Five Months Later...

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The whole month was dedicated to John's laser treatment. So he made some preparation again. The best thing about this treatment is that he can rest in his flat without the need to stay in the hospital. He can still perform some work in his office as long it's just some light activity. He prefers staying in his flat and keep in touch with the daily grind of his businesses.

Wednesday~comes the day of his treatment.

John was already inside the plastic surgeon's clinic waiting for his arrival.

Dr. Roland Ocampo walked into his clinic and smiled when he saw John sitting in the reception area.

"Mr. John Roxaz, are you ready for your laser treatment today?" he said.

"Yes, doctor. Let's do it!" said John in an excited voice.

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"Okay. Follow me into the treatment room," said the doctor.

Dr. Ocampo has an in house license Medical Estheticians in his clinic to handle post-surgical scars operation.

They entered the treatment room and John was instructed by the surgeon to settle himself in the bed. John has to undergo sedation. A woman who is the resident Medical Estheticians in the clinic smiled faintly at John and walked towards the laser treatment equipment machine and began the process of treating John's surgical scar with the laser beam, while Dr. Ocampo was watching the whole procedure in the corner.

The whole procedure lasted for two hours and then the Estheticians bandage John's face leaving his eyes, nose, and mouth free. The recovery time for the patient would last after one week. John was given some ointment to apply on the face by the Esthetician and told him to avoid direct sunlight for at least four weeks. After 24 hours, the dressing can now be removed and he needs to clean the treated area at least four times a day and apply ointment on the surface of his face.

John already settled the billing and talked with Dr. Roland Ocampo for the last minute reminders on how to take care of his face.

Four hours later...

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John was already out of the clinic and back in the Infinity Jade Tower.

He was lounging in the chair in the swimming pool area, holding the mirror while staring at his face covered with a bandage.

He released a deep sigh...

This will be the last treatment he has to undergo, he is getting a bit irritated with all the treatments. He will have to stay inside his flat to avoid sunlight for four weeks!


Anyways, on the brighter side...

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When his face will completely heal it will be one more month to go and he can finally see Catherine again! The waiting is killing him inside already.

The intense excitement to see her again is turning his stomach upside down with anticipation, making him a little bit restless and fidgety.

One month to go! And his long waiting will finally be over. Of course, he will just observe and watch Catherine from afar and determine what will be his next move and plan. He can't just barge there in her place and declare... 'Hello Cath, I am John!"

He doesn't want to startle her, especially that he already got a new look. He wants their next meeting to be perfect! He will have George survey the place first and observed Catherine's daily activity. He might not be able to follow Grace's rules not to talk to Catherine within one year. He won't be able to control himself for that long period of time. But if he and Catherine can mend their differences then he doesn't have to mind about his promised to Grace.

He just needs to find the right timing to persuade Catherine to go back into his arms. If they love each other they don't need to spend a thousand miles away from each other, he would be willing to compromise to her demands this time. All he needs is to see her every day, to hear her voice and see her smiling face once again. She can always make his day complete.

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He needs proper balancing so as not to scare her away prompting her to run away again. He is getting tired of her running away but he loves her so much and he can forgive any of her shortcomings.

This time he is determined to not let Catherine run away again. If he had to confine her into his flat for several months under his control so be it. He can no longer allow himself to go through the same agony the last time she runs away that resulted in the second cancellation of their wedding.

He doesn't want to resort to a forced wedding, hopefully, it won't happen!

But he won't hesitate to exercise control over Catherine if the situation asks for it.

The thing that really bothered him the most today is that his inability to get her pregnant. They have undergone countless sexual intercourse together and he would empty his seeds inside her every time he ejaculated inside her wall.

Maybe he needs to have the health of his sperm cell check. He is not a cigarette smoker, nor a drinker. He doesn't drink wine every day though, what could be the problem?

After recovering from laser treatment he will have fertility check up to know if there is something wrong with the health of his sperm.

The moment he will get Catherine impregnated with his baby, she can no longer run away from him. It's one of his main goals, the baby will cement their relationship for better or for worse.

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