Catherine was on duty at the Laundry shop because one of the crew was absent due to the crew's old mother's hip injury and needs to be confined in the hospital. The worker notified Catherine that she will be absent for at least 3 days until she can find a relative to take over her position as a caregiver of her mother in the hospital.

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She doesn't mind stepping in on her behalf, the work in the laundry shop is very light compared to the burger shop since it's a coin-operated self-service laundry machine. She has been thinking of calling John again nowadays but she prevented herself from doing so because she might get used to calling him and eventually she will find him in her doorsteps when she is not ready yet to face him.

Her cell phone rings usual it's Mike.

"Beauty, guess where am I?" asked Mike.

"Are you in your shoes? hahahaha!" asked Catherine laughing.

"Lol...stop fooling around woman! Am I in the country or outside the country?" asked Mike again.

"Hmmm, judging by your question, I think you are out of the country? Did I guess correctly?" she asked.

"You are a very smart woman, your guess is correct! Next, what country I am visiting right now?"

"Hmmm, hard to guess, give me a hint!"

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"I am now below the most romantic tower in the world, guess what is it?"

"Eiffel tower Paris! You are somewhere in Europe?"

"Yes my dear, Paris is called the City of love! I'm here alone, I still need to find some handsome guy somewhere to kidnap and bring into my hotel room and we will play solitaire all night long...," Mike laughed cheekily.

Catherine can hear his laughter. "Be careful with HIV... AIDS!" she reminded him.

"No worries my dear wife, am using condoms all the time! By the way, what presents you want when I return?" Mike said.

"Nothing. Just take care of yourself and bring yourself home safely," she replied.

"Wow, I'm deeply touched by your overwhelming concern of my well being, wife! Thank you! I will definitely take care of my self for you! You take care of yourself too! Got to say bye, 'coz I already found my next handsome date! hahahaha!"

His merry laughter vibrated in her ears.

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She was amused by her gay friend's quirky and carefree lifestyle. Mike always travels anywhere, last week he was in Boracay, and right now he was outside the country particularly in Paris! She's now convinced that Mike indeed belongs to a rich family. He regularly sends her images of his travels and adventures inside and outside the country in her messenger app.

She now realized the big contrast between the rich and the poor. The rich can travel to any exotic destination of their choice, while the poor will work their tired worn-out body 6 or 7 days a week and yet remained poor for the rest of their lives.

As she was staring at her phone, she remembered Sherry! Months have passed by and yet she did not make an attempt to give her friend a call. Maybe it's about time to say hello to her.

She typed Sherry's phone number in her cell phone and tap call.

A few moments later Sherry answered on the other line...

"Hello Sherry, how are you?" she asked.

"Who is this?"

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"It's me, Catherine! You already have forgotten my voice?" she asked.

Sherry shrieked in delight upon hearing from her friend again. "My God! Where have you been? Why you suddenly disappears without even saying goodbye to me, am very upset and worried about what really happened to you!"

"I'm sorry, Sherry. Everything was so sudden way back and my decision was spontaneous, so no time to say goodbye," she lied.

"I was shocked when you resigned abruptly from the hotel. You know what, am thinking you eloped with Sir Mike 'coz he also disappears after he knows that you no longer work in the hotel. Until now he no longer checks in the hotel," said Sherry.

"Hmmm, hows your relationship with Mark? Still going strong?" she tried to change the topic.

"Yes. But he still has difficulty moving on with Jerome's passing. He always mentioned his deceased friend whenever we see each other. He was also pestering me about your whereabouts, accusing me that I know where you are yet I didn't tell him. It resulted in a frequent quarrel between me and him until it nearly destroyed our relationship. So one day, I gave him an ultimatum to not mention Jerome again every time we have a conversation or else I will break up with him for good. Thankfully, he talked less and less of Jerome from that moment on forward and our relationship was saved."

"I'm sorry to know about that, Sherry," she felt sad for her friend.

"No need to feel sorry for me. Mark and I already moved on from Jerome's painful memory," said Sherry.

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"So, until now Jerome's murderer was still at large?" asked Catherine.

"Yes. Until now the Police investigator who handles his case can't find any new evidence to help them locate his killer. They encountered a dead end!"

Catherine sighed deeply. 'Rest in peace Jerome!' she prayed for his soul in heaven. She was now in a far away place, she shouldn't let her past catches up with her.

"How about you, Cath? Are you working now?"

"Yes. I got a new job here somewhere in Metro Manila," she answered.

"That's good, sorry I can't talk to you for a longer period of time 'coz am working, call me later after my shift ended, or you can call me some other time," suggested Sherry.

"Okay. Nice talking to you Sherry! Take care!"

"Bye...Cath! Thanks for calling me. Let's keep in touch from now on, okay?"

"Okay, talk to you soon, friend!" Catherine responded feeling happy that she was able to talk to her friend again after a long time.

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