won't relapse and used drugs again. If this year his physician will give him good approval, we can finally go home after one year. Let's hope for the best for your brother," said Clara.

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"That is good to know! I will be looking forward to welcoming you guys! I have been missing you a lot!" said John.

"Visit us here, if you have free time, son!" said Hector.

"I will Dad!" replied John enthusiastically.

"Where is your girlfriend, Catherine?" asked Clara.

John was taken aback by her mother's question.

"We have some misunderstanding, Mom. But am working hard to sort things out between the two of us," mumbled John.

"So you mean to say, you and Catherine have been estranged from each other all this time? The last time you told us about her is when you reschedule the civil wedding the second time around and then she just vanished out of your sight without saying goodbye," said Clara.

"Maybe she's still not ready to marry you, she's not of marriageable age yet, don't force her, give her a little bit of freedom to roam without too much of your shadow hovering around her or else she will get suffocated by too much love," commented Hector.

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"Yes, I think so...Dad," John agreed on.

"Do you love her truly?" asked Hector.

"Yes. 100% Dad!" replied John.

"Don't give up until you find her. Give up only if she already found another guy and she already stops loving you," advice Hector.

"Thanks for the support, Dad! The last time I talked to her was during my 28th birthday," said John.

Clara sighed. "If she is really meant for you son, she will return to your side one day."

John and his parents continue video chatting for the next few hours, they exchanged pleasant news about each other. Hector asked John about the status of their family business and John was confident to say that he had managed their business very well. Hector was very proud of his son's achievements.

At exactly 11:00 PM that night their chat ended, both sides feeling happy and satisfied.

Time for sleep!

While lying in his bed, John was planning to marry Catherine in a civil wedding before his entire family will come back to the country, so that he can plan on a grand wedding as his surprised for them when they settled back in the country. And hopefully, he and Catherine can finally have a baby during that time.</->

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